1. Mistaken Contradictions 100-120
    1. 100
      1. Did Jesus say before the cock crow or before the cock crows twice?
        1. Before the cock crow
          1. Matthew 26:34
          2. Luke 22:34
          3. John 13:38
        2. Before the cock crows twice.
          1. Mark 14:30
        3. Christian Response
    2. 101
      1. Did Jesus ask God to save him from crucifixion?
        1. YES
          1. Matthew 26:36, 42
          2. Mark 14:35-36
          3. Luke 22:41-42
        2. NO
          1. John 12:27
        3. Christian Response
    3. 102
      1. Is it OK to curse people?
        1. YES
          1. Romans 12:14
        2. NO
          1. 1 Corinthians 16:22
          2. Galatians 1:8-9
        3. Christian Response
    4. 103
      1. Will God curse the earth?
        1. YES-PERHAPS
          1. Malachi 4:6
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 8:21
        3. Christian Response
    5. 104
      1. Are those who obey the law cursed?
        1. YES
          1. Galatians 3:10
        2. NO
          1. Deuteronomy 27:26
        3. Christian Response
    6. 105
      1. Christian Response
      2. When did the Temple curtain rip?
        1. Before Jesus died.
          1. Luke 23:45-46
        2. After Jesus died.
          1. Matthew 27:50-51
          2. Mark 15:37-38
    7. 106
      1. Jesus carried his own cross.
        1. YES
          1. John 19:17
        2. NO
          1. Matthew 27:32
          2. Mark 15:21
          3. Luke 23:26
        3. Christian Response
    8. 107
      1. When was the city of Dan named?
        1. In the time of Abraham.
          1. Genesis 14:14
        2. After the massacre of Laish.
          1. Judges 18:29
        3. Christian Response
    9. 108
      1. Generations from David to the Babylonian Captivity
        1. 1 Chronicles 3:10-16
          1. Solomon
          2. Rehoboam
          3. Abia
          4. Asa
          5. Jehoshaphat
          6. Joram
          7. Ahaziah
          8. Joash
          9. Amaziah
          10. Azariah
          11. Jotham
          12. Ahaz
          13. Hezekiah
          14. Manasseh
          15. Amon
          16. Josiah
          17. Jehoiakim
          18. Jeconiah
        2. Matthew 1:6-11
          1. Solomon
          2. Rehoboam
          3. Abijah
          4. Asa
          5. Jehoshaphat
          6. Jehoram
          7. Uzziah
          8. Jotham
          9. Ahaz
          10. Hezekiah
          11. Manasseh
          12. Amon
          13. Josiah
          14. Jeconiah
        3. Christian Response
    10. 109
      1. How did David kill Goliath?
        1. With a sling.
          1. 1 Samuel 17:49-50
        2. With a sword.
          1. 1 Samuel 17:51
        3. Christian Response
    11. 110
      1. Christian Response
      2. The sons of David born in Hebron
        1. 2 Samuel 3:2-5
          1. Annon
          2. Chileab
          3. Absalom
          4. Adonijah
          5. Shephatiah
          6. Ithream
        2. 1 Chronicles 3:1-4
          1. Annon
          2. Daniel
          3. Absalom
          4. Adonijah
          5. Shephatiah
          6. Ithream
    12. 111
      1. Did David sin?
        1. NO
          1. 2 Samuel:22:21
          2. 2 Samuel 22:25
          3. 1 Kings 3:14
          4. 1 Kings 9:4
          5. 1 Kings 14:8
        2. YES
          1. 1 Kings 15:5
          2. Uriah's murder
          3. 2 Samuel 24:10
          4. numbering the people
        3. Christian Response
    13. 112
      1. Which sons of David were born in Jerusalem?
        1. 2 Samuel 5:14-16
          1. Shammuah
          2. Shobab
          3. Nathan
          4. Solomon
          5. Ibhar
          6. Elishua
          7. Nepheg
          8. Japhia
          9. Elishama
          10. Eliada
          11. Eliphalet
        2. 1 Chronicles 3:5-8
          1. Shimea
          2. Shobab
          3. Nathan
          4. Solomon
          5. Ibhar
          6. Nogah
