1. Is User ID available on PlagScan?
    1. Yes
      1. Submit document to PlagScan (Associate submitter User-ID )
        1. Does the submission have a deadline?
          1. Yes
          2. Wait for the deadline to check the document
          3. Submitter updates his submission before deadline?
          4. Yes
          5. Delete last document from PlagScan
          6. Submit new document to PlagScan
          7. Repeat process
          8. No, deadline reached
          9. No
          10. Check Document (PP are consumed)
          11. Retrieve results (PlagLevel)
          12. Retrieve report url or docx copy
          13. Are student accounts available?
          14. Yes, I want to share the document with the student
          15. Share document with Student (Student User ID)
          16. No. Nothing else to do
    2. No
      1. Create PlagScan User with LMS-Email
        1. Upon creation, save PlagScan UserID in local database