1. class diagram
    1. Primary ModelElements
    2. Relationship
      1. Generalization
    3. Association
      1. Aggregation
      2. Navigability
      3. Multiplicity & EndName
    4. AssociationClass and Qualifier
    5. Visibility & Other Annotations
    6. Class interface
  2. Foundation structrure concepts
    1. Aggregation
      1. consist of relationship (has-a)
      2. Strong aggregation
    2. Association
    3. Coad& Yourdon’s OOA
      1. identify classes & objects
      2. organize objects
        1. generalization (gen - spec)
        2. aggregation (whole - part)
      3. identify subjects
        1. group objects to subjects areas
        2. create subject layer & structure layer
      4. define data elements
      5. define operations
    4. Aspects of Objects
      1. state
      2. behavior
      3. identity
      4. links
      5. attributes
      6. type
    5. Classes mean
      1. template
      2. type
      3. set
  3. Structural modeling
    1. core elements
      1. class
      2. interface
      3. component
      4. node
      5. constraint
      6. package
    2. Relationships
      1. association
      2. aggregation
      3. generalization
      4. dependency
      5. realization
  4. class
    1. Subtopic 1