1. Mistaken Contradictions 001-015
    1. 001
      1. How many men did the chief of David's captains kill?
        1. 800
          1. 2 Samuel 23:8
        2. 300
          1. 1 Chronicles 11:11
        3. Christian Response
    2. 002
      1. Was Abraham justified by faith or works?
        1. by faith
          1. Romans 4:2
        2. by works
          1. James 2:21
        3. Christian Response
    3. 003
      1. How many sons did Abraham have?
        1. ONE
          1. Hebrews 11:17
          2. Genesis 22:2
        2. MORE THAN ONE
          1. Genesis 16:15
          2. Genesis 21:2-3
          3. Genesis 25:1-2
          4. Galatians 4:22
        3. Christian Response
    4. 004
      1. Was Abiathar the father or the son of Ahimelech?
        1. the son
          1. 1 Samuel 22:20
          2. 1 Samuel 23:6
        2. the father
          1. 2 Samuel 8:17, 1 Chronicles 18:16, 24:6
        3. Christian Response
    5. 005
      1. Who was Abijam's mother?
        1. Maachah, the daughter of Abishalom
          1. 1 Kings 15:1-2
        2. Michaiah the daughter of Uriel
          1. 2 Chronicles 13:1-2
        3. Christian Response
    6. 006
      1. How were Abijam and Asa related?
        1. Abijam was Asa's father.
          1. 1 Kings 15:8
        2. Abijam was Asa's brother.
          1. 1 Kings 15:1-2
          2. 1 Kings 15:9-10
        3. Christian Response
    7. 007
      1. How long was the ark of the covenant at Abinadab's house?
        1. 20 Years
          1. 1 Samuel 7:1-2
          2. 1 Samuel 10:24
        2. More than 40 years
          1. 2 Samuel 6:2-3
          2. Acts.13:21
        3. Christian Response
    8. 008
      1. How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?
        1. Genesis 16:16
          1. 86 years old
          2. More than 135 years old
          3. Acts 7:2-4
          4. Genesis 11:26
          5. Genesis 11:32
        2. Christian Response
    9. 009
      1. How many sons did Absalom have?
        1. none
          1. 2 Samuel 18:18
        2. 3 sons
          1. 2 Samuel 14:27
        3. Christian Response
    10. 010
      1. When did Absalom rebel against David?
        1. After 40 years
          1. 2 Samuel 15:7
        2. Much less than forty years since David only ruled for a total of forty years.
          1. 2 Samuel 5:4
          2. David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years.
        3. Christian Response
    11. 011
      1. two contradictory creation accounts
        1. First Account
          1. Humans were created after the other animals
          2. Genesis 1:25-27
          3. The first man and woman were created simultaneously
          4. Genesis 1:27
        2. Second Account
          1. Humans were created before the other animals
          2. Genesis 2:18-19
          3. The man was created first, then the animals, then the woman from the man's rib.
          4. Genesis 2:18-22
        3. Christian Response
    12. 012
      1. Who Was Achan's father?
        1. Carmi
          1. Joshua 7:1
        2. Zerah
          1. Joshua 7:24
          2. Joshua 22:20
        3. Christian Response
    13. 013
      1. How many of Adin's offspring returned from Babylon?
        1. 454
          1. Ezra 2:15
        2. 655
          1. Nehemiah 7:20
        3. Christian Response
    14. 014
      1. How many of Adonikam's offspring returned from Babylon?
        1. 666
          1. Ezra 2:13
        2. 667
          1. Neh.7:18
        3. Christian Response
    15. 015
      1. Was Haman an Agagite?
        1. YES
          1. Esther 3:1
        2. NO
          1. 1 Samuel 15:2-3
          2. 1 Samuel 15:7-8
          3. 1 Samuel 15:32-33
        3. Christian Response
  2. Mistaken Contradictions 016-030
    1. 016
      1. Is it wrong to have sex outside of marriage?
