- Managers
- Actors
- Customers
- Regulators
- Owners
- The "MACROSCOPE" template is a useful tool for identifying stakeholders.
It provides a checklist of stakeholder categories that includes Managers, Actors, Customers, Regulators, Owners, Suppliers, Competitors, Others, Partners and Employees.
Metaphor: A microscope is used to inspect tiny things while a macroscope is used to survey the big picture.
- Suppliers
- Competitiors
- Others
- Partners
- Employees
- Actors are stakeholders that perform activities in the area under investigation.
For example, a customer is performing a data entry activity when they use an ATM.
Normally competitors and regulators are not actors.
- This category is for any stakeholders that do not fit into the other categories.
For example, offender, witness, defendant, prosecutor.
- Owners are stakeholders that invest in some aspect of the area under investigation.
For example, a shareholder or parent company.
- Stakeholders can be classified usinmg more than one category.
For example, managers are also employees and actors.
- Stakeholders can either be classes of stakeholder such as local customers, overseas customers ... or individual stakeholders such as customer ABC, customer XYZ...
- Regulators include legislators, industry bodies and the sources of internal policy.