          7. Nepheg
          8. Japhia
          9. Elishama (listed twice!)
          10. Eliada
          11. Eliphelet (listed twice!)
        3. 1 Chronicles 14:3-7
          1. Shammua
          2. Shobab
          3. Nathan
          4. Solomon
          5. Ibhar
          6. Elishua
          7. Elpalet
          8. Nogah
          9. Nepheg
          10. Japhia
          11. Elishama
          12. Beeliada
          13. Eliphalet
        4. Christian Response
    14. 113
      1. From which of David's sons was Jesus descended?
        1. Solomon
          1. Matthew 1:6-7
        2. Nathan
          1. Luke 3:31
        3. Christian Response
    15. 114
      1. When did the women (or woman) arrive at the sepulchre?
        1. While it was still dark.
          1. John 20:1
        2. At sunrise.
          1. Matthew 28:1
          2. Mark 16:1-2
        3. Christian Response
    16. 115
      1. Is death final?
        1. YES
          1. Joshua 23:14
          2. Job 7:9
          3. Job 14:10-14
          4. Job 20:7
          5. Psalm 6:5
          6. Psalm 31:17
          7. Psalm 88:5
          8. Psalm 115:17
          9. Ecclesiastes 3:19
          10. Ecclesiastes 9:5
          11. Ecclesiastes 9:10
          12. Isaiah 38:18
        2. NO
          1. 1 Kings 17:22
          2. 2 Kings 4:32-35
          3. 2 Kings 13:21
          4. Isaiah 26:19
          5. Ezekiel 37:12
          6. Daniel 12:1
          7. Matthew 9:24-25
          8. Matthew 25:46
          9. Matthew 27:52-53
          10. Mark 5:39-42
          11. Luke 7:12-15
          12. Luke 9:30
          13. Luke 14:14
          14. Luke 20:37
          15. John 5:28-29
          16. John 11:39-44
          17. Acts 26:23
          18. 1 Corinthians 15:16
          19. 1 Corinthians 15:52
          20. 1 John 2:25
          21. Revelation 20:12-13
        3. Christian Response
    17. 116
      1. How many of Delaiah, Tobiah, and Nekoda's offspring returned from Babylon?
        1. 652
          1. Ezra 2:60
        2. 642
          1. Nehemiah 7:62
        3. Christian Response
    18. 117
      1. To whom did Peter deny knowing Jesus?
        1. A servant girl, another girl, and then a crowd of people.
          1. Matthew 26:69-73
        2. A servant girl, the same girl again, and then a crowd of people.
          1. Mark 14:66-71
        3. A servant girl, a man, and then another man.
          1. Luke 22:54-60
        4. A girl at the door, several anonymous persons, one of the high priest's servants.
          1. John 18:15-17, 25-27
        5. Christian Response
    19. 118
      1. Who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?
        1. The angels
          1. Genesis 19:13
        2. God
          1. Genesis 19:24
        3. Christian Response
    20. 119
      1. Can the devil capture us at will?
        1. YES
          1. 2 Timothy 2:26
        2. NO
          1. James 4:7
        3. Christian Response
    21. 120
      1. Who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah?
        1. The angels
          1. Genesis 19:13
        2. God
          1. Genesis 19:24
        3. Christian Response
  2. Mistaken Contradictions 121-135
    1. 121
      1. Who can cast out devils in the name of Jesus?
        1. Only the followers of Jesus can do it.
          1. Mark 16:17
        2. Others can do it, too.
          1. Matthew 7:21-23
          2. Mark 9:38
          3. Luke 9:49
      2. Christian Response
    2. 122
      1. Where did the devils ask not to go?
        1. Out of the country
          1. Mark 5:9-10
        2. Into the deep
          1. Luke 8:30-31
        3. Christian Response
    3. 123
      1. Does God desire animal sacrifices?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 4:4
          2. Genesis 8:20-21
          3. Genesis 15:9-10
          4. Exodus 20:24
          5. Exodus 29:11-37
          6. Leviticus 1:5
          7. (See all of Chapters 1 - 9)
