1. Some example uses of Modal Verbs
  2. Obligation
    1. Must
      1. You must wear a crash helmet on a motorbike - it is the law.
    2. Must Not
      1. You mustn't get on a train without a valid ticket.
    3. Have To
      1. You have to stamp your ticket when you get on a bus in Rome.
  3. Prohibition
    1. Cannot
      1. You can't drive a car without a license.
  4. Choice
    1. Can
      1. You can either take the bus or the metro.
    2. Could
      1. You could take a taxi if you are in a hurry.
  5. Suggestion
    1. Should
      1. You should see a dentist if you have a toothache.
    2. Should not
      1. You shouldn't drink alcohol if you are going to drive.
    3. Ought to
      1. You ought to phone your mother on her birthday - it's a good idea.
    4. Ought Not to
      1. You ought not go out in the rain if you don't have an umbrella - it's a bad idea.
  6. Ability
    1. Can
      1. I can ride a horse - I had lessons when I was a child.
    2. Cannot
      1. I can't swim - in fact I am terrified of water.
    3. Could
      1. I could speak Danish when I was a child.
    4. Could not
      1. I couldn't drive a car until I had lots of lessons.
  7. Permission
    1. Can
      1. Can I open the window ? It's too hot in here.
    2. May
      1. May I open the window ? It's too hot in here.
  8. Request
    1. Could
      1. Could you carry this for me ? I have too much to carry.
    2. Would
      1. Would you get me a newspaper when you go to the shops please ?
    3. Will
      1. Will you answer the phone please - I am busy.
  9. Confirmation
    1. Shall
      1. Shall I get pizza for dinner tonight ?
      2. I shall meet you at the station at 7pm
    2. Shall can only be used in the 1st person I/We - Not he/she/you/It etc
  10. Possibility
    1. Might
      1. He might be in the office on tuesday - I'm not sure.
    2. May
      1. She may come to the meeting - she's not sure of her schedule at the moment.
    3. Could
      1. He could be on the fourth floor - he has a meeting there later.
  11. Deduction
    1. Can't have
      1. He can't have been at work on Tuesday - I saw him at the stadium.
      2. Negative certain deduction.
    2. Must Have
      1. He must have been in the office - his car was there.
      2. Positive certain deduction.
  12. Offer
    1. Will
      1. I'll drive you to the station if you want.