1. 471.15
    1. Chapter 15. State Agencies in General
      1. Section Headnote 15.001 Application of Laws 2005, Chapter 56, Terminology Changes
        1. 46 - 59 BANKING
          2. Minnesota Statute §56 REGULATED LOANS
          3. 56.01 NECESSITY OF LICENSE.
          4. 56.01 NECESSITY OF LICENSE. (a) Except as authorized by this chapter and without first obtaining a license from the commissioner, no person shall engage in the business of making loans of money, credit, goods, or things in action, in an amount or of a value not exceeding that specified in section 56.131, subdivision 1, and charge, contract for, or receive on the loan a greater rate of interest, discount, or consideration than the lender would be permitted by law to charge if not a licensee under this chapter.
          5. 56.131 MAXIMUM RATES AND CHARGES.
          6. Subdivision 1. Interest rates and charges. (a) On any loan in a principal amount not exceeding $100,000 or 15 percent of a Minnesota corporate licensee's capital stock and surplus as defined in section 53.015, if greater, a licensee may contract for and receive interest, finance charges, and other charges as provided in section 47.59. (b) Loans may be interest-bearing or precomputed. (c) Notwithstanding section 47.59 to the contrary, to compute time on interest-bearing and precomputed loans, including, but not limited to the calculation of interest, a day is considered 1/30 of a month when calculation is made for a fraction of a calendar month. A year is 12 calendar months. A calendar month is that period from a given date in one month to the same numbered date in the following month, and if there is no same numbered date, to the last day of the following month. When a period of time includes a whole month and a fraction of a month, the fraction of a month is considered to follow the whole month. In the alternative, for interest-bearing loans, a licensee may charge interest at the rate of 1/365 of the agreed annual rate for each actual day elapsed. (d) With respect to interest-bearing loans and notwithstanding section 47.59: (1) Interest must be computed on unpaid principal balances outstanding from time to time, for the time outstanding. Each payment must be applied first to the accumulated interest and the remainder of the payment applied to the unpaid principal balance; provided however, that if the amount of the payment is insufficient to pay the accumulated interest, the unpaid interest continues to accumulate to be paid from the proceeds of subsequent payments and is not added to the principal balance. (2) Interest must not be payable in advance or compounded. However, if part or all of the consideration for a new loan contract is the unpaid principal balance of a prior loan, then the principal amount payable under the new loan contract may include any unpaid interest which has accrued. The unpaid principal balance of a precomputed loan is the balance due after refund or credit of unearned interest as provided in paragraph (e), clause (3). The resulting loan contract is deemed a new and separate loan transaction for all purposes. (e) With respect to precomputed loans and notwithstanding section 47.59 to the contrary: (1) Loans must be repayable in substantially equal and consecutive monthly installments of principal and interest combined, except that the first installment period may be more or less than one month by not more than 15 days, and the first installment payment amount may be larger than the remaining payments by the amount of interest charged for the extra days and must be reduced by the amount of interest for the number of days less than one month to the first installment payment; and monthly installment payment dates may be omitted to accommodate borrowers with seasonal income. (2) Payments may be applied to the combined total of principal and precomputed interest until the loan is fully paid. Payments must be applied in the order in which they become due. (3) If the maturity of the loan is accelerated for any reason and judgment is entered, the licensee shall credit the borrower with the same refund as if prepayment in full had been made on the date the judgment is entered. (4) Following the final installment as originally scheduled or deferred, the licensee, for any loan contract which has not previously been converted to interest-bearing under paragraph (g), may charge interest on any balance remaining unpaid, including unpaid default or deferment charges, at the single annual percentage rate permitted by this subdivision until fully paid. (5) With respect to a loan secured by an interest in real estate, and having a maturity of more than 60 months, the original schedule of installment payments must fully amortize the principal and interest on the loan. The original schedule of installment payments for any other loan secured by an interest in real estate must provide for payment amounts that are sufficient to pay all interest scheduled to be due on the loan. (f) A licensee may contract for and collect a delinquency charge as provided for in section 47.59, subdivision 6, paragraph (a), clause (4). (g) A licensee may grant extensions, deferments, or conversions to interest-bearing as provided in section 47.59, subdivision 5.
          7. 56.01 NECESSITY OF LICENSE. (b) An agency or instrumentality of the United States government or a corporation otherwise created by an act of the United States Congress or a lender approved or certified by the secretary of housing and urban development, or approved or certified by the administrator of veterans affairs, or approved or certified by the administrator of the Farmers Home Administration, or approved or certified by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, or approved or certified by the Federal National Mortgage Association, that engages in the business of purchasing or taking assignments of mortgage loans and undertakes direct collection of payments from or enforcement of rights against borrowers arising from mortgage loans, is not required to be licensed under this chapter in order to purchase or take assignments of mortgage loans from licensees under this chapter.
