1. Antlers vs Horns, with fur for each
    1. What's the difference?
    2. Who keeps their horns/antlers? Who sheds?
    3. Males vs. females
  2. Gateway Natural Area/RMNP
  3. Plants
    1. Aspen
    2. Lodgepole Pine
      1. Pine beetle
        1. Larva
          1. Larval tracks in wood
        2. Beetle kill pine
          1. Reader rail out of beetle kill pine?
          2. A section of log you can open to see larval tracks, etc.
          3. Blue stain
    3. Spruce
    4. Alpine tundra
      1. Treeless area from the treeline to the tops of the mountains
  4. Mammals
    1. Moose
      1. Antlers and Fur
      2. Image
      3. Historic Colorado distribution
    2. Black bear
      1. Fur
      2. Image
    3. Mule deer
      1. Interactive with ears?
      2. Image
      3. Odocoileus hemionus
    4. Pika
      1. Mount
      2. Ochotona princeps 7in
      3. Alpine tundra species
      4. Danger of predation by eagles
      5. Audio: pika call
      6. Creates a vegetation larder for the winter (like beavers). Will collect poisonous flowers; the poison acts as a preservative and keeps the plants fresh throughout the winter
    5. Snowshoe hare
      1. Mount
      2. Changes in fur color
      3. Lepus americanus
    6. Elk
      1. Antlers and Fur
        1. Dimensions from collection?
      2. Audio of bugle
      3. Image
    7. Bighorn sheep
      1. Mount
      2. Ovis canadensis 160-180cm
    8. Cougar
      1. Mount
      2. Multiple names (Mountain lion, Puma, Panther, Mountain cat)
      3. Puma concolor, 130cm
    9. American beaver
    10. Wolverine
    11. Yellow-bellied marmot
      1. Alpine tundra species
      2. Similar behaviors to prairie dogs: colonies, whistles, etc.
      3. Marmota flaviventris
    12. Preble's meadow jumping mouse
      1. Threatened
      2. Image
      3. Endenmic to northern Colorado and southern Wyoming - no place else in the world
      4. Zapus hudsonius preblei
  5. Fish
    1. Greenback cutthroat trout
      1. Aquarium?
    2. Other species?
  6. Birds
    1. Ptarmigan
      1. Lagopus leucura 30cm
      2. Mount
    2. Clark's nutcracker
      1. Mount
      2. Nucifraga columbiana 11in
    3. Three-toed woodpecker
    4. Golden eagle
      1. Mount
  7. Herps
    1. Boreal toad
      1. Species of concern
      2. Topic
    2. Western chorus frog
      1. Audio
      2. Image
      3. Psuedocris triseriata
  8. Insects
    1. Pine beetle
      1. Specimen
        1. Dendroctonus ponderosae
      2. Larvae
      3. Image of what it does to forests
      4. Accompanied by blue stain fungus
        1. Chlorociboria aeruginascens
    2. Rocky Mountain parnassian
      1. Topic
      2. Specimen
      3. Adults feed on nectar from Asterids like the Rocky Mountain aster
    3. Rocky Mountain wood tick
      1. Specimen and blown-up image
      2. Dermacentor andersoni
      3. Transmits Colorado Tick Fever
      4. Found on deer and elk
    4. Bumblebee
      1. New colony each spring - queen founds and does all the initial work
      2. Specimen and image
      3. Bombus huntii
      4. Native to Colorado, unlike honeybees; very important Alpine pollinators
      5. "Buzz" pollinators: shake pollen off plants
    5. Carpenter ants?
      1. Largest ants in Colorado
      2. excavate tunnels in wood
  9. Microscopic Organisms
    1. Giardia
      1. Blown-up image of Giardia lamblia
      2. "Beaver fever"
        1. Can infect dogs, cats, beavers and other mammals; humans are the primary host
        2. 550-650 cases in Colorado/year
        3. First documented waterborne outbreak in the US was in Aspen, CO
      3. Subtopic 3
  10. Artifacts
    1. Archives
      1. Animals
      2. Mountain climbing
      3. Subtopic 3
    2. Collections
      1. Hiking and camping equipment
      2. Park passes
      3. Mounted specimens
      4. Antlers, horns, and other animal parts