1. Basic Neuroanatomy
    1. Gage- 1838-survived- but was not Gage as b4
      1. Personality changed- fitful-irreverent & profain
    2. Localisation of Functions
      1. specifc areas have specific functions
      2. Broca & Wernike- lesions left hem = affected language
    3. Parts of the brain
      1. Major Divisons
        1. Forebrain
          1. Telencephalon
          2. Most complex functions
          3. Interprets Sensory Input
          4. Initiates Voluntary Movement
          5. mediates Complex Cognition
          6. Cerebral Cortex
          7. Ventricles & Fissures
          8. Latteral Fissure
          9. Longitudinal Fissure
          10. Central Fissure
          11. Corpus Callosum
          12. Third Ventricle
          13. Lateral Ventrical
          14. Gyrus's - Lobes & Fissures
          15. Precentral Gyrus
          16. Central Fissure
          17. Postcentral Gyrus
          18. Superior Temporal Gyrus
          19. Frontal Lobe
          20. Parietal Lobe
          21. Temporal Lobe
          22. Occipital Lobe
          23. Brodmann's Areas
          24. Limbic System
          25. Controls Motivated Behaviours
          26. Feeding
          27. Fighting
          28. Fucking
          29. Fleeing
          30. Basal Ganglia
          31. Controls Voluntary Motor Responses
          32. Damaged in Parkinsons- Huntingtons & other movement control diseases
          33. Diencephalon
          34. Thalamus
          35. multiple Nuclei
          36. Sensory relays
          37. Receive, Process & transmit to Sensory Cortex
          38. LGN- Visual
          39. MGN- Auditory
          40. VPN- Somatosensory
          41. Hypothalamus
          42. Regulates Motivated Behaviours
          43. Pituatry Gland
          44. Hormone release
          45. Mammillary Bodies
          46. Hypothalamic Nuclei
          47. Suprachiasmatic Nuclei
          48. Biological Rhythms
        2. Midbrain
          1. Mescencephalon
          2. Tectum
          3. Inferior Collucilli
          4. Superior Collucili
          5. Tegmentum
          6. Periaqueductal Gray
          7. Substantia Nigra
          8. Red Nucleus
        3. Hindbrain
          1. Myencephalon
          2. Medulla (Oblongata)
          3. Reticular Formation
          4. Controls Nervous System
          5. Cardiac
          6. Circulatory
          7. Respiratory Reflexes
          8. Metencephalon
          9. Pons Nuclei for several cranial nerves
          10. Cerebellum Sensorimotor structure
    4. Parts of Nervous system
      1. CNS- central nervous system
      2. PNS- Peripheral nervous system
    5. Brain Protection
      1. Layers of Protection
        1. Scalp
        2. Skull
        3. Dura mater menynx
        4. Arachnoid menynx
        5. Subarachnoid space
        6. Pia mater menynx
        7. Cortex
      2. Skull & 3 sheets of tissue(meninges)
      3. Space filled with CSF- Cerebrospinal Fluid
    6. Ventricles
      1. Ventricles
        1. Lateral Ventricle
        2. Third Ventricle
        3. Cerebral Aqueduct
        4. Forth Ventricle
        5. Central Canal
      2. Cusions brain from Mechanical Shock
      3. provides Buoyancy to support Brains Weight
      4. Nutrition
    7. Spinal Cord
      1. grey matter
      2. white matter
      3. Central canal
    8. Interactive Brain Online
  2. Basic Neurophysiology
    1. Certain Behaviours can be directly relates to individual neurons
      1. deficiency in nutrition of neurons = Korsakoff's Syndrome
      2. Alcohol abuse= changes structure of neurons
      3. Anaesthetic drugs prevent tansmission of neurons
    2. Glia- provides myelin sheath + helps conduction
      1. Oligodendrocyte
      2. Schwann cell
      3. Astrocyte
      4. Microglia
    3. Neurons
      1. Anatomy of Neurons
        1. Cell Body
          1. Dendrites
          2. Nuclei
        2. Axon Hilock
        3. Axon
        4. Myelin Sheths
        5. Nodes of Ranvier
        6. Buttons
        7. Synapses
      2. Neurotransmitters
        1. Synaptic Transmission
      3. Cell Membrane
        1. Lipid Bilayer
        2. 2 layers of fat molecules
        3. Numerous Protein Molecules
      4. Classes of Neurons
        1. Unipolar Neurons- one processes/connection to axon
        2. Bipolar Neuron- two processes/connection to axon
        3. Multipolar Neuron- many processes/connection to axon
        4. Multipolar Interneuron- no axon
    4. Resting Membrane Potential--70mV
      1. =difference in voltage inside & outside cell
      2. K+ & Protein-=inside
      3. Na+ & CI- =outside
      4. neuron potention 70mV less than outside
      5. ions in Polarized state
      6. Maintaining Resting Potential
        1. Charge try to equalise
        2. +out -in
        3. 2 factors working against each other
        4. Na/K pump transports in + out
        5. Concentration of Na/K pushes some through cell membrane
      7. Generation of Potentials- EPSPs & IPSPs
        1. chance of action potential dependant on amount & charge of neurotransmitter
        2. Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential
        3. Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potential
        4. Generation of Action Potential
          1. generated at Axon Hillock
          2. Effect of post synaptic potentials
          3. Voltage-activated ion channels
          4. Na+ gates enter faster then K+ exits
          5. Na+ gate closes- K+ gate opens wide
        5. Conduction of Action Potential
          1. Nodes of Ranvier regenerate action potential to conduct the singnal along the Axon
    5. Neurotransmitters
      1. The Process
        1. Neurotransmitter Presursons
        2. Synthesizing Enzymes
        3. Vesicle
        4. Degrading Enzymes
        5. Vesicle fuse with presynaptic membrane
        6. Neurotransmitter is released into Synapse bind with postsynaptic receptors
        7. autoreceptors inhibit more NT release
        8. neurotransmitter deactivated by reuptake or enzyme degradation
      2. Types of Neurotransmitters
        1. Classes
          1. Amino acids
          2. Monoamines
          3. Soluble Gases
          4. Acetylcholine
          5. Neuropeptides
        2. Each class either Excite or Inhibit
      3. Drug effect on neurotransmitters
        1. Mimic
        2. Block
        3. Increase
        4. Agonistic Drug effect
        5. Antagonistic Drug effect
      4. Drug Examples
        1. Cocaine
          1. monoamine agonist
          2. Increases Dopamine & Norepinephrine
          3. Blocks reuptake from synapse= continually activates postsynaptic receptors
          4. Effects= Euphoria- loss of appetite & insomia
        2. Curare
          1. used for anastetics to relax muscles
          2. acetylcholine antagonist
          3. binds to nicotinic receptors
          4. Blocks transmission at neuromuscular junctions
          5. Effects= paralysis & death thru lack of respiration
  3. lec 3 and 4
    1. Sensory & perceptual systems
      1. Lecture3.pdf
    2. Organisation of Motor system
      1. Lecture4.pdf