- "A library is not a porn parlor. A library is not a refuge for the homeless...A library is not a dumping ground."
- "Artist should continue to trend in the low cost, direct delivery method they have been beginning to use, as the public may be more likely to support artist than production companies." p.294
Information: Social inclusion is a noble goal and sound public policy according to Cronin, but this should not be a licence to abandon good behavior in a public place such as a library.
- political correctness is effecting how libraries serve the population.
misuse of computers by patrons who view pornography on library computers.
- "It seems to me...that we are getting to the point where a disruptive minority is effectively preventing the majority of bona fide patrons from exercising their rights."
- What a LIbrary is Not (Cronin 2002)
- People: Profession of Information science at Indiana State University.
- People: Homeless, latch key kids, porn surfers
- Retrieved from: newsinfo.iu.edu
- Technology: ebooks, music, movies, digital media
- "...the industry should work with technology companies to create subscription models that appeal to the public" p. 292
- Retrieved from: the celebritypix.com
- Stealing from the rich to entertain the poor? : A Survey of Literature on the Ethics of Digital Piracy. (Gray 2012)
- The digital pirate does not see themselves as a criminal.
- " ...there is not social shame associated with digital piracy." p209
- Need to increase education of the public about piracy
- Digital Pirates
- Typically: male, 20's, Liberal Arts Major, lack of a disposable income.
- advanced computer skills, low code of personal ethics,