1. Connection to "The white Tiger"
  2. Unsuccesful work as attorney
    1. Reasons:
      1. Too less experience with indian adjucation
      2. To get clients, one had to bribe other, greater attorneys (who delivered some of their clients)
      3. Shy person
  3. The indian indepence movement and Gandhi's role
    1. Begin
      1. Reads book "Unto this last" -> tries to loose material things
      2. Tries to do everything on his own (Haircut, Meal, ...)
      3. Occupies himself with kinds of civil disobedience
        1. -> first times in prison
      4. Begins to interfere in indian-british conflicts
      5. His doctrin: non-violent! non-cooperative! but civil disobedience
    2. Progress
      1. famous "march of salt" with thousands of people
      2. Member and president of the "Indian National Congress"
      3. 1942: Great Britain offers a bargain to stop the "war" -> Gandhi:"Leave india!"
      4. Achievement: Independence of India with commercial relationship to GB
    3. After the Independence
      1. Civil War between Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs
      2. Mass flight of muslims
      3. Gandhi risks his life (hunger strike..) to make the conflicts come to an end
  4. Importance for India and its history
    1. His Birthday is National Holiday
    2. Nominated for "Nobel Peace Prize"
    3. Printed on each indian bank note
    4. Most famous indian person
  5. Role in "The White Tiger"
    1. As a Symbol for what he is looking in the police station in Bangalore, on the streets of Delhi
    2. Lots of similarities between Gandhi and Balram (Connections in this MindMap)
    3. "You shouldn't be worried if your driver reads the "Murderer Weekly", you should be worried, if he starts to read "Ghandi""
  6. Personality
    1. Biographical details
      1. Topic
        1. *1869 in Porbandar - †1948 in New-Delhi
      2. Attorney
      3. Leader of the indian independence movement
      4. Childhood
        1. Bania-Caste (Merchants)
        2. Drinks alcohol, although it isn't allowed in his caste
        3. Steals money of his parents
        4. Ate goat for one time, although it isn't allowed in his caste
      5. Good caste, and solid social status
    2. Names
      1. Called "Mahatma" or "Bapu"
      2. "Mahatma"(Sanskrit) = "Great Soul"
      3. "Bapu"(Sanskrit) = "Father of the Nation"