1. PK
      1. GI tract
      2. nasal mucosa
      3. Lungs
      4. Subcutaneous
      5. IM
      6. IV
      1. morphine accumulates in kidney, lung, liver, and spleen
      2. CNS: primary site of action (analgesia/sedation)
    3. METAB./excrete
      1. metab: liver
      2. conjugate w/glucuronic acid
      3. excrete: kidney
      4. T1/2: 2.5 to 3 hours (x stay in body tissue)
      5. main excretion product : morphine-3-glucoronide
      6. DOA 10mg : 3 to 5 hrs
      1. x oral- erratic
      2. 1st pass efect varies in person
      3. Subtopic 3
      4. iv- works fast
      5. main effect: CNS
  2. EFFECT in cns
    1. analgesia
      1. rxn & perception
      2. cancer pts tolerate more
      3. most effective dull aching pain
      4. sharp
      5. stabbing
      6. shooting pain
      7. pain-free person. 1-> dysphoric
    2. sedation
      1. sedation. yes!
      2. LOC no!
    3. euphoria
    4. mood change
    5. mental cloudiness
    6. Respiratory depression
      1. < rate
      2. < vol
      3. < tidal volume
      4. mu recep. activxn
      5. < responsive to PCO2. build up PCO2
      6. irregular breathing patern. apnea
    7. nausea & vomiting
      1. activxn of CTZ
      2. afferent: ear & gut
      3. motion sickness
    8. pupil size
      1. miosis (pinpoint pupil)
      2. kappa recept.
      3. oculomotor (CNIII) stimulated)
    9. cough supression
  3. EFFECT on CVS
    1. vasodilation -> < bp
    2. release of histamine
    3. suppression of central adrenergic tone
    4. supress reflex vasoconstriction
  4. EFFECT on GIT
    1. > tone, < motility= constipation
    2. < HCL in stomach
    3. x tolerance
    1. biliary tract
      1. > pressure biliary tract
      2. > contraction Sphincter of Oddi
    2. bladder
      1. tone of detrusor muscle increased
      2. urinary urgency
      3. urinary retention -> > muscle tone ? sphincter closed off
    3. bronchial muscle
      1. bronchoconstriction
      2. contraI: asthmatic
    4. uterus
      1. > tone, prolong labor
  6. EFFECT on neuroendocrine
    1. < GNRH, < CRF
    2. < LH ,FSH, ACTH
    3. < cortisol & testosterone
    1. YES
      1. nausea
      2. analgesia
      3. sedation
      4. respiratory depression        
      5. cardiovascular
      6. euphoric
    2. NO
      1. miosis
      2. constipation
    1. excitatory and spinal reflexes
    2. >OPIOID = convulsions (agonist antagonist)
    3. Respiratory depression
    4. pinpoint pupils
    5. coma
  9. TX
    1. 1. establish adequate ventilation
    2. 2. give OPIOID antagonist (naloxone)