        1. YES
          1. Exodus 20:14, Deuteronomy 5:18
          2. Hebrews 13:4
        2. NO
          1. Hosea 1:2
          2. Hosea 3:1
        3. Christian Response
    2. 017
      1. Was Haman an Agagite?
        1. Yes
          1. Esther 3:1
        2. No
          1. 1 Samuel 15:2-3
          2. 1 Samuel 15:7-8
          3. 1 Samuel 15:32-33
        3. Christian Response
    3. 018
      1. Was Ahaz buried with his fathers?
        1. Yes
          1. 2 Kings 16:20
        2. No
          1. 2 Chronicles 28:27
      2. Christian Response
    4. 019
      1. When did Ahaziah begin to reign?
        1. In the twelfth year of Joram.
          1. 2 Kings 8:25
        2. In the eleventh year of Joram.
          1. 2 Kings 9:29
        3. Christian Response
    5. 020
      1. How old was Ahaziah when he began to reign?
        1. 22 years old
          1. 2 Kings 8:26
        2. 42 years old
          1. 2 Chronicles 22:2
        3. Christian Response
    6. 021
      1. Did the city of Ai exist after Joshua destroyed it?
        1. No
          1. Joshua 8:28
        2. Yes
          1. Nehemiah 7:32
        3. Christian Response
    7. 022
      1. What tribe was Aijalon from?
        1. Dan
          1. Joshua 21:23-24
        2. Ephraim
          1. 1 Chronicles 6:66, 69
        3. Christian Response
    8. 023
      1. Does God want some to go to hell?
        1. NO
          1. 1 Timothy 2:3-4
          2. 2 Peter 3:9
        2. YES
          1. Proverbs 16:4
          2. John 12:40
          3. Romans 9:18
          4. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
        3. Christian Response
    9. 024
      1. Did Jesus tell his disciples everything?
        1. YES
          1. John 15:15
        2. NO
          1. John 16:12
        3. Christian Response
    10. 025
      1. Was David alone when asking for the holy bread at Nob?
        1. NO
          1. 1 Samuel 21:1
        2. YES
          1. Matthew12:3-4
          2. Mark 2:25-26
          3. Luke 6:3-4
        3. Christian Response
    11. 026
      1. Did Saul and Samuel kill all the Amalekites?
        1. YES
          1. 1 Samuel 15:7-8, 33
        2. NO
          1. 1 Samuel 15:33
          2. No, Agag's mother was left alive.
          3. 1 Samuel 27:8-9
          4. No, David killed them all a few years later.
          5. 1 Samuel 30:1, 17
          6. And then David killed them all again, just to make sure.
          7. 2 Samuel 1:8-10
          8. No, Saul was killed by an Amalekite.
        3. Christian Response
    12. 027
      1. Who was Amasa's father?
        1. Ithra an Israelite
          1. 2 Samuel 17:25
        2. Jether an Ishmaelite
          1. 1 Chronicles 2:17
        3. Christian Response
    13. 028
      1. How should the Ammonites be treated?
        1. Do not fight against them or take their land.
          1. Deuteronomy 2:19
          2. Deuteronomy 2:37
        2. Kill them and take their land.
          1. Judges 11:32
          2. Jeremiah 49:2
        3. Christian Response
    14. 029
      1. Who was Anah?
        1. The daughter of Zibeon
          1. Genesis 36:2, 14
        2. The brother of Zibeon
          1. Genesis 36:20
          2. 1 Chronicles 1:38
        3. The son of Zibeon
          1. Genesis 36:24
          2. 1 Chronicles 1:40
        4. Christian Response
    15. 030
      1. Who drove the Anakim from Hebron?
        1. Joshua
          1. Joshua 11:21
        2. Caleb
          1. Joshua 15:13-14
        3. Christian Response
  3. Mistaken Contradictions 031-045
    1. 031
      1. How long does God's anger last?
        1. just a moment
          1. Psalm 30:5
          2. Jeremiah 3:12
          3. Micah 7:18
        2. a long time
          1. Numbers 32:13
          2. Jeremiah 17:4
          3. Malachi 1:4