          8. Leviticus 23:12-18
          9. And ye shall offer ... an he lamb without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering unto the LORD....
          10. Numbers 18:17-19
          11. Deuteronomy 12:27
        2. NO
          1. Ps.40:6
          2. Psalm 50:13
          3. Psalm 51:16
          4. Isaiah 1:11
          5. Isaiah 66:3
          6. Jeremiah 6:20
          7. Micah 6:6-7
          8. Matthew 9:13, 12:7
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    4. 124
      1. Must everyone die?
        1. NO
          1. Genesis 5:24
          2. John 8:51
          3. John 11:26
          4. Hebrews 7:1-3
          5. Hebrews 11:5
        2. YES
          1. Romans 5:12
          2. Hebrews 9:27
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    5. 125
      1. Should believers discuss their faith with non-believers?
        1. YES
          1. 1 Peter 3:15
          2. Colossians 4:5-6
        2. NO
          1. 2 John 1:10
          2. 1 Timothy 6:20-21
          3. 2 Timothy 2:16
        3. Christian Response
    6. 126
      1. Christian Response
      2. Is divorce ever permissible?
        1. never
          1. Matthew 19:6
          2. Mark 10:11
          3. Luke 16:18
        2. Only when the wife is unfaithful
          1. Matthew 5:32
          2. Matthew 19:9
        3. When the 'unbelieving' partner chooses to leave
          1. 1 Corinthinians 7:15
        4. When the husband is displeased with his wife
          1. Deuteronomy 24:1-2
    7. 127
      1. Does anyone ever do anything good?
        1. YES
          1. Psalm 14:3, 53:3, Romans 3:12
          2. Ecclesiastes 7:20
          3. Isaiah 64:6
        2. NO
          1. John 5:29
          2. 2 Corinthians 5:10
          3. 3 John 11
        3. Christian Response
    8. 128
      1. Who put the robe on Jesus?
        1. Herod's soldiers.
          1. Luke 23:11
        2. Pilate's soldiers.
          1. Matthew 27:27-28
          2. Mark 15:15-17
          3. John 19:1-2
        3. Christian Response
    9. 129
      1. Did Jesus drink on the cross?
        1. YES
          1. John 19:29-30
        2. NO
          1. Mark 15:23
        3. Christian Response
    10. 130
      1. When did the earth dry after the flood?
        1. the first day of the first month
          1. Genesis 8:13
        2. the 27th day of the second month
          1. Genesis 8:14
        3. Christian Response
    11. 131
      1. Does God dwell in darkness or in light?
        1. in darkness.
          1. 1 Kg.8:12, 2 Chronicles 6:1
          2. Psalm 18:11
          3. Psalm 97:2
        2. in light.
