1. Prefixes
    1. ad- " toward"
    2. ab- "away from"
    3. dorsi- "back"
    4. poly- "many, much"
  2. Bones
    1. Combining Forms
      1. General
        1. calc/o; calci/o
        2. lumb/o
        3. myel/o
        4. orth/o "straight"
        5. oste/o
        6. Spine Curvature
          1. kyph/o "hunch back"
          2. lord/o "sway back like leaning"
          3. scoli/o " curve back"
        7. Vertebra
          1. spondyl/o "condition of vertebra"
          2. vertebr/o "vertebra"
          3. lamin/o
          4. eg. laminectomy "operation to relieve symptom of slipped disk"
      2. Specific Bones
        1. Cranial and Facial Bones
          1. crani/o
          2. maxill/o "upper jaw"
          3. mandibul/o "lower jaw"
        2. Thorax Bones
          1. clavicul/o "anterior shoulder blade clavicle"
          2. cost/o "ribs"
          3. scapul/o " posterior shoulder blade bone"
          4. acromion "extension of the scapula
          5. stern/o "breast bone"
        3. Pelvis Bones
          1. acentabul/o "hip socket"
          2. ili/o
          3. ischi/o
          4. pelv/o
          5. pub/o
        4. Arm and Hand Bones
          1. humer/o "upper arm"
          2. Forearm
          3. radi/o "thumb (distal) side forearm"
          4. uln/o "little finger (medial) side forearm"
          5. olecran/o "elbow process"
          6. Hand
          7. carp/o "carpals wrist bones"
          8. metacarp/o "metacarpals hand bones"
          9. phalang/o "fingers and toes"
        5. Leg and Foot Bones
          1. femor/o "upper leg (femur)"
          2. trochanter "process below neck of femur"
          3. patell/o "knee cap (patella)"
          4. Lower leg
          5. perone/o "fibula distal lower leg"
          6. fibul/o
          7. tibi/o "medial larger lower leg bone"
          8. malleol/o "ankle process"
          9. Foot
          10. calcane/o "heel bone (calcaneus)"
          11. tars/o "hindfoot bones"
          12. metatars/o "foot bones"
          13. phalang/o "fingers and toes"
    2. Pathology
      1. Ewing Sarcoma "rare malignant tumor, often in children"
        1. involves shaft of medullary cavity of long bones
      2. Exostosis "benign bony growth"
        1. bone spur eg. bunion - swelling of joint big toe
      3. Fracture " traumatic break to bone"
        1. Simple fracture (closed no open wound)
        2. Compound fracture (open with open wound)
        3. Colles fracture (broken bone near the wrist joint)
        4. Compression fracture (bone collapse from trauma or osteoporosis)
        5. Comminuted fracture (splintered or crushed bone)
        6. Greenstick fracture (partially broken bone)
        7. Impacted fracture (broken bone with one fragment driven into another)
      4. Osteogenic sarcoma (Osteosarcoma) "malignant tumor"
        1. primarily in children and adolescents with large bony tumors from osteoblasts multiplication
      5. Osteomalacia "softening of bone"
        1. Rickets
          1. disease of osteomalacia of infancy and childhood
      6. Osteomyelitis "inflammation of bone marrow bacterial infection"
      7. Osteoporosis "porous bones"
        1. Osteopenia
          1. condition in which bone mineral density is lower than normal
      8. Talipes "congenital abnormality of hindfoot"
        1. eg. clubfoot (talipes equinovarus)
  3. Joints
    1. Combining Forms
      1. Joint
        1. arthr/o
          1. eg. arthrodesis "surgical fixation of joint"
        2. articul/o
          1. eg. articulation "joint"
      2. ankyl/o "stiff, crooked, bent"
      3. burs/o "bursa"
      4. chondr/o
      5. rheumat/o "watery flow"
      6. synov/o "movable joint"
      7. Connective tissue
        1. ligament/o "bone to bone"
        2. tendon "muscle to bone"
          1. ten/o "eg. tendonitis"
          2. tendin/o "eg. tendinitis"
    2. Pathology
