1. Notes
    1. REFERENCE International Defense Enterprise Architecture Specification
      1. Nature
        1. An International Standard
        2. A higher-order ontology.
        3. Best suited for describing reality.
      2. Foundation for Metamodels (M2) Architecture Frameworks (AF)
        1. Swedish Armed Forces AF
        2. NATO AF
        3. UK Ministry of Def. AF
          1. MODAF M2 (M3)
        4. US Dept. of Def. AF
          1. DoDAF M2 (DM2)
    2. Relation lines
      1. Solid
        1. Category (from 'Super' to 'Sub') indicate "Set-Subset."
      2. Dashed
        1. With label
          1. indicates {ordered} 'role1' to 'role2'
        2. Without label
          1. [across branches] indicate 'Sub' to 'Super."
  2. IDEAS Ontology
    1. Thing
      1. Individual
        1. Individual Resource
          1. GeoPolitical Extent
          2. RegionOfWorld
          3. Country
          4. RegionOfCountry
          5. Facility
          6. Site
          7. Installation
          8. GeoFeature
          9. RealProperty
        2. Location
          1. Line
          2. Point
          3. GeoStationaryPoint
          4. SolidVolume
          5. Surface
          6. Planar Surface
          7. EllipticalArea
          8. CircularArea
          9. PolygonArea
          10. RectangularArea
          11. SquareArea
      2. Type
        1. Node
        2. Individual Type
          1. Activity
          2. EnablingServiceActivity
          3. Guidance
          4. Rule
          5. Agreement
          6. Standard
          7. FunctionalStd
          8. OrganizationStandard
          9. OrganizationServiceStandard
          10. TechnicalStd
          11. SystemStandard
          12. SystemServiceStandard
          13. Location Type
          14. LineType
          15. PointType
          16. GeoStationaryPointType
          17. SolidVolumeType
          18. Surface Type
          19. PlanarSurface Type
          20. EllipticalAreaType
          21. CircularAreaType
          22. PolygonAreaType
          23. RectangularAreaType
          24. ProjectType
          25. Property
          26. Capability
          27. Condition
          28. Measure
          29. MeasureOfDesire
          30. MeasureOfEffect
          31. MeasureOfSkill
          32. OrganizationalMeasure
          33. Physical Measure
          34. SpatialMeasure
          35. TemporalMeasure
          36. Service Level
          37. AdaptabilityMeasure
          38. MaintainabilityMeasure
          39. NeedsSatisfactionMeasure (MoE)
          40. PerfomanceMeasure (MoP)
          41. Skill
          42. MeasurableSkill
          43. Resource
          44. Materiel
          45. Performer
          46. PerformerCapable OfResponsibility
          47. OrganizationType
          48. PersonRole
          49. Service
          50. BusinessService
          51. System
          52. EnablingService
          53. Sign Type
          54. Representation
          55. Information
          56. ArchitecturalDescription
          57. ServiceDescription
          58. Data
          59. DescriptionOfDesiredResourceState
          60. DescriptionOfRule
          61. DomainInformation
          62. PositionReferenceFrame
          63. PedigreeInformation
          64. SecurityAttributesGroup
          65. Name
          66. Address
          67. Singleton IndividualType
          68. SingletonResource
          69. SingletonActivity
          70. Vision
        3. Individual TypeType
          1. ActivityType
          2. BusinessServiceType
          3. EnablingServiceActivityType
          4. Guidance Type
          5. Rule Type
          6. AgreementType
          7. Standard Type
          8. BusinessServiceStandardType
          9. EnablingServiceStandardType
          10. FunctionalStandardType
          11. TechnicalStandardType
          12. Location TypeType
          13. LineTypeType
          14. PointTypeType
          15. GeoStationaryPoint TypeType
          16. SolidVolumeType
          17. SurfaceType Type
          18. PlanarSurface TypeType
          19. EllipticalArea TypeType
          20. CircularArea TypeType
          21. PolygonArea TypeType
          22. RectangularArea TypeType
          23. Measure Type
          24. MeasureTypeUnitsOfMeasure
          25. Organizational Measure Type
          26. MeasureOfDesireType
          27. MeasureOfEffectType
          28. Cost
          29. Physical MeasureType
          30. SpatialMeasureType
          31. TemporalMeasureType
          32. Service Level Measure Type
          33. AdaptabilityMeasureType
          34. MaintainabilityMeasureType
          35. NeedsSatisfactionMeasureType
          36. PerformanceMeasureType
          37. ProjectTypeType
          38. Property Type
          39. MaterielType
          40. Property Type
          41. Categorical Property
          42. Capability Type
          43. Dispositional Property
          44. Condition Type
          45. Discrepancies form Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
          46. SkillType
          47. MeasurableSkillType
          48. Resource Type
          49. GeoPolitical Extent TypeType
          50. CountryTypeType
          51. FacilityTypeType
          52. GeoFeatureTypeType
          53. InstallationTypeType
          54. RealPropertyType
          55. RegionOfCountryTypeType
          56. RegionOfWorldTypeType
          57. SiteTypeType
          58. Performer Type
          59. PerformerCapableOf ResponsibilityType
          60. OrganzationTypeType
          61. PersonRoleType
          62. ServiceType
          63. BusinessServiceType
          64. SystemType
