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      2. Passage Guide
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      2. Topic Guide
      3. Sermon Starter Guide
  3. Search
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      4. Clause (People, Places, Things)
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          2. All Passages
          3. Specific Passages
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          6. Greek NT
      5. Morph
        1. Search Fields
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          4. Highlighter Colors
          5. Passages
          6. All Passages
          7. Specific Passages
          8. Resources
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          10. Top Bibles
          11. All Bibles
          12. Specific Bibles
          13. MSS Fragments
          14. Morphologies
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          18. Latin
          19. Syriac
      6. Syntax
        1. Search Fields
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          4. Specific Passages
  4. Menus
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      2. Clippings
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          6. User Notes
          7. Bibliographic Information
      3. Handout
      4. Notes
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      7. Reading Plan
      8. Sentence Diagram
        1. Mechanical Layout
        2. Textflow Diagram
      9. Syntax Search
      10. Visual Filter
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          6. Search Fields
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          11. Selected Text
          12. Bible
          13. Search types
          14. Words
          15. Phrases
          16. Bible Ref.
          17. Search Fields
          18. Parts of text
          19. Passages
          20. Bibles
          21. Morph
      11. Word Find Puzzle
      12. Word List
        1. Creation
          1. Documents Menu
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          3. Lemma Tab
        2. Add Feature
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      1. Passage Guide
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          5. Reference Tab
        2. Reference
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        8. Outline
        9. Biblical People, Places, Things, & Events
        10. Media Resources
        11. Music
        12. Topics
        13. Illustrations
        14. Interesting Words
        15. External Resources
          1. Gracewaymedia.com
          2. Sermonaudio.com
          3. Sermon.logos.com
          4. Sermoncentral.com
      2. Exegetical Guide
        1. Creation
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          2. Guides Menu
          3. Passage/Topic Box
          4. Right Click
          5. Reference Tab
        2. Bible Reference
        3. Apparatus
        4. Grammars
        5. Visulizations
        6. Word by Word Definitions
          1. Greek or Hebrew
          2. All words or frequent words
          3. Parts of Speech
      3. Bible Word Study Guide
        1. Creation
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          3. Right Click
          4. Lemma Tab
          5. Selection Tab
        2. Languages
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          2. g:
          3. Hebrew
          4. h:
          5. Aramaic
          6. a:
          7. English
        3. Search Box
          1. Passage Selection
          2. All Passages
          3. Specific Passages
        4. Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek
          1. Word being studied
          2. Lemma
          3. Translation (ring)
          4. Septuagint Translation ring
          5. Root
          6. Senses
          7. Part of Speech
          8. Density Graph
          9. Brief definition
          10. Lemmas used w/ sense
          11. Hierarchial Tree
          12. Example Uses of word
          13. Grammatical Relationships
          14. Prepositional Use
          15. Phrases
          16. Textual Searches
        5. English
          1. Word to be studied
          2. Definition of word
          3. Hebrew and Greek words that give this english translation
          4. Textual Searches
          5. Notes
      4. Topic Guide
        1. Creation
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          4. Command Box
        2. Default Title
        3. Definition
        4. Related Verses
        5. Illustrations
        6. Media Resources
        7. Biblical People
        8. Biblical Places
        9. Biblical Things
        10. Biblical Events
      5. Sermon Starter Guide
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          5. Thematic Outlines
          6. Collections
          7. Media Resources
        3. Biblical Reference
          1. Default Title
          2. theme
          3. Thematic Outlines
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          5. Media Resources
          6. Commentaries
          7. Outlines
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          9. Topics
          10. Illustrations
          11. Websites
      6. Custom Guides
    3. Tools
      1. Library
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          3. Drag and drop panel tab
          4. Press CTRL+SHIFT+1-9
          5. 9 Spaces for Bookmarks
          6. New Folder
          7. Creates folder that you can name
        3. Highlighting
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        4. History
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          2. Clear Button
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        6. Reading Lists
      2. Passage
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        2. Explorer
        3. Passage Analysis
        4. Text Comparison
      3. Bible Reference
        1. Bible Facts
          1. Command Box
          2. Ribbon
          3. Dictionary Articles
          4. Relatives
          5. Lemmas
          6. Related Verses
          7. Referred to As
          8. Main Box
          9. Biblical Places
          10. Google Map Coordinates
          11. Exact Link to Google Map Coords
          12. Biblical People
          13. Biblical Events
        2. Bible Sense Lexicon
        3. Timeline
          1. Visual Filter in Books
          2. Flagged Dates Link books to Timeline
          3. Year Box
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          6. Visual Filter for Timeline
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          9. Non-biblical Events
      4. Social
        1. Community Notes
      5. Lookup
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        2. Information
        3. Power Lookup
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      6. Settings
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          9. Hidden Resources
  5. Library
    1. Column Headings
      1. Author
      2. Image
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      5. My Tags
      6. Community Tags
      7. Raiting
      8. Abbreviated Title
      9. Alternate Title
      10. Electronic Publication Date
      11. Languages
      12. Pub. Date
      13. Publisher
      14. Series
      15. Subjects
      16. Last Updated
      17. Devices
      18. Edition
    2. Prioritize Button
      1. Preferred Resources
    3. View Types
      1. Cover
      2. Detail
      3. Title
    4. Library Search Bar
      1. Search Fields
        1. Collections
        2. Entire Library
  6. Shortcut Buttons
    1. Books
    2. Commands
      1. Close All
      2. Update active layout etc.
    3. Links within Logos
      1. Collections etc.
  7. Command Bar
    1. Add
      1. Note
      2. Bible Reference
    2. Close All
    3. Copy
      1. Bible Ref.
      2. Bible Ref. from Bible Ver.
    4. Create
      1. Document
        1. Clippings
        2. Handouts
        3. Notes
        4. Reading Plan
        5. Syntax Search
        6. Visual Filter
        7. Word Find Puzzle
      2. Template
        1. BWS Guide
        2. Exegetical Guide
        3. Passage Guide
    5. Go
      1. Bible Ref.
      2. Go to Bible Ref.
    6. LLS
      1. Resource ID
    7. Load
      1. Layout Name
    8. Look Up
      1. Term
      2. Reference
    9. Open
      1. Resource name
      2. Guide Name
      3. Author Name
      4. Biblical People, Places, Things
    10. Rebuild Index (It will reindex DO NOT ENTER UNLESS SURE)
    11. Remove Duplicate Notes
    12. Scan
      1. DVD
      2. Optical Media
      3. Resource Path on Computer
    13. Search
      1. Bible
      2. Morph
      3. Syntax
    14. Set
      1. Different Settings
    15. Show
      1. Tool Name
    16. Start Reading Aloud
    17. Stop Reading Aloud
    18. Sync Now
    19. UILang
      1. Change Lang
    20. Update
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      2. Resources
  8. Help Button