1. Goals
    1. Performance
      1. Unknown - estimate 30
      2. Handicap Goal: 18
    2. Personal
      1. Pursue golf while maintaining an appropriate balance with family and work commitments
    3. Other
      1. Be comfortable hitting any club consistently
  2. Long Game
    1. Technical
      1. Current bad shot / tendencies
        1. Pull / Pull hook
      2. Changes
        1. Stance closer together to allow hip rotation to improve
        2. Increase width in the backswing, left hand to be as far away from your chest as possible at the top of the backswing. This will force your left arm to be much straighter (the key is making sure it's not locked out
    2. Stance and ball position
      1. Driver
        1. Ball Position
          1. Inside left heel
        2. Stance
          1. Feet wider than shoulder width
      2. Fairway woods
        1. Ball Position
          1. Under left armpit / left chest
        2. Stance
          1. Feet shoulder width
      3. Hybrids and long irons
        1. Ball Position
          1. Under left eye, just forward of centre
        2. Stance
          1. Feet shoulder width
      4. Mid irons
        1. Ball Position
          1. Centre
        2. Stance
          1. Feet shoulder width
      5. Short irons & wedges
        1. Ball Position
          1. Centre
        2. Stance
          1. Feet just under shoulder width
      6. Exceptions
        1. Low ball flight
          1. Ball position
          2. Under your right eye
        2. High ball flight
          1. Ball position
          2. Under your left eye
    3. Performance
    4. Practice
  3. Short Game
    1. Technical
    2. Performance
    3. Practice
  4. Putting
    1. Technical
      1. Read the line
      2. Speed of putt
      3. Start Line
    2. Performance
    3. Pracitce
      1. Putting Drills
        1. Pressure Practice
        2. Technique Practice
  5. Practice
    1. Block Practice
    2. Performance Practice
    3. Drills
    4. Practice Structure
  6. Pre-Shot Routine
    1. My Pre-Shot Routine
      1. Identify target, set club face, set feet, set grip, set shoulders, confirm target alignment, swing
  7. Stats
    1. How do you track stats.?
      1. Rapsodo MLM
    2. What do you do with your stats.?
      1. Better understand average distance for each club
  8. Psychology
    1. Things Golfers Focus on Too Much
      1. - Distance - Equipment Changes - Swing Speed - Being Perfect - How it Looks - Too Many Swing Thoughts - End results
    2. Things Golfets Don’t Focus on Enough
      1. - Distance control - Picking Targets - What the Golf Ball is Doing - Quality of Practice - Performance - Pitching & Putting - Course management - Management of flight & traj - Being Patient - The process
    3. Performance Analysis
      1. Past Pressures
        1. What you done well at peak?
          1. Felt super comfortable with putter, mid-irons, and driver (never been strong with long irons and woods)
        2. What you didn’t do as well?
          1. Overthink swing and continue to worry about mishits
  9. Terminology
    1. P Swing System P1 - Address P2 - Club Parallel Takeaway P3 - Lead arm Parallel BS P4 - Top of Backswing P5 - Lead arm Parallel DS P6 - Club Parallel DS P7 - Impact P8 - Club Parallel Follow through P9 - Lead arm Parallel Follow through P10 - Finish