1. Management
    1. stakeholder
      1. self
        1. leadership
        2. critical thinking
        3. decision making
        4. problem solving
        5. perform under pressure
        6. prioritizing
        7. multitasking
        8. time management
        9. organizational skills
        10. adaptability and flexibility
        11. dedication
        12. curiosity
        13. self-starter
        14. creativity
      2. teamwork
        1. peers/coworkers
        2. supervisees
        3. supervisors
        4. administration
    2. account
      1. sales
      2. customer experience
      3. customer service
      4. client specifications and needs
      6. client education
    3. project
      1. risk
        1. risk registers
        2. status trackers
        3. communication
        4. documentation
      2. triple constraints
        1. time
        2. cost
        3. quality
      3. scoping
        1. metrics
        2. timelines
      4. planning
      5. budgeting
        1. time tracking
      6. processes
        1. TEP
        2. MT+PEMT
        3. continuous localization
        4. automation
        5. process interaction
      7. execution
        1. delivery
    4. quality
      1. quality management systems
        1. planning
        2. assurance
        3. control
        4. evaluation
        5. improvement
          1. Plan
          2. Do
          3. Check
          4. Act
          5. ISO 9001
      2. specifications
        1. program characteristics
        2. legal and confidentiality concerns
        3. language parameters
        4. design parameters
        5. workflow parameters
        6. money matters
        7. project specifics
        8. See https://tlm.middcreate.net/specifications/
      3. risk
        1. risk registers
        2. status trackers
        3. time tracking
        4. administrative documents
          2. SOW
      4. vendor / talent
        1. screening & recruitment
        2. RFI
        3. due diligence review
        4. testing
        5. evaluation
        6. onboarding
        7. soft training
          1. ABC test for classifying workers (Hawaii, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Vermont, NY, Connecticut, Idaho, Colorado, Illinois)
          2. A. Worker is free from control and direction of the hiring entity in connection with the performance of work
          3. B. Worker performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business
          4. C. Worker is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business of the same nature as the work performed
        8. documentation
          1. contracts
          2. financial data
          3. business information
      5. linguistic assets
        1. corpora
          1. general language
          2. language
          3. locale
          4. special language
          5. by language-locale
          6. translation memories
        2. terminology
          1. theoretical background
          2. concepts & definitions
          3. data modeling
          4. workflows
          5. corpus building
          6. term extraction
          7. concept mapping
          8. glossary creation
          9. termbase management
          10. validation
        3. style guides
          1. language mechanics
          2. elements of style
      6. queries management
        1. queries
        2. resolutions
      7. quality checks
        1. source content
        2. language
        3. design
        4. target content
    5. production
      1. resource allocation & monitoring
        1. localization engineering
          1. preparation
          2. file formats
          3. re-integration
          4. functional QA
        2. language
          1. translation
          2. editing
          3. proofreading
        3. design
          1. DTP
          2. audiovisual
          3. websites
          4. software
        4. quality management
    6. operations
      1. financials
        1. pricing structures
        2. proposals
        3. budgeting
        5. purchase orders
        6. invoices
        7. billing
        8. costs, profitability & margins
        9. analysis and reporting
      2. data infrastructures
        1. storage
          1. network folder structures
          2. file versioning
          3. file formats
        2. transfer
          1. cloud
        3. retrieval
        4. security
    7. program
      1. strategy development
      2. data
        1. monitoring
        2. reporting
      3. team management
      4. business acumen
  2. Language, Culture, and Communication
    1. language
      1. bilingualism
      2. multilingual
      3. business writing
    2. culture
      1. cultural awareness
      2. cultural sensitivity
      3. cultural fluency
      4. intercultural communication
    3. communication
      1. time zones
      2. verbal communication
      3. written communication
      4. performance in business meetings
        1. internal
        2. external
      5. conflict resolution
  3. Research and Critical Thinking
    1. independent learner
    2. analytical skills
    3. research skills
    4. participation and contribution to discussions
    5. feedback, evaluation, and lessons learned
  4. Market Awareness
    1. marketplace
      1. LSPs
        1. LSCs
        2. independent contractors
        3. cooperatives
        4. single language vendors
        5. multi-language vendors
      2. client-side
    2. market analysis
      1. de facto standards
      2. educational infrastructure
      3. regional/international regulations
      4. technological development
    3. organizations
      1. educational programs
      2. professional organizations
        1. U.S. based
          1. AAITE
          2. ALC
          3. ATA
          4. CCHI
          5. CoPTIC America
          6. GALA
          7. NAJIT
        2. international
          1. ELIA
          2. FIT
          3. WITTA-TTES
          4. etc.