          4. Matthew 25:41
          5. Matthew 25:46
      2. Christian Response
    2. 032
      1. From what were the animals created?
        1. Water
          1. Genesis 1:20
        2. Ground
          1. Genesis 2:19
        3. Christian Response
    3. 033
      1. What were the names of the apostles?
        1. Matthew 10:2-4
          1. Simon (Peter)
          2. Andrew
          3. James (son of Zebedee)
          4. John
          5. Philip
          6. Bartholomew
          7. Thomas
          8. Matthew
          9. James (son of Alphaeus)
          10. Lebbaeus (surname Thaddeus)
          11. Simon the Canaanite
          12. Judas Iscariot
        2. Mark 3:16-19
          1. Simon (Peter)
          2. James (son of Zebedee)
          3. John
          4. Andrew
          5. Philip
          6. Bartholomew
          7. Matthew
          8. Thomas
          9. James (son of Alphaeus)
          10. Thaddeus
          11. Simon the Canaanite
          12. Judas Iscariot
        3. Luke 6:14-16
          1. Simon (Peter)
          2. Andrew
          3. James
          4. John
          5. Philip
          6. Bartholomew
          7. Matthew
          8. Thomas
          9. James (son of Alphaeus)
          10. Simon (Zeolotes)
          11. Judas (brother of James)
          12. Judas (Iscariot)
        4. Acts 1:13
          1. Peter
          2. James
          3. John
          4. Andrew
          5. Philip
          6. Thomas
          7. Bartholomew
          8. Matthew
          9. James (son of Alphaeus)
          10. Simon Zeolotes
          11. Judas (brother of James)
        5. Christian Response
    4. 034
      1. Where did Jesus first appear to the eleven disciples after the resurrection?
        1. On a mountain top in Galilee.
          1. Matthew 28:16
        2. In a room in Jerusalem.
          1. Mark 16:14
          2. Luke 24:33-37
          3. John 20:19
        3. Christian Response
    5. 035
      1. How many of Arah's offspring returned from Babylon?
        1. 775
          1. Ezra 2:5
        2. 652
          1. Nehemiah 7:10
        3. Christian Response
    6. 036
      1. What was in the Ark of the Covenant?
        1. Only the two tables of Moses.
          1. 1 Kings 8:9
          2. 2 Chronicles 5:10
        2. The tables of Moses, a golden pot filled with manna, and Aaron's budded rod.
          1. Hebrews 9:4
      2. Christian Response
    7. 037
      1. Was Asa perfect?
        1. YES
          1. 1 Kings 15:14
          2. 2 Chronicles 15:17
        2. NO
          1. 2 Chronicles 16:7
          2. 2 Chronicles 16:10
          3. 2 Chronicles 16:12
        3. Christian Response
    8. 038
      1. Did Asa remove the high places?
        1. YES
          1. 2 Chronicles 14:3-5
        2. NO
          1. 1 Kings 15:14
          2. 2 Chronicles 15:17
        3. Christian Response
    9. 039
      1. How many of Asaph's offspring returned from Babylon?
        1. 128
          1. Ezra 2:41
        2. 148
          1. Nehemiah 7:44
      2. Christian Response
    10. 040
      1. When did Jesus ascend into heaven?
        1. the day of his resurrection.
          1. Luke 24:1-51
          2. Mark 16:9-19
      2. At least eight days after his resurrection.
        1. John 20:26
      3. Many days after his resurrection.
        1. Acts 13:31
      4. Forty days after his resurrection.
        1. Acts 1:2-3, 9
    11. 041
      1. Did Peter ask Jesus where he was going?
        1. YES
          1. John 13:36
        2. NO
          1. John 16:5
        3. Christian Response
    12. 042
      1. On what did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
        1. an ass and a colt.
          1. Matthew 21:5-7
        2. a colt.
          1. Mark 11:7
          2. Luke 19:35
        3. a young ass.