          1. 1 Timothy 6:15-16
        3. Christian Response
    12. 132
      1. Will the earth last forever?
        1. YES
          1. Deuteronomy 4:40
          2. Psalm 37:29
          3. Psalm 78:69
          4. Psalm 104:5
          5. Ecclessiastes 1:4
        2. NO
          1. Psalm 102:25-26
          2. Isaiah 65:17
          3. Matthew 5:18
          4. Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33
          5. Hebrews 1:10-11
          6. 2 Peter 3:10
          7. 2 Peter 3:13
          8. Revelation 21:1
        3. Christian Response
    13. 133
      1. What kind of animals may we eat?
        1. You should not eat animals.
          1. Genesis 1:29
          2. Proverbs 23:20
          3. Daniel 1:8
          4. Romans 14:21
        2. Only certain kinds of animals may be eaten.
          1. Deuteronomy 14:7-8
          2. Leviticus 11:2-4
        3. You may eat any kind of animal.
          1. Genesis 9:3
          2. Mark 7:18-20
          3. Luke 10:8
          4. Acts 10:9-13
          5. 1 Corinthians 10:25
          6. Romans 14:2
          7. Timothy 4:1-3
        4. Christian Response
    14. 134
      1. How should the Edomites be treated?
        1. Be nice to them.
          1. Deuteronomy 23:7
        2. Kill them.
          1. 2 Kings 14:3, 7
          2. Ezekiel 25:13
          3. Obadiah 1
          4. Obadiah 8-9
        3. Christian Response
    15. 135
      1. Did Lot's daughters think God had killed every man except Lot?
        1. NO
          1. Genesis 19:21-22, 30
        2. YES
          1. Genesis 19:31
        3. Christian Response
  3. Mistaken Contradictions 136-150
    1. 136
      1. Does the gospel of Luke contain everything that Jesus did?
        1. YES
          1. Acts 1:1-2
        2. NO
          1. John 21:25
        3. Christian Response
    2. 137
      1. Did Jesus, Mary, and Joseph go to Egypt or Nazareth?
        1. They went to Egypt after Jesus' birth.
          1. Matthew 2:14
        2. They went to Nazareth after Jesus' birth.
          1. Luke 2:39
        3. Christian Response
    3. 138
      1. How many disciples did Jesus appear to in his first post resurrection appearance?
        1. Twelve
          1. 1 Corinthians 15:5
        2. Eleven
          1. Matthew 28:16-17
          2. Mark 16:14
          3. Luke 24:33-37
        3. Ten
          1. John 20:24
        4. Christian Response
    4. 139
      1. Did the eleven disciples believe the two men?
        1. YES
          1. Luke 24:33-34
        2. NO
          1. Mark 16:12-13
        3. Christian Response
    5. 140
      1. Whom did Elhanan kill?
        1. Goliath
          1. 2 Samuel 21:19
        2. Lahmi, the brother of Goliath
          1. 1 Chronicles 20:5
        3. Christian Response
    6. 141
      1. Was John the Baptist Elijah?
        1. YES
          1. Matthew 11:13-14
          2. Matthew 17:12-13
          3. Mark 9:13
        2. NO
          1. John 1:21
        3. Christian Response
    7. 142
      1. When will the end of the world come?
        1. Before the gospel is preached to all the cities of Israel.
          1. Matthew 10:23
        2. After the gospel is preached to all the nations of the earth.
          1. Matthew 24:14
        3. Christian Response
    8. 143
      1. How should we treat our enemies?
        1. love them, be kind to them, and treat them well.
          1. Exodus 23:4
          2. Proverbs 25:21
          3. Matthew 5:44
          4. Luke 6:35
        2. hate them and wish them evil.
          1. Psalm 35:6,8
          2. Psalm 55:15
          3. Psalm 58:6-7
          4. Psalm 68:23
          5. Psalm 69:22-28
          6. Psalm 83:9-10
          7. Psalm 83:15-17
          8. Psalm 109:6-14
          9. Psalm 139:22
          10. Lamentations 3:64-66
          11. 1 Corinthians 16:22
        3. Christian Response
    9. 144
      1. Has anyone ever ascended into heaven?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 5:24
          2. 2 Kings 2:11
          3. Hebrews 11:5
        2. NO
          1. John 3:13
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    10. 145
      1. Did Enoch die?
        1. YES
          1. Hebrews 11:13
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 5:24
          2. Hebrews 11:5
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    11. 146
      1. Was Enoch the sixth or the seventh from Adam?
        1. He was the sixth from Adam.
          1. Genesis 5:3-18
          2. 1 Chronicles 1:1-2
          3. Lk.3:37-38
        2. He was the seventh from Adam.
          1. Jude 14
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    12. 147
      1. Will Ephraim return to Egypt?
        1. YES
          1. Hosea 8:11-13, 9:3
        2. NO
          1. Hosea 11:3-5
        3. Christian Response
    13. 148
      1. When was Eve created?
        1. same time as Adam.
