1. MARTE specification
    1. update on status
      1. beta 3 accepted
      2. should become 1.0 really soon now
    2. main changes from beta 2
      1. clarification of the component model
      2. improvement of VSL
      3. modeling of modes
      4. better compatibility with AADL and EAST-ADL2
      5. allocation: alternate notation (assign)
      6. and lots of small corrections
  2. Projects around MARTE
    1. ADAMS
    2. Saturn
    3. Attest2
    4. Genesys
    5. Lambda
    6. Cesar
  3. Resources of the MUG
    1. mailing list
      1. names collected
      2. have to use a mailing list manager
        1. for free registration
        2. and moderation
    2. web site
      1. a prototype was shown
      2. based on a common database of
        1. links
        2. papers
        3. events
        4. ...
    3. will be completed and publicised when done
  4. MARTE UML Profile for Embedded Systems Design Workshop
    1. at DATE'10
      1. proposal submitted
      2. acceptation answer at the end of October
    2. will have to delay the CFP schedule