          1. John 12:14
      2. Christian Response
    13. 043
      1. Is the day of the Lord at hand?
        1. YES
          1. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
          2. 1 Thessalonians 5:23
        2. NO
          1. 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3
      2. Christian Response
    14. 044
      1. How many of Azgad's offspring returned from Babylon?
        1. 1222
          1. Ezra 2:12
        2. 2322
          1. Nehemiah 7:17
        3. Christian Response
    15. 045
      1. When did Baasha die?
        1. In the 26th year of King Asa's reign.
          1. 1 Kings 16:6-8
        2. Sometime after the 36th year of King Asa's reign.
          1. 2 Chronicles 16:1
        3. Christian Response
  4. Mistaken Contradictions 046-060
    1. 046
      1. How many languages were there before the Tower of Babel was built?
        1. ONE
          1. Genesis 11:1
          2. Genesis 11:6-9
        2. MANY
          1. Genesis 10:5
          2. Genesis 10:20
          3. Genesis 10:31
        3. Christian Response
    2. 047
      1. How many of Bani's offspring returned from Babylon?
        1. 642
          1. Ezra 2:10
        2. 648
          1. Nehemiah 7:15
        3. Christian Response
    3. 048
      1. In whose name is baptism to be performed?
        1. The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
        2. Jesus
          1. Acts 2:38
          2. Acts 8:16
          3. Acts 10:48
          4. Acts 19:5
        3. Christian Response
    4. 049
      1. Did Jesus baptize anyone?
        1. YES
          1. John 3:22
        2. NO
          1. John 4:2
        3. Christian Response
    5. 050
      1. Did Jesus tell his apostles to go barefoot and without a staff?
        1. YES
          1. Matthew 10:10
          2. Luke 9:3
          3. Luke 10:4
        2. NO
          1. Mark 6:8-9
        3. Christian Response
    6. 051
      1. Who was to blame for original sin?
        1. Eve
          1. 1 Timothy 2:14
        2. Adam
          1. Romans 5:12
        3. Christian Response
    7. 052
      1. Who was Bashemath's father?
        1. Elon the Hittite.
          1. Genesis 26:34
        2. Ishmael
          1. Genesis 36:2-3
        3. Christian Response
    8. 053
      1. What was the volume of the molten sea in Solomon's temple?
        1. 2000 baths.
          1. 1 Kings 7.26
          2. It contained two thousand baths.
        2. 3000 baths.
