1. Desktop
    1. Pros
      1. Powerful & flexible
      2. Support business applications
      3. Powerful project management tools
      4. Display complex mind maps
      5. More import & export options
      6. Powerful for group brainstorming
      7. Integrate with enterprise applications
    2. Cons
      1. Rather expensive
      2. Installation not allowed
      3. Only one person at a time to edit
    3. For whom
      1. Power users
      2. Anyone doing strategic planning or project management
      3. Knowledge workers whose files must be stored behind the corporate firewall
      4. XMind 8 XMind: ZEN
  2. Web-based
    1. Pros
      1. Simultaneously editing a map with others
      2. No software to install
      3. Integrate with many web-based applications
      4. Integrate with web-based task management applications
    2. Cons
      1. Maps required to be stored in the cloud inside company firewall
      2. Not full-featured
      3. Limited import/export options
    3. For whom
      1. Mind mapping tool beginners
      2. People with limited budgets
      3. Collaborate with others in multiple locations
  3. Mobile
    1. Pros
      1. Mind map anywhere, anytime
      2. Transfer map to desktop
      3. Inexpensive
    2. Cons
      1. Only a few apps updated on a regular basis
      2. Developers map stop supporting app
      3. Extremely limited screen real estate
      4. Files stored outside of the corporate firewall
    3. XMind for Mobile