- Simple regression
Multiple regression
Considerations variables
- Logic
- Fit
- Parsimony
- Stability
Tests for relevance variables
Statistically significance
Overall fit: F test
- H0: B1 = B2 = Bn = 0
Individual Beta t test
- H0: B1 = 0
- H0: B1 >= X
- H0: B1 =< X
Partial F test
- H0: B1 = B2 = 0 out of a total of Bn
- H0: B1 = B2
- H0: B1 + B2 = 1
Overall Practicality
- R squared: Coefficient of determination
- Adjusted R Squared
- Standard error of the regression
Considerations for multiple variables
- Binary predictor (dummy variable)
Interaction between variables
- Test significance of the coefficient of X1*X2
Multicollinearity: indepencany of variables
- Test: Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)
Conditions / assumptions / points of interest
Residual errors
Errors are normally distributed
- Test: Histrogram standardized residual
- Test: Normal probability plot of the residuals
- Test: Skewness and Kurtoisse
Errors have constant variance: Homoscedastic
- Test: Scatterplot residuals (for simple regression)
- Test: Plot residuals against predicted Y values (multiple regression)
Errors are independent (non autocorrelated)
- Test: graph Residuals
- Durbin Watson test
Unusual observations
- Leverage
- Outliers
- Test: adding Xi^squared as variable
- Individual prediction
Confidence interval Individual
- Simple regression
- Multiple regression
Confidence interval Mean
- Simple regression
- Multiple regression
- Individual prediction
- Confidence interval Individual