- Marxism
- Neo-Marxism
- Cultural Studies
Pop music
bad pop music
- vulgar lyrics
- like fast food
good pop music
- reveal social issues
- uplifting
Bob Dylan
- Aesthetic values
- anti war
- philosophical ideas
Unrealistic romantic ideas
- Prince and Cindirella
- Live happily ever after
Here's looking at you
- Most viewed?
Young generation greatly influenced by manga
- Speaking and behaviour
- side effects
- positive effects
Do we merely conform?
- fashion
- Culture Invasion
How relevant is Adorno's model to us?
Our own lives
- but we don't merely passive consume what media gives us
- our own cultural moment
Li Yuchun
- champion of super girl voice contest
- won by a landsliding amount of votes
- Media as institution
- traditional singers
- What is media?
"Why do so many songs in the top forty sound exactly the same?"
Theodor Adorno
- Frankfurt Schol
- Who's he? Works? Stands?
- Contending schools. Philosophers
Mass Culture is a commodity
- A product of culture industry
- "culture is conformity"
Giving example of current cultural phenomenon
Happy Girl in China?
- media's coverage
- audience and netizens' reactions
- Judges' personal tastes
- What is culture?