          1. 2 Chronicles 4:5
          2. It received and held three thousand baths.
        3. Christian Response
    9. 054
      1. How many of Bebai's offspring returned from Babylon?
        1. 623
          1. Ezra 2:11
        2. 628
          1. Nehemiah 7:16
        3. Christian Response
    10. 055
      1. When did Saul become David's enemy?
        1. After the dancing girls sang,
          1. 1 Samuel 18:8-9
        2. After David bought Saul's daughter
          1. 1 Samuel 18:27-29
    11. 056
      1. Who named Beersheba?
        1. Abraham
          1. Genesis 21:31
        2. Isaac
          1. Genesis 26:33
        3. Christian Response
    12. 057
      1. Where did Joseph and Mary live before the birth of Jesus?
        1. Nazareth
          1. Luke 2:1-7
        2. Bethlehem
          1. Matthew 2:1-2, 11, 22-23
        3. Christian Response
    13. 058
      1. Should we believe everything?
        1. YES
          1. 1 Corinthians 13:7
        2. NO
          1. Proverbs 14:15
          2. Proverbs 26:25
          3. 1 Thessalonians 5:21
          4. 1 John 4:1
        3. Christian Response
    14. 059
      1. How many believers were there at the time of the ascension?
        1. 120
          1. Acts 1:15
        2. 500
          1. 1 Corinthians 15:6
        3. Christian Response
    15. 060
      1. How old was Benjamin when his clan migrated to Egypt?
        1. a child
          1. Genesis 44:20
          2. Genesis 44:22
        2. grown man with ten sons
          1. Genesis 46:8, 21
        3. Christian Response
  5. Mistaken Contradictions 061-075
    1. 061
      1. Who were the sons of Benjamin?
        1. Genesis 46:21
          1. Belah
          2. Becher
          3. Ashbel
          4. Gera
          5. Naaman
          6. Ehi
          7. Rosh
          8. Muppim
          9. Huppim
          10. Ard
        2. Numbers 26:38-40
          1. Bela
          2. Ashbel
          3. Shupham
          4. Hupham
        3. 1 Chronicles 7:6
          1. Bela
          2. Becher
          3. Jediael
        4. 1 Chronicles 8:1-2
          1. Bela
          2. Ashbel
          3. Aharah
          4. Nohah
          5. Rapha
        5. Christian Response
    2. 062
      1. Were Naaman and Ard the sons or the grandsons of Benjamin?
        1. sons
          1. Genesis 46:21
        2. grandsons
          1. Numbers 26:38-40
        3. Christian Response
    3. 063
      1. Who asked for the best seats in heaven?
        1. James and John
          1. Mark 10:35-37
        2. mother of James and John
          1. Matthew 20:20-21
        3. Christian Response
    4. 064
      1. When did Jacob rename Luz to Bethel?
        1. Before visiting the land of Padanaram
          1. Genesis 28:18-19
        2. After visiting the land of Padanaram
          1. Genesis 33:18
          2. Genesis 35:6-7
        3. Christian Response
    5. 065
      1. How many of Bethlehem and Netophah's offspring returned from Babylon?
        1. 179
          1. Ezra 2:21-22
        2. 188
          1. Nehemiah 7:26
        3. Christian Response
    6. 066
      1. Where did Jesus cure the blind man?
        1. Bethsaida
          1. Mark 8:22-25
        2. Outside the temple
          1. John 8:59 - 9:1-6
        3. Christian Response
    7. 067
      1. How many of Bezai's offspring returned from Babylon?
        1. 323
          1. Ezra 2:17
        2. 324
          1. Nehemiah 7:23
        3. Christian Response
    8. 068
      1. How many of Bigvai's offspring returned from Babylon?
        1. 2056
          1. Ezra 2:14
        2. 2067
          1. Nehemiah 7:19
        3. Christian Response
    9. 069
      1. Who makes people deaf and blind?
        1. God
          1. Exodus 4:11
          2. John 9:1-3
        2. Foul spirits.
          1. Mark 9:17, 25
        3. Christian Response
    10. 070
      1. How many blind men were healed near Jericho?
        1. one
          1. Mark 10:46
          2. Luke 18:35
        2. Two
          1. Matthew 20:30
        3. Christian Response
    11. 071
      1. Does the blood of animal sacrifices take away sin?
        1. YES
          1. Leviticus 4:20, 26, 31, 35
          2. Leviticus 5:10, 16, 18
          3. Leviticus 6:7
          4. Leviticus 17:11
          5. Numbers 15:27-28
          6. Numbers 29:5
        2. NO
          1. Hebrews 10:4
          2. Hebrews 10:11
        3. Christian Response
    12. 072
      1. Should we bear each other's burdens?
        1. YES
          1. Galatians 6:2
        2. NO
          1. Galatians 6:5
      2. Christian Response
    13. 073
      1. Who buried Jesus?
        1. Joseph of Arimathaea
          1. Matthew 27:57-60
          2. Mark 15:43-46
          3. Luke 23:50-53
        2. Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus
          1. John 19:38-42
        3. The Jews and their rulers
          1. Acts 13:27-29
        4. Christian Response
    14. 074
      1. On what day did the temple burn?
        1. the seventh day
          1. 2 Kings 25:8-9
        2. the tenth day
          1. Jeremiah 52:12-13
        3. Christian Response
    15. 075
      1. Christian Response
      2. Did God command the Israelites to make him burnt offerings?
        1. YES
          1. Exodus 8:27
          2. Exodus 10:25
          3. Exodus 20:24
          4. Exodus 29:16-18
        2. NO
          1. Jeremiah 7:22
  6. Mistaken Contradictions 076-090
    1. 076
      1. Who appeared to Moses in the burning bush?
        1. God
          1. Exodus 3:4
          2. Mark 12:26
        2. An angel