          65. EnablingServiceType
          66. Sign TypeType
          67. Representation Type
          68. Information Type
          69. Architectural DescriptionType
          70. Service DescriptionType
          71. DataType
          72. DescriptionOfRuleType
          73. DomainInformationType
          74. PedigreeInformationType
          75. PositionReferenceFrameThype
          76. SecurityAttributesGroup
          77. Name Type
          78. Address Type
          79. VisionType
        4. SetOfOverlapping Things
          1. SetOfOverlappingIndividuals
          2. SetOfOverlappingTypes
        5. Powertype
          1. Individual TypeType
          2. SignTypeType
          3. VisionType
        6. Tuple Type
          1. activityMapsToCapabilityType
          2. Couple Type
          3. IntersectionOfSetOf OverlappingThings
          4. Before After Type
          5. activityConsumes Resource
          6. descriptionOfDesiredResource StateDirectsActivity
          7. descriptionOfRule DirectsActivity
          8. activityProducesResource
          9. descriptionOfDesiredResourceStateDirectsActivity
          10. guidanceShapesActivity
          11. rule Constrains Activity
          12. businessSerivceStandard ConstrainsBusinessService
          13. enablingServiceStandard ConstrainsEnablingServiceActivity
          14. jointAction
          15. Overlap Type
          16. activityPerformableUnderCondition
          17. activityPerformed ByPerformer
          18. enablingServiceActivity PerformedByEnablingService
          19. desiredEffect
          20. partiesToAnAgreement
          21. resourceInLocationType
          22. serviceEnablesAccessToResource
          23. visionRealizedByDesiredResourceState
          24. SumOfSetOfThings
          25. SuperSubtypeType
          26. typeInstanceType
          27. Whole Part Type
          28. activityPartOfActivity
          29. activityPartOfCapability
          30. activityPartOfProjectType
          31. desiredResourceStatePartOfCapability
          32. HappensInType
          33. materielPartOfPerformer
          34. organizationTypePartOfService
          35. organizationTypePartOfSystem
          36. personRolePartOfPerformer
          37. servicePartOfOrganizationType
          38. servicePartOfSystem
          39. systemPartOfOrganizationType
          40. systemPartOfService
          41. TemporalWholePartType
      3. tuple
        1. associationOfInformation
        2. couple
          1. individualCouple
          2. beforeAfter
          3. represented By
          4. described By
          5. axesDescribedBy
          6. conditionDescribedBy
          7. coordinateCenterDescribedBy
          8. desiredResourceStateDescribedBy
          9. informationPedigree
          10. ruleDescribedBy
          11. serviceDescribedBy
          12. namedBy
          13. locationNamedByAddress
          14. super Subtype
          15. measureOfWholePartType
          16. property OfType
          17. capabilityOfPerformer
          18. skillOfPersonRole
          19. measure OfType
          20. measureOfSkillOfPersonRole
          21. measureOfTypeActivity
          22. measureOfTypeCondition
          23. measureOfTypePersonType
          24. measureOf TypeResource
          25. desireMeasure
          26. effectMeasure
          27. measureOfTypeProjectType
          28. type Instance
          29. activityMapsToCapabilityType
          30. guidanceInstanceOfMeasureType
          31. measureTypeApplicableToActivity
          32. powertypeInstance
          33. propertyOf Individual
          34. measureOf Individual
          35. measureOf IndividualPoint
          36. wholePart
          37. overlap
          38. {abstract} composite Part
          39. facilityPartOfSite
          40. linePartOfPlanarSurface
          41. pointPartOfLine
          42. regionOfCountryPartOfCountry
          43. sitePartOfInstallation
          44. temporalWholePart
          45. endBoundary
  3. Action
    1. Activity
    2. Capability
    3. Event
    4. Function
    5. Process
    6. Task
    7. all
  4. Artifact
    1. Document
    2. E-mail
    3. Procedure
    4. Specification
  5. Asset
    1. Component
    2. Entity
    3. Sub-system
    4. Resource
      1. Bullets
      2. Fuel
      3. Missiles
      4. Performer
        1. Person
        2. System
    5. Service
    6. System
    7. all
    8. and
    9. and
  6. Characteristic
    1. Measure
      1. KPP
      2. MOE
      3. MOP
      4. and
    2. Attribute
    3. Size
    4. Weight
    5. Category
    6. Power
    7. Role
    8. Status
    9. all
    10. any (physical)
  7. Cost
    1. Actual Cost
    2. Earned Value
    3. Planned Cost
    4. Work Breakdown Structure
  8. Decision
    1. Major Decision
    2. Challenge
    3. Issue
    4. Problem
  9. Input/Output
    1. Data
    2. Information
    3. Energy
    4. Item
    5. Trigger
  10. Location
    1. Orbital
    2. Physical
    3. Virtual
  11. Risk
    1. Cost
    2. Schedule
  12. Time
    1. Milestone
    2. Phase
  13. Statement
    1. Assumption
    2. Goal
    3. Need
    4. Objective
    5. Requirement
      1. Functional
      2. Performance
      3. Safety
  14. Connection
    1. Abstract entity
    2. Conduit
    3. Data Bus
    4. Interface
    5. Pipe
    6. Logical
      1. Relates to
      2. Has a
      3. Is a
    7. (other Relation (Types)
      1. ActionConsumesResource
      2. Action Decomposes Action
      3. ActionPerformedByAsset
      4. ActionProducesResource
      5. Action RelatedTo Action
      6. ActionSpecifiedByCharacteristic
      7. before After
        1. proceeds
        2. succeeds
    8. and