1. Lighting
    1. concepts
      1. surface
        1. smooth surface -> specular
        2. rough surface -> diffuse
      2. light principles
        1. Ambient
        2. Specular
        3. Diffuse
      3. user vectors
        1. to source (l) = light source - P
        2. to viewer (v) = eye - P
        3. perfect reflection (r) = 2(l . n)n - l
        4. normal vector (n)
    2. Phong model
      1. 9 coefficient for point source
      2. 9 coefficient for materials
      3. shininess coefficient (alpha)
      4. Formula
        1. Phong Model formula
      5. Phong Lighting Model
        1. glMaterialfv()
          1. glLightfv()
    3. Modified Phong model
      1. Subtopic 2
  2. Shading
    1. Goround Shading
      1. find n of vertex
      2. colored vertex
      3. color interpolate
    2. Phong Shading
      1. find n of vertex
      2. interpolate n vector
      3. colored each point