1. Display Products
    1. In Inventory
    2. Not In Inventory
  2. Buy
    1. Buy From Bank
      1. Purchase Order
      2. Inspect Equip
      3. Shipping Manifest
  3. Sell
    1. 1- Generate Quote
    2. 2-Sales Agreement
    3. 3-Service Agreement
  4. Brokers
    1. Topic
    2. Publish available inventory
  5. Opportunities
    1. Types
      1. Buy for Inventory
        1. Bank
        2. Physician
      2. Sell from Inventory
        1. Thru Broker to Physician
        2. Direct to Physician
      3. Broker
        1. Seller Identified
        2. Product Identified
        3. Buyer Identified
      4. Service
        1. Stuff we sold
        2. Stuff we didn't sell
  6. Webforms
    1. Want to buy a lazer
      1. Interest Only (Public)
      2. Signed Purchase Agreement (Brokers)
    2. Have a lazer to sell
      1. Banks call Justin Direct
      2. Physicians filling out form
    3. Service Ticket
  7. Acct
  8. Sales Process
    1. Create a Quote
      1. Approve Quote
        1. Sales Order
          1. Subtopic 1