          1. Genesis 1:27
        2. After Adam and all the animals were created.
          1. Genesis 2:20-22
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    14. 149
      1. Is everyone descended from Adam and Eve?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 3:20
        2. NO
          1. Hebrews 7:3
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    15. 150
      1. Is God the creator of evil?
        1. YES
          1. 2 Kings 6:33
          2. Isaiah 45:7
          3. Lamentations 3:38
          4. Amos 3:6
        2. NO
          1. Psalm 5:4
          2. 1 John 4:8
        3. Christian Response
  4. Mistaken Contradictions 151-165
    1. 151
      1. Do evildoers prosper?
        1. YES
          1. Job 12:6
          2. Psalm 73:3-7, 12
          3. Jeremiah 12:1
        2. NO
          1. Psalm 34:21
        3. Christian Response
    2. 152
      1. Did Moses see God face to face?
        1. YES
          1. Exodus 33:11
          2. Deuteronomy 34:10
        2. NO
          1. Exodus 33:20-23
        3. Christian Response
    3. 153
      1. Is Salvation by faith alone?
        1. YES
          1. Mark 16:16
          2. John 3:18, 36
          3. Acts 16:30-31
          4. Romans 1:16-17
          5. Romans 3:20
          6. Romans 3:28
          7. Romans 4:2
          8. Romans 4:13
          9. Romans 5:1
          10. Romans 10:9
          11. Galatians 2:16
          12. Galatians 3:11-12
          13. Ephesians 2:8-9
          14. Titus 3:5
        2. NO
          1. Psalm 62:12
          2. Proverbs 10:16
          3. Ecclesiastes 12:14
          4. Jeremiah 17:10
          5. Ezekiel 18:27
          6. Matthew 5:20
          7. Matthew 12:37
          8. Matthew 16:27
          9. Matthew 19:17
          10. Matthew 25:41-46
          11. Luke 10:26-28
          12. John 5:29
          13. Romans 2:6, 13
          14. 2 Corinthians 5:10
          15. 2 Corinthians 11:15
          16. Philippians 2:12
          17. James 2:14
          18. James 2:17
          19. James 2:21-25
          20. 1 Peter 1:17
          21. Revelation 2:23
          22. Revelation 20:12-13
          23. Revelation 22:14
        3. Christian Response
    4. 154
      1. Were the men with Paul knocked to the ground?
        1. YES
          1. Acts 26:14
        2. NO
          1. Acts 9:7
        3. Christian Response
      2. Is it possible to fall from grace?
    5. 155
      1. Is it possible to fall from grace?
        1. YES
          1. Galatians 5:4
          2. Hebrews 6:4-6
          3. 2 Peter 2:20-21
        2. NO
          1. John 10:28
          2. Romans 8:38-39
        3. Christian Response
    6. 156
      1. How many years of famine?
        1. Seven
          1. 2 Samuel 24:13
        2. Three
          1. 1 Chronicles 21:11-12
        3. Christian Response
    7. 157
      1. Is it OK to call your father (or anyone else) father?
        1. YES
          1. Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16, Ephesians 6:2
          2. 2 Kings 2:12
          3. 2 Kings 6:21
          4. 1 John 2:13-14
        2. NO
          1. Matthew 23:9
        3. Christian Response
    8. 158
      1. Did Moses fear the king?
        1. YES
          1. Exodus 2:14-15
        2. NO
          1. Hebrews 11:27
        3. Christian Response
    9. 159
      1. Should we look for signs in the heavens?
        1. YES
          1. Luke 21:11
        2. NO
          1. Jeremiah 10:2
        3. Christian Response
    10. 160
      1. Should we fear God?
        1. YES
          1. Leviticus 25:17
          2. Deuteronomy 4:10
          3. Deuteronomy 6:2
          4. Deuteronomy 6:13, 10:20
          5. Deuteronomy 6:24
          6. Deuteronomy 10:12
          7. Deuteronomy 14:23
          8. Deuteronomy 28:58
          9. Deuteronomy 31:12
          10. Deuteronomy 31:13
          11. Joshua 4:24
          12. Joshua 24:14
          13. 1 Samuel 12:14
          14. 1 Samuel 12:24
          15. 2 Kings 17:39
          16. 1 Chronicles 16:25
          17. Nehemiah 5:9
          18. Job 28:28
          19. Psalm 19:9
          20. Psalm 25:14
          21. Psalm 33:8
          22. Psalm 33:18
          23. Psalm 34:9
          24. Psalm 96:4
          25. Psalm 103:11
          26. Psalm 103:13
          27. Psalm 103:17
          28. Psalm 111:10
          29. Psalm 112:1
          30. Psalm 115:13
          31. Psalm 128:1
          32. Psalm 147:11
          33. Proverbs 1:7
          34. Proverbs 3:7
          35. Proverbs 9:10
          36. Proverbs 10:27
          37. Proverbs 14:2
          38. Proverbs154:33
          39. Proverbs 22:4
          40. Proverbs 23:17
          41. Proverbs 24:21
          42. Ecclesiates 3:14
          43. Ecclesiates 5:7
          44. Ecclesiastes 12:13
          45. Isaiah 8:13
          46. Hosea 3:5
          47. Malachi 2:4-5
          48. Jeremaih 5:22
          49. Matthew 10:28, Luke 12:5
          50. Luke 1:50
          51. Romans 3:10-18
          52. 2 Corinthians 7:1
          53. Ephesians 5:21
          54. Colossians 3:22
          55. Hebrews 10:31
          56. 1 Peter 2:17
          57. Revelation 14:7
          58. Revelation 15:4
        2. NO
          1. 2 Timothy 1:7
          2. 1 John 4:8
          3. 1 John 4:18
        3. Christian Response
    11. 161
      1. Who bought the potter's field?
        1. The chief priests
          1. Matthew 27:6
        2. Judas
          1. Acts 1:18
        3. Christian Response
    12. 162
      1. When did the cursed fig tree die?
        1. immediately
          1. Matthew 21:19-20
        2. next morning.
