1. Psychoanalytic
    1. Freud
      1. Unconscious
        1. "you can't always get what you want but you get what you unconsciously need."
        2. family
          1. we are the product of the role we are given in the family-complex
        3. oedipal conflict
          1. competition with parent of the same gender
        4. sibling rivalry
        5. defenses
          1. processes by which the contents of our unconscious are kept in our unconscious
          2. slective perception
          3. selective memory
          4. avoidance
          5. projection
          6. regression
          7. active reversal
          8. by reliving we can alter
        6. anxiety
          1. break down in defenses
          2. fear of intimacy
          3. fear of abandonment
          4. fear of betrayal
          5. Low self-esteem
          6. Insecure or unstable sense of self
          7. Oedipal fixation
          8. dont outgrow
        7. Dreams
          1. Latent Content
          2. underlying meaning
          3. primary revision
          4. Dream displacement
          5. stand-ins
          6. Condensation
          7. one image = multiple problems
          8. manifest ocntent
          9. secondary revision
        8. Death
          1. death work
          2. death drive
      2. Sexuality
        1. ID
        2. EGO
        3. SUPEREGO
    2. Lacan
      1. Developmental stages
        1. Undifferentiatedness
        2. Mirror stage
        3. IMaginary stage
        4. Language Acquisition
        5. The Real.
      2. "The unconscious is structured like language."
  2. New Criticism
  3. Reader Response
  4. Marxism
  5. Feminism
  6. Structuralism