1. What is Linguistics?
    1. A scientific study of Language
  2. What is not Linguistics?
    1. Not a way to solve the problems of language users
      1. problems/difficult with word, punctuation,...
    2. not an informal interest in language
      1. scabble, crosswords, dictionaries
    3. using a language is not
    4. interest in learning languages - not
  3. What is Language?
    1. Characteristics of language
      1. 1. Duality of Structure or Patterning
        1. Two levels of patterning
          1. 1. phonemes to words
          2. Meaningless units to arbitrary signs
          3. Compounding of sounds into words
          4. 2. sentences
          5. new meaningful larger units
          6. Compounding of words into sentences
      2. 2. Creativity or Productivity
        1. Ability to produce new messages on any topic at any time
        2. Never heard of before - a sentence
        3. Novel utterances
      3. 3. Interchangeability
        1. Male/ female both send / receive massages
      4. 4. Cultural Transmission
        1. Not genetically transmitted
        2. Non-instinct
      5. 5. Displacement
        1. Able to refer to events remote in space and time
      6. 6. Specialization
        1. Able to speak while doing other works
      7. 7. Arbitrariness
        1. No natural or inherent connection b/w a written word (sound) and its reference (symbols)
      8. 8. Redundancy
        1. two markers to show - question, etc
      9. 9. Discreteness
        1. phonemes, syllables, morphemes, words....
      10. 10. Reflexiveness
        1. communication systems to discuss the system itself
  4. What is Scientific?
    1. A linguists explains the observed data of natural languages alive or dead by constructing hypotheses, theories and laws
  5. Dimensions of linguistics
    1. 1. Descriptive
      1. establishing the facts of a particular language system
    2. 2. Diachronic
      1. The study of language change
      2. Historical development of the language through time
    3. 3. Synchronic
      1. The study of language states, regardless of their history
    4. 4. Theoretical
      1. establishing general principles for the study of all languages
    5. 5. Comparative
      1. focus on similarities and differences b/w languages
    6. 6. Applied linguistics
      1. application of the concepts and methods to other areas -- language teaching, translation, testing....
  6. Levels of linguistic analysis
    1. 1. Phonetics
      1. The articulation and perception of speech sounds
    2. 2. Phonology
      1. The patterning of speech sounds
      2. The study of the organization of the units of the sounds of speech into syllables
    3. 3. Morphology
      1. The formation of Words
      2. The study of words
    4. 4. Syntax
      1. The formation of phrases and sentences
      2. Deals with the combination of words into phrases, clauses and sentences
    5. 5. Semantics
      1. The interpretation of words and sentences
      2. The study of meaning in all its aspects
  7. Interdisciplinary fields of linguistics / David Crystal (1987)
    1. 1. Anthropological linguistics
      1. Lang variation and use in relation to the cultural patterns and beliefs
    2. 2. Applied linguistics
      1. applies equally to several other fields
    3. 3. Biological linguistics
      1. biological conditions for lang devlopment
    4. 4. Clinical linguistics
      1. analysis of lang disorders
    5. 5. Computational linguistics
      1. fields of computer translation
    6. 6. Educational linguistics
      1. teaching and learning lang
    7. 7. Ethnolinguistics
      1. ethnic types and behaviour
    8. 8. Geographical linguistics
      1. regional distribution of lang/dialects, geographical factor in the environment
    9. 9. Mathematical linguistics
      1. mathematical properties of lang, as algebra, statistics...
    10. 10. Neurolinguistics
      1. brain's control over the processes of speech and understanding
    11. 11. Philosophical linguistics
      1. in the elucidation of philosophical concepts
    12. 12. Psycholinguistics
      1. linguistics behaviour - memory, attention
    13. 13. Sociolinguistics
      1. interaction b/w lang and structure and functioning of society
    14. 14. Statistical linguistics
      1. Statistical or quantitative properties of lang
    15. 15. Theolinguistics
      1. used by biblical scholars, theologians, religious belief
  8. Historical Context
    1. 1. Traditional Approach
      1. 5th -19th C
      2. Linguists
        1. Plato
        2. Aristotle
        3. Patanjali
        4. Katyayana
        5. Dionysius
        6. Thrax
        7. Protgoras
        8. Varro
        9. Quintillian
        10. Donatus
      3. Subordinate to logic and philosophy
      4. only language of the great writers of that time "Pure, perfect, correct use"
      5. Prescriptive in nature
        1. What people ought to use
    2. 2. Structural Approach
      1. 19th -1950s
      2. linguists
        1. Saussure
          1. Pairs of concepts
          2. Diachronic vs synchronic
          3. langue vs parole
          4. significant vs signife
          5. syntagmatic vs paradigmatic
        2. Humboldt
        3. Hjelmslev
        4. Boas
        5. Sapir
        6. Bloomfield
        7. Whorf
        8. Greenbery
        9. Trubetzkoy
        10. Harris
        11. Jocobson
      3. Autonomous science
      4. each language was treated with respect
      5. written, also spoken language
      6. Descriptive
        1. what native speakers actually used
      7. Use of Meaning in the description of grammatical categories - rejected
        1. to see description more scientific and more objective
    3. 3. Cognitive Approach
      1. 1957 - now
      2. linguists
        1. Chomsky
          1. Generative grammar
          2. Transformational Generative linguistics
          3. Syntactic structures (1950s)
          4. LAD
          5. Language Acquisition of Device
      3. a branch of cognitive psychology