          9. 56.02 APPLICATION FEE.
          10. 56.02 APPLICATION FEE. Application for license shall be in writing, under oath, and in the form prescribed by the commissioner, and contain the name and the address, both of the residence and place of business, of the applicant and, if the applicant is a copartnership or association, of every member thereof, and if a corporation, of each officer and director thereof; also the county and municipality, with street and number, if any, where the business is to be conducted, and such further information as the commissioner may require. The applicant at the time of making application, shall pay to the commissioner the sum of $500 as a fee for investigating the application, and the additional sum of $250 as an annual license fee for a period terminating on the last day of the current calendar year. In addition to the annual license fee, every licensee hereunder shall pay to the commissioner the actual costs of each examination, as provided for in section 56.10. All moneys collected by the commissioner under this chapter shall be turned over to the commissioner of management and budget and credited by the commissioner of management and budget to the general fund of the state. Every applicant shall also prove, in form satisfactory to the commissioner, that the applicant has available for the operation of the business at the location specified in the application, liquid assets of at least $50,000.
          11. 56.10 GENERAL OVERSIGHT AND ADMINISTRATION. Subdivision 1. Examinations. For the purpose of discovering violations of this chapter or securing information lawfully required by the commissioner hereunder, the commissioner may, at any time, either personally or by a person or persons duly designated, investigate the loans and business and examine the books, accounts, records, and files used therein, of every licensee and of every person who shall be engaged in the business described in section 56.01, whether the person shall act or claim to act as principal or agent, or under or without the authority of this chapter. For that purpose the commissioner and a duly designated representative shall have free access to the offices and places of business, books, accounts, papers, records, files, safes, and vaults of all such persons. The commissioner and all persons duly designated shall have authority to require the attendance of and to examine, under oath, all persons whomsoever whose testimony the commissioner may require relative to the loan or the business or to the subject matter of any examination, investigation, or hearing. Upon written agreement with the licensee, the commissioner may conduct examinations applying the procedures for purposes of this subdivision and section 46.04, subdivision 1, to facilitate the qualifications of the licensee to participate in the United States Small Business Administration loan guarantee or similar programs. Each licensee shall pay to the commissioner such amount as may be required under section 46.131, and the commissioner may maintain an action for the recovery of such costs in any court of competent jurisdiction. Subd. 2. Interpretive opinions. The commissioner may honor requests from interested parties for interpretive opinions in connection with the administration of this chapter. No provision of this chapter or of any other chapter to which this chapter refers which imposes any penalty shall apply to any act done or omitted to be done in conformity with any written interpretive opinion of the commissioner, notwithstanding that such written interpretive opinion may, after such act or omission, be amended or rescinded or be determined by judicial or other authority to be invalid for any reason.
          12. 56.001 DEFINITIONS.
          13. Subdivision 1. Terms. When used in this chapter, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them, unless their context requires a different meaning.
          14. Subd. 2. Actuarial method. "Actuarial method" means the method of allocating payments made on a loan between the principal amount and interest whereby a payment is applied first to the accumulated interest and then to the unpaid principal amount.
          15. Subd. 3. Applicable charge. "Applicable charge" means the amount of interest attributable to each monthly installment period of the loan contract. The applicable charge is computed as if each installment period were one month and any charge for extending the first installment period beyond one month, or reduction in charge for a first installment less than one month, is ignored. The applicable charge for any installment period is that which would have been made for the period had the loan been made on an interest-bearing basis at the single annual percentage rate permitted by section 56.131, subdivision 1, based upon the assumption that all payments were made according to schedule. For convenience in computation, the licensee may round the single annual rate to the nearest one quarter of one percent.
          16. Subd. 4. Commissioner. "Commissioner" means the commissioner of commerce.
          17. Subd. 5. Interest. "Interest" means all charges payable directly or indirectly by a borrower which are imposed directly or indirectly by the licensee as an incident to the loan, however denominated, including interest, discount, loan fee, or credit or investigation fee, but shall not include permissible default or deferment charges, lawful fees for any security taken, insurance charges or premiums, court costs, or other charges specifically authorized by law.
          18. Subd. 6. Interest-bearing loan. "Interest-bearing loan" means a loan in which the debt is expressed as the principal amount and interest is computed, charged, and collected on unpaid principal balances outstanding from time to time, for the time outstanding.
          19. Subd. 7. Precomputed loan. "Precomputed loan" means a loan in which the debt is a sum comprising the principal amount and the amount of interest computed actuarially in advance on the assumption that all scheduled payments will be made when due.
          20. Subd. 8. Person. "Person" includes individuals, copartnerships, associations, and corporations.
          21. Subd. 9. Principal amount. "Principal amount" means the amount of cash paid to, or paid or payable for, the account of the borrower.