Antlers vs Horns, with fur for each
- What's the difference?
- Who keeps their horns/antlers? Who sheds?
- Males vs. females
- Gateway Natural Area/RMNP
- Aspen
Lodgepole Pine
Pine beetle
- Larval tracks in wood
Beetle kill pine
- Reader rail out of beetle kill pine?
- A section of log you can open to see larval tracks, etc.
- Blue stain
- Spruce
Alpine tundra
- Treeless area from the treeline to the tops of the mountains
- Antlers and Fur
- Image
- Historic Colorado distribution
Black bear
- Fur
- Image
Mule deer
- Interactive with ears?
- Image
- Odocoileus hemionus
- Mount
- Ochotona princeps 7in
- Alpine tundra species
- Danger of predation by eagles
- Audio: pika call
- Creates a vegetation larder for the winter (like beavers). Will collect poisonous flowers; the poison acts as a preservative and keeps the plants fresh throughout the winter
Snowshoe hare
- Mount
- Changes in fur color
- Lepus americanus
Antlers and Fur
- Dimensions from collection?
- Audio of bugle
- Image
Bighorn sheep
- Mount
- Ovis canadensis 160-180cm
- Mount
- Multiple names (Mountain lion, Puma, Panther, Mountain cat)
- Puma concolor, 130cm
- American beaver
- Wolverine
Yellow-bellied marmot
- Alpine tundra species
- Similar behaviors to prairie dogs: colonies, whistles, etc.
- Marmota flaviventris
Preble's meadow jumping mouse
- Threatened
- Image
- Endenmic to northern Colorado and southern Wyoming - no place else in the world
- Zapus hudsonius preblei
Greenback cutthroat trout
- Aquarium?
- Other species?
- Lagopus leucura 30cm
- Mount
Clark's nutcracker
- Mount
- Nucifraga columbiana 11in
- Three-toed woodpecker
Golden eagle
- Mount
Boreal toad
- Species of concern
- Topic
Western chorus frog
- Audio
- Image
- Psuedocris triseriata
Pine beetle
- Dendroctonus ponderosae
- Larvae
- Image of what it does to forests
Accompanied by blue stain fungus
- Chlorociboria aeruginascens
Rocky Mountain parnassian
- Topic
- Specimen
- Adults feed on nectar from Asterids like the Rocky Mountain aster
Rocky Mountain wood tick
- Specimen and blown-up image
- Dermacentor andersoni
- Transmits Colorado Tick Fever
- Found on deer and elk
- New colony each spring - queen founds and does all the initial work
- Specimen and image
- Bombus huntii
- Native to Colorado, unlike honeybees; very important Alpine pollinators
- "Buzz" pollinators: shake pollen off plants
Carpenter ants?
- Largest ants in Colorado
- excavate tunnels in wood
Microscopic Organisms
- Blown-up image of Giardia lamblia
"Beaver fever"
- Can infect dogs, cats, beavers and other mammals; humans are the primary host
- 550-650 cases in Colorado/year
- First documented waterborne outbreak in the US was in Aspen, CO
- Subtopic 3
- Animals
- Mountain climbing
- Subtopic 3
- Hiking and camping equipment
- Park passes
- Mounted specimens
- Antlers, horns, and other animal parts