          1. Mark 11:13-14, 20-21
        3. Christian Response
    13. 163
      1. When did Jesus curse the fig tree?
        1. Before driving the merchants from the temple.
          1. Mark 11:12-17
        2. After driving the merchants from the temple..
          1. Matthew 21:12
          2. Matthew 21:17-19
        3. Christian Response
    14. 164
      1. Was Jesus the first to rise from the dead?
        1. YES
          1. Acts 26:23
          2. 1 Corinthians 15:20
        2. NO
          1. 1 Samuel 28:11, 14
          2. 1 Kings 17:22
          3. 2 Kings 4:32-35
          4. 2 Kings 13:21
          5. Matthew 9:23-25
          6. Matthew 27:52-53
          7. Luke 7:12-15
          8. Luke 9:30
          9. John 11:43
        3. Christian Response
    15. 165
      1. To whom did Jesus make his first post-resurrection appearance?
        1. The two Marys
          1. Matthew 28:1, 9
        2. Mary Magdalene
          1. Mark 16:9
          2. John 20:11-14
        3. Cleopas and another
          1. Luke 24:13-31
        4. Cephas
          1. 1 Corinthians 15:4-5
        5. Christian Response
  5. Mistaken Contradictions 166-180
    1. 166
      1. How long was the ark afloat?
        1. seven months or so
          1. Genesis 8:4
        2. at least ten months
          1. Genesis 8:5
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    2. 167
      1. How long did the flood last?
        1. 40 days
          1. Genesis 7:17
        2. 150 days
          1. Genesis 7:24
          2. Genesis 8:3
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    3. 168
      1. Did everyone (except for Noah and his family) die in the flood?
        1. YES
          1. Genesis 7:21-23
        2. NO
          1. Genesis 6:4
          2. Numbers 13:33
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    4. 169
      1. Will the righteous flourish?
        1. righteous will flourish.
          1. Psalm 92:12
        2. righteous will perish.
          1. Isaiah 57:1
        3. Christian Response
    5. 170
      1. Which flying creeping things may we eat?
        1. All
          1. Deuteronomy 14:19
        2. Some
          1. Leviticus 11:21-23
        3. Christian Response
    6. 171
      1. Is it OK to call someone a fool?
        1. YES
          1. Psalm 14:1, 53:1
          2. Proverbs 28;26
          3. Matthew 23:17, 19
          4. Luke 11:40
          5. Luke 24:25
          6. Romans 1:21-22
          7. 1 Corinthians 15:36
          8. Galatians 3:1
        2. NO
          1. Matthew 5:22
        3. Christian Response
    7. 172
      1. Is it good to be foolish?
        1. YES
          1. 1 Corinthians 1:21
          2. 1 Corinthians 3:18
          3. 1 Corinthians 4:10
        2. NO
          1. Psalm 5:5
          2. Ephesians 5:15
        3. Christian Response
    8. 173
      1. Christian Response
      2. Who forces non-believers to disbelieve?
        1. God
          1. John 12:40
          2. 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
        2. Satan
          1. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4
    9. 174
      1. How many Philistine foreskins did David buy his first wife with?
        1. 100
          1. 2 Samuel 3:14
        2. 200
          1. 1 Samuel 18:27
        3. Christian Response
    10. 175
      1. Does God forgive sins?
        1. YES
          1. 2 Chronicles 7:14
          2. Jeremiah 31:34
          3. 1 John 1:9
        2. NO
          1. Joshua 24:19
        3. Christian Response
    11. 176
      1. How many generations from Jesus to Abraham?
        1. 42
          1. Matthew 1:17
          2. (14 x 3 = 42)
