1. Dirac Equation
    1. How particles (like electrons) behave when they travel close to the speed of light.
    2. Combine 2 important ideas
      1. Quantum Mechanics
      2. Theory of Relativity
      3. Cornerstones of Modern Physics
    3. Predict existence of antimatter.
  2. Euler's Identity
    1. Link all of the constants of mathematics together.
    2. Basic mathematical operations
      1. Addition
      2. Multiplication
      3. Exponentiation
    3. Mozart of Mathematics
  3. Pi
    1. How circumference of a circle varies with its diameter.
    2. Irrational number, digits go on forever without repeating.
    3. Usage
      1. GPS
      2. Geometry
  4. Einstein's Field Equation
    1. How the Universe works at most fundamental level.
    2. Changed the understanding of nature and evolution of the Universe.
    3. Earliest moments of creation.
    4. Predict the existence of black holes and gravitational waves.
  5. Bayee's Theorem
    1. Calculate the probability that one event (A) is true, given that another event (B) is also true.
    2. Underlie rational thinking and decision making, rather than because of any intrinsic aesthetic appeal.
    3. Usage
      1. Detect faults
      2. Surveillance
      3. Military Defence
      4. Search-and-rescue
      5. Medical screening
  6. Riemann's Formula
    1. Calculate the number of primes below a given number.
      1. 25 Primes between 1 and 100.
    2. Deeper rule governing which numbers are prime.
    3. Primes are controlled by zeta function
    4. Usage
      1. Message security in codes
    5. Unlock the secrets of prime numbers
  7. the Logistic Map
    1. Model natural processes
      1. Population
      2. Animal grows and shrinks
    2. Example of Chaos History
    3. Great complexity may arise from very simple rules.
  8. A "Simple" Arithmetic Progression
    1. A sequence of numbers separated by the same amout.
    2. Algorithmic Reduction
    3. Symmetric
  9. Hamilton's Quaternion Formula
    1. Work with complex numbers that include the square roots of negative numbers.
    2. Quaternion algebra
    3. Usage
      1. Describe objects orientations on the screen.
      2. Computer graphics industry
  10. the Wave Equation
    1. Describe how waves behave.
      1. Sound
      2. Vibrations
      3. Light
      4. Radio Waves
    2. Study on phenomena
      1. Earthquakes
      2. Oil prospecting
      3. Safety on ships
    3. Start from a violin string.
  11. The Yang-Baxter Equation
    1. Explain mathematical theory of knots
    2. Implications for Mathematics and physics
      1. Waves in shallow water
      2. interaction of subatomic particles
      3. mathematical theory of knots
      4. String theory
  12. The Euler-Lagrange Equation
    1. Describe how a rocket would go around a black hole.
    2. Express classical physics simply whithin a single framework.
    3. Deceptively short and simple
    4. Shape of a soap bubble
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