          1. Exodus 3:2
          2. Acts 7:35
        3. Christian Response
    2. 077
      1. What became of Cain?
        1. He was a fugitive and a vagabond.
          1. Genesis 4:11-12
        2. He settled down, married, had a son, and built a city.
          1. Genesis 4:16-17
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    3. 080
      1. Can God do anything?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 18:14
          2. Job 42:1-2
          3. Jeremiah 32:17
          4. Jeremiah 32:27
          5. Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27
          6. Luke 1:37
          7. Luke 18:27
          8. Revelation 19:6
        2. NO
          1. Judges 1:19
          2. Mark 6:5
          3. Hebrews 6:18
        3. Christian Response
    4. 081
      1. How long was the Egyptian Captivity?
        1. 400 years
          1. Genesis 15:13
        2. 430 years
          1. Exodus 12:40
          2. Galatians 3:17
        3. Christian Response
    5. 082
      1. Does God prefer castrated men?
        1. YES
          1. Matthew 19:12
        2. NO
          1. Deuteronomy 23:1
        3. Christian Response
    6. 083
      1. Is casting out devils a sign of a true Christian?
        1. YES
          1. Mark 16:17
        2. NO
          1. Mark 9:38
          2. Luke 9:49
        3. Christian Response
    7. 084
      1. Did God kill all the Egyptian cattle in the sixth plague?
        1. YES
          1. Exodus 9:3-6
        2. NO
          1. Exodus 9:19
          2. Exodus 12:29
        3. Christian Response
    8. 085
      1. Is it OK to take a census??
        1. YES
          1. 2 Chronicles 2:17
        2. NO
          1. 2 Samuel 24:1-17
          2. 1 Chronicles 21:2
        3. Christian Response
    9. 086
      1. Did the Centurion ask Jesus directly to help his slave?
        1. YES
          1. Matthew 8:5-8
        2. NO
          1. Luke 7:1-7
        3. Christian Response
    10. 087
      1. What did the Centurion call Jesus when he died?
        1. The Son of God.
          1. Mark 15:39
          2. Matthew 27:54
        2. A righteous man.
          1. Luke 23:47
        3. Christian Response
    11. 088
      1. How high was the chapiter?
        1. Five cubits
          1. Jeremiah 52:22
        2. Three cubits
          1. 2 Kings 25:17
        3. Christian Response
    12. 089
      1. How many men did David kill?
        1. 700 men in chariots and 40,000 horsemen
          1. 2 Samuel 10:18
        2. 7000 men in chariots and 40,000 footmen
          1. 1 Chronicles 19:18
        3. Christian Response
    13. 090
      1. Is childbearing sinful?
        1. NO
          1. Genesis 1:28
          2. 1 Timothy 2:15
        2. YES
          1. Leviticus 12:6-7
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
  7. Mistaken Contradictions 091-100
    1. 091
      1. Is it a a good thing to be childish?
        1. YES
          1. Matthew 18:3
          2. Matthew 19:14
          3. Mark 10:15
          4. Luke 18:17
        2. NO
          1. 1 Corinthians 13:11
          2. 1 Corinthians 14:20
          3. Ephesians 4:14
        3. Christian Response
    2. 092
      1. How did Jesus respond when questioned by the high priest?
        1. He did not answer directly.
          1. Matthew 26:63-64
          2. Luke 22:70
        2. He answered directly by saying, "I am."
          1. Mark 14:62
        3. Christian Response
    3. 093
      1. Is circumcision required?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 17:7
          2. Genesis 17:10
          3. Genesis 17:13
          4. Genesis 17:19
          5. Leviticus 12:3
          6. Acts 16:3
        2. NO
          1. Galatians 5:2
          2. Colossians 2:10-11
        3. Christian Response
    4. 094
      1. To whom were the cities of Exhtaol and Zoreah given?
        1. to Judah
          1. Joshua 15:20, 33
        2. to Dan.
          1. Joshua 19:40-41
        3. Christian Response
    5. 095
      1. Did the cock crow before or after Peter's denial?
        1. before
          1. Matthew 26:70, 72, 74
          2. Luke 22:57-60
          3. John 18:17, 25-27
        2. after
          1. Mark 14:67-72
        3. Christian Response
    6. 096
      1. What colour was Jesus' robe?
        1. Scarlet
          1. Matthew 27:28
        2. Purple
          1. Mark 15:17
          2. John 19:2
        3. Christian Response
    7. 097
      1. Christian Response
      2. Did Jesus forewarn the apostles of his death and resurrection?
        1. YES
          1. Matthew 20:18-19
          2. Matthew 26:1-2
          3. Matthew 26:31-32
          4. Mark 8:31
          5. Mark 10:33-34
          6. Mark 14:28
          7. Luke 18:31-33
        2. NO
          1. John 20:9
    8. 098
      1. Is God the author of confusion?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 11:7-9
          2. 1 Corinthians 1:27
        2. NO
          1. 1 Corinthians 14:33
        3. Christian Response
    9. 099
      1. Is it OK to covet?
        1. YES
          1. 1 Corinthians 12:31
          2. 1 Corinthians 14:39
        2. NO
          1. Exodus 20:17
          2. Deuteronomy 5:21
          3. Romans 13:9
          4. Ephesians 5:3
          5. Colossians 3:5
        3. Christian Response
    10. 100
      1. Did Jesus say before the cock crow or before the cock crows twice?
        1. Before the cock crow
          1. Matthew 26:34
          2. Luke 22:34
          3. John 13:38
        2. Before the cock crows twice.
          1. Mark 14:30
        3. Christian Response