        2. 41
          1. Matthew 1:2-16
        3. Christian Response
    12. 177
      1. Can God be found?
        1. YES
          1. Proverbs 2:3-5
          2. Proverbs 8:17
          3. Matthew 7:8, Luke 11:9-10
        2. NO
          1. Psalm 18:41
          2. Proverbs 1:28
          3. Lamentations 3:8
          4. Lamentations 3:44
          5. Luke 13:24
        3. Christian Response
    13. 178
      1. From what were the fowls created?
        1. From the waters.
          1. Genesis 1:20-21
        2. From the ground.
          1. Genesis 2:19
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    14. 179
      1. Christian Response
      2. Do humans have free will?
        1. YES
          1. Dt.30:19
          2. Joshua 24:15
        2. NO
          1. Jeremiah 10:23
          2. Acts 13:48
          3. Rom.8:29-30
          4. Rom.9:11-22
          5. Eph.1:4-5
          6. 2 Th.2:11-12
          7. 2 Tim.1:9
          8. Jude 4
        3. Christian Response
    15. 180
      1. Were the disciples frightened or gladdened when they saw Jesus?
        1. YES
          1. Luke 24:37
        2. NO
          1. John 20:20
        3. Christian Response
  6. Mistaken Contradictions 181-200
    1. 181
      1. Does God ever get furious?
        1. NO
          1. Isaiah 27:4
        2. YES
          1. Isaiah 34:2
          2. Jeremaih 21:5
          3. Jeremaih 30:23
          4. Micah 5:15
          5. Nahum 1:2
          6. Zechariah 8:2
        3. Christian Response
    2. 182
      1. Christian Response
      2. Who gave the law to Moses?
        1. God
          1. Exodus 19:20, 20:22
        2. Angels
          1. Galatians 3:19
    3. 183
      1. Did God give Gehazi leprosy?
        1. YES
          1. 2 Kings 5:27
        2. NO
          1. 2 Kings 8:4
        3. Christian Response
    4. 184
      1. Genealogy of Jesus Christ (Mt.1 vs Lk.3)
        1. Matthew 1:6-16
        2. Luke 3:21-31
        3. Christian Response
    5. 185
      1. Genealogy of Jesus Christ (Mt.1 vs 1 Chr.)
        1. Matthew 1:6-16
        2. 1 Chronicles 3:10-16
        3. Christian Response
    6. 186
      1. When was the Holy Ghost given?
        1. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ
          1. John 7:39
          2. John 20:22
          3. Acts 2:1-4
        2. Before resurrection of Jesus
          1. Mark 12:36
          2. Luke 1:15
          3. Luke 1:41
          4. Luke 1:67
          5. Luke 2:25
          6. Acts 1:16
        3. Christian Response
    7. 187
      1. Does God lie?
        1. NO
          1. Numbers 23:19
          2. 1 Samuel 15:29
          3. 2 Samuel 7:28
          4. Titus 1:2
          5. Hebrews 6:18
        2. YES
          1. 1 Kings 22:23
          2. 2 Chronicles 18:22
          3. Jeremiah 4:10
          4. Jeremiah 20:7
          5. Ezekiel 14:9
          6. 2 Thessalonians 2:11
        3. Christian Response
    8. 188
      1. Does God love everyone?
        1. YES
          1. John 3:16
          2. 1 John 4:8
          3. 1 John 4:16
        2. NO
          1. Leviticus 20:23
          2. Psalm 5:5
          3. Psalm 11:5
          4. Proverbs 6:16, 19
          5. Hosea 9:15
          6. Malachi 1:3
          7. Romans 9:13
        3. Christian Response
    9. 189
      1. Does God know what is in everyone's heart?
        1. YES
          1. Acts 1:24
          2. Psalm 44:21
          3. Psalm 139:2-3
        2. NO
          1. Deuteronomy 8:2
          2. Deuteronomy 13:3
          3. 2 Chronicles 32:31
        3. Christian Response
    10. 190
      1. How many gods are there?
        1. ONE
          1. Deuteronomy 4:35
          2. Deuteronomy 4:39
          3. Deuteronomy 6:4
          4. Deuteronomy 32:39
          5. 1 Kings 18:39
          6. Isaiah 43:10
          7. Isaiah 44:8
          8. Isaiah 45:5-6
          9. Isaiah 45:21
          10. Isaiah 46:9
          11. Mark 12:29
          12. Mark 12:32
          13. John 17:3
          14. 1 Corinthians 8:6
        2. MANY
          1. Genesis 1:26
          2. Genesis 3:22
          3. Genesis 11:7
          4. Exodus 12:12
          5. Exodus 15:11
          6. Exodus 20:3, 5
          7. Exodus 22:20
          8. Exodus 22:28
          9. Exodus 23:13
          10. Exodus 23:24
          11. Exodus 23:32
          12. Exodus 34:14
          13. Numbers 33:4
          14. Deuteronomy 3:24
          15. Deuteronomy 5:7
          16. Deuteronomy 6:14-15
          17. Deuteronomy 10:17
          18. Deuteronomy 28:14
          19. Joshua 24:2
          20. Joshua 24:14
          21. Judges 11:24
          22. 1 Samuel 6:5
          23. 1 Samuel 28:13
          24. 1 Chronicles 16:25
          25. Psalm 82:1
