- At this time, maize becomes
the primary crop in the midwest
of America.
Mississippian Societies are different than their predecssors
- Bow and Arrow Introducted
- Rapid Population Growth
- Large Communities form and Public Architecture and Hereditary Leadership
Two Central Ideologies live here
- Warfare
- Fertility
Cahokia, IL
- Some of the largest architectural works in the ancient world
The Mounds
- not randomly placed
- markers of significant locations?
- built in stages
- Cahokia's leaders lived on top of this
- platform mound
- ridgetop mound
- 4 terraces
- stockades surrounded the main city
- 10 stories tall
- Topic
- "Great Civilization" "Advanced" meaning european-esque
- No Indian Civilization developed the wheel
- Virtually all idols were based on fertility
- Wheres most eastern symbols are of warfare
- Symbolic dances and fertility rituals
- Center of a global trade surface
- mississippi river trades everything
- mounds
Monks Mound
- 100 feet high
- 1000 x 800 sq feet
- volume of 7 oil tankers
- Mound 72 Sacrifices
- State Societies and Extreme Social Inequality
- What happened to Cahokia? It got overtaken by centers in the southwest
Moundville, AL
Southeastern Ceremonial Complex
aka "Southern Cult"
- Widespread network of shared symbols
- beliefs
- interaction
- trade
- symbols appearing on trade items of pottery, copper, and shell
- ancestors
- fertility
- warfare
- sunburst
- skull and bones
- trophy heads
- eye-in-hand
- "a lot of archeologists get involved in analyzing art"
- A.D. 1200-1500s
- platform mounds
elite burial mounds
- copper, elite axes found in moundville
- Fertility/Warfare
Southwest Cultural Sequence
- dry
- intermittent river flows
- agriculture was difficult as a consequence
- never equalled the woodlanders
- Sonoran Desert
- Northern Mexico
- Phoenix Basin area
waddle and daube architecture
- reeds
- stakes
- daubs with clay
- grindstone and grinder
- manos
- metates
red on buff pottery
- red designs and a bufff background
- Anasazi
- Mogollon