      3. research
        1. CSA
        2. Nimdzi Insights
        3. Slator
      4. standards
        1. ANSI
        2. ASTM F43 on Language Services and Products
        3. ISO TC 37 on Language and Terminology and related TCs
    4. standards
      1. ISO 17100
      2. ASTM F2575
      3. ASTM F3130
      4. prEN 15038
      5. GB/T 19363
      6. ISO 9000
      7. ISO 21500
      8. ISO 15000
      9. ISO 30042
  5. Version 5a Last updated 2022-03-24 Translation & Localization Management Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey https://sites.miis.edu/lmcc/
  6. Subject Matter Expertise
    1. data security
      1. internet threats
      2. interconnected systems security
      3. privacy policies
    2. legal language
      1. NDA
      2. ICA
      3. terms & conditions
    3. program/client-specific
      1. legal
      2. medical
      3. engineering
      4. marketing
      5. entertainment
      6. etc.
  7. Technology
    1. general
      1. Windows
      2. Mac
      3. MS Office
      4. file types and formats
      5. troubleshooting
    2. communication platforms
      1. in person
      2. telephone
      3. email
      4. chat applications
        1. WeChat
        2. Whatsapp
        3. Teams
        4. Skype
      5. social media
      6. remote conferencing
        1. Zoom
        2. Teams
      7. presentation
    3. PM tools
      1. workflow mgmt
        1. Trello
        2. Podio
        3. Process Street
      2. productivity
        1. time tracking
    4. CAT
      1. software
        1. Trados
        2. memoQ
        3. Memsource
        4. Déjà Vu
        5. Wordfast
      2. word count analysis
      3. translation memory mgmt
        1. alignment
        2. segmentation
        3. tags
      4. termbase integration
      5. pseudo-translation
      6. automated quality checks
      7. bitext file formats
        1. xliff
        2. tmx
        3. tbx
        4. xml
    5. terminology software
      1. SDL Multiterm
      2. memoQ QTerm
      3. LogiTerm
      4. TermeX
      5. Coreon
      6. TermWeb
      7. Termium
      8. SAP Term
    6. TMS
      1. TMS on the market
        1. Plunet
        2. XTRF
        3. SDL Worldserver
        4. Cloudwords
        5. XTM
        6. Smartling
        7. Global Sight
        8. GlobalLink
        9. Trisoft
      2. proprietary TMS
    7. DTP
      1. multimedia
      2. Adobe Creative Cloud software
      3. FrameMaker
      4. motion graphics
    8. software, games & websites
      1. software
      2. games
      3. website
      4. programming languages
        1. Java
        2. C
        3. C++
        4. C#
        5. PHP
      5. scripting languages
        1. Javascript
        2. PHP
        3. Perl
        4. VBScript
      6. markup languages
        1. HTML
        2. CSS
        3. XML
    9. machine translation
      1. models
        1. rules-based
        2. statistical
        3. neural
      2. Microsoft Custom Translator
      3. MT within CAT tools
    10. artificial intelligence
      1. automation
    11. interpretation
      1. conference interpreting hardware
      2. remote simultaneous interpreting software & hardware
    12. audiovisual
      1. transcription
      2. subtitling
      3. closed captioning (CC)
      4. subtitles for deaf/hard-of-hearing (SDH)
      5. audio description (AD)
      6. voiceover
      7. dubbing
    13. quality management
      1. simplified English checkers
      2. standalone quality assurance applications
    14. images and design
      1. CAD
      2. OCR
  8. GILT
    1. globalization
      1. marketing
    2. internationalization
    3. localization
      1. UX design
    4. Translation
      1. translation
        1. theory
          1. source-oriented & target oriented
          2. cultural ergonomics
        2. practice
      2. interpretation
        1. consecutive
        2. simultaneous
        3. community
        4. conference
        5. whispered
        6. remote
      3. sight
      4. MT
        1. writing for MT
        2. text suitability
        3. source text preparation
        4. MT quality assessment
        5. light versus full post-editing
      5. audiovisiual
        1. transcription
        2. subtitling
        3. dubbing
        4. voiceover
      6. corpus linguistics
        1. general language
        2. special language
      7. terminology
        1. theoretical background
          1. concepts & definitions
          2. semantic triangle
          3. concept relations
          4. generic
          5. partitive
          6. associative
          7. data modeling
        2. term extraction
          1. frequency
          2. noise
          3. silence
        3. concept entries
          1. data hierarchies & categories
          2. entry
          3. subject field
          4. language
          5. definition
          6. term
          7. term
          8. type
          9. status
          10. defining context