          26. Psalm 82:6
          27. Psalm 86:8
          28. Psalm 96:4
          29. Psalm 97:7
          30. Psalm 135:5
          31. Psalm 136:2
          32. Jeremiah 1:16
          33. Jeremiah 10:11
          34. Jeremiah 10:11
          35. Jeremiah 25:6
          36. Jeremiah 46:25
          37. Zephaniah 2:11
          38. John 10:33-34
          39. 1 John 5:7
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    11. 191
      1. Are we all God's children?
        1. YES
          1. Ye are the children of the LORD your God. Deuteronomy 14:1
          2. All of you are children of the most High. Psalm 82:6
          3. Ye are the sons of the living God. Hosea 1:10
          4. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48
          5. Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Matthew 6:9
          6. Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. John 20:17
          7. We are the offspring of God. Acts 17:29
        2. NO
          1. Galatians 3:26
          2. Only those that have faith in Christ Jesus are God's children.
          3. Ephesians 1:5
          4. Only those that are predestinated to be adopted by Jesus Christ are children of God.
          5. John 1:12
          6. Only those that believe on Jesus' name are sons of God.
          7. Romans 9:8
          8. Only children of the promise (not children of the flesh) are counted as the seed of God. (Yuck.)
          9. 1 John 3:8-10
          10. Only sinless (male?) born-again Christians are sons of God. (Everyone else is a child of the devil.)
          11. Romans 8:14
          12. Only those who are led by the spirit are sons of God. (What spirit-led about females? Are they sons too?)
          13. John 8:41-44
          14. Jews that don't love Jesus are children of the devil.
          15. Acts 13:8-10
          16. Sorcerers children of the devil.
          17. Ephesians 2:3
          18. Those who fulfill the lusts of the flesh and of the mind are children of wrath (and are, therefore, not children of God).
        3. Christian Response
    12. 192
      1. Does God work on the Sabbath?
        1. NO
          1. Genesis 2:2-3
        2. YES
          1. John 5:16-17
        3. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
        4. Christian Response
          1. Christian Response 1
          2. Christian Response 2
          3. Christian Response 3
    13. 193
      1. How much gold, silver, and clothing did the people give?
        1. 61,000 drams of gold, 5000 pounds of silver, and 100 priests' garments.
          1. Ezra 2:69
        2. 20,000 drams of gold, 2000 pounds of silver, and 67 priests' garments.
          1. Nehemaih 7:72
        3. Christian Response
    14. 194
      1. Who killed Goliath?
        1. David killed him twice.
          1. 1 Samuel 17:49-50
          2. 1 Samuel 17:51
          3. 1 Samuel 21:8-9
        2. Elhanan
          1. 2 Samuel 21:19
        3. Christian Response
    15. 195
      1. Christian Response
      2. Is anyone good?
        1. NO
          1. Isaiah 64:6
          2. Mark 10:18
        2. YES
          1. Matthew 5:45
          2. Matthew 13:47-48
          3. Matthew 22:10
          4. Luke 3:50
    16. 196
      1. Who was the greatest: Jesus, Solomon, or John the Baptist?
        1. Solomon
          1. 1 Kings 3:12
        2. Jesus
          1. Matthew 12:42
          2. Luke 11:31
          3. Colossians 2:2-3
        3. John the Baptist
          1. Matthew 11:11
        4. Christian Response
    17. 197
      1. Is it OK for men to have long hair?
        1. YES
          1. Numbers 6:5
          2. Judges 13:5
          3. 1 Samuel 1:11
        2. NO
          1. 1 Corinthians 11:14
        3. Christian Response
    18. 198
      1. Is it good to be happy?
        1. YES
          1. Proverbs 17:22
          2. Ecclesiastes 8:15
        2. NO
          1. Proverbs 17:22
          2. Ecclesiastes 8:15
          3. Ecclesiastes 7:3-4
          4. Luke 6:25
        3. Christian Response
    19. 199
      1. Was Mary Magdalen happy or sad when she saw the risen Jesus?
        1. YES
          1. Matthew 28:8-12
        2. NO
          1. John 20:11-15
        3. Christian Response
    20. 200
      1. Who hardened the Pharaoh's heart?
        1. God did
          1. Exodus 4:21
          2. Exodus 7:3
          3. Exodus 7:13
          4. Exodus 9:12
          5. Exodus 10:1
          6. Exodus 10:20
          7. Exodus 10:27
          8. Exodus 11:10
          9. Exodus 14:4
          10. Exodus 14:8
          11. Exodus 14:17
        2. Pharaoh did
          1. Exodus 8:15
          2. Exodus 8:32
          3. Exodus 9:34
          4. 1 Samuel 6:6
        3. Christian Response