      1. Arthritis
        1. Ankylosing spondylitis "stiffening of spinal joint"
        2. Gouty arthritis (Gout) "excessive uric acid"
          1. eg. podagra, hyperuricemia
        3. Osteoarthritis (OA) "degenerative joint disease"
          1. loss of articular cartilage, hypertrophy of bone formation (bone spurs)
        4. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) "Chronic autoimmune reaction affect synovial membrane"
          1. bony ankylosis
          2. formation of fibrous tissue calcifies at joint
      2. Bunion
        1. build up of soft tissue or bone of metatarsophalangeal
      3. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
        1. compression of median nerve
      4. Dislocation
        1. displacement of bone from joint
        2. subluxion
          1. partial or incomplete dislocation of a bone from its joint
          2. eg. spondylolisthesis - subluxation or "slipped disc/disk" of a vertebra
      5. Ganglion cyst "fluid filled sac"
        1. occurs in joint capsules or tendons, such as wrist called "bible cyst"
      6. Herniation of an intervertebral disk (disc) "abnormal protrusion"
        1. sciatica
          1. pain radiating down the leg when disk protrudes in the lumbar spine
        2. microdiskectomy
          1. excision/removal of a portion of the protruding disk using microendoscopic surgery
      7. Lyme disease (Lyme arthritis) "bull's eye tick rash"
        1. tick bite cause severe arthritis, myalgia, malaise, affects nervous system
      8. Sprain
        1. trauma to joint with swelling and injury to ligament
      9. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) "butterfly rash autoimmune disease"
        1. chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease, affect joints, skin, kidneys, CNS, heart, lungs, connective tissue of collagen found in tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilages)
  4. Muscles
    1. Combining Form
      1. fasci/o "fibrous membrane separating and enveloping muscle (fascia)"
      2. fibr/o "fibrous tissue"
      3. Muscle
        1. my/o "eg. myopathy"
        2. myos/o "eg. myositis"
        3. myocardi/o "heart muscles"
        4. leiomy/o "smooth muscle"
        5. rhabdomy/o "skeletal muscle"
      4. plant/o "sole of foot"
      5. sarc/o "muscle and flesh"
    2. Pathology
      1. Polymyositis "chronic inflammatory myopathy"
      2. Muscular dystrophy " inherited degeneration of muscle"
        1. Pseudohypertrophy
          1. muscle appear to enlarge as fat replaces
      3. Strain "overstretch muscle" and sprain "trauma to join and ligament"
  5. Suffixes
    1. Bones
      1. -blast
      2. -clast
      3. - listhesis "slipping"
      4. -malacia
      5. -physis "to grow"
      6. -porosis "pore or passage"
      7. -tome "instrument to cut into"
    2. Joints
      1. -desis "to bind, tie together"
      2. -stenosis "narrowing"
    3. Muscles
      1. -asthenia "lack of strength"
      2. -trophy " development, nourishment"
  6. Specialists
    1. Physicians
      1. Orthopedists
      2. Rheumatologists
      3. Physiatrists "physi/o nature, physical"
      4. osteopathic physician (DO)
    2. Non-physicians
      1. Chiropractor "chir/o hand"
      2. Physical Therapist
  7. Clinical (Diagnostic) Procedures
    1. Bone Density Test (Bone densitometry) or DEXA (DXA) "X-ray"
      1. low-energy x-ray of spinal column, pelvis, wrist to measure bone mass, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
    2. Bone Scan "radioactive uptake"
      1. radiotracer injected intravenously by nuclear medical physician to diagnose tumors, infection, inflammation, stress fracture)
    3. Electromyography (EMG) "electrical stimulation"
      1. recording of strength of muscle contraction involving electrical stimulation
    4. Rheumatoid Factor Test (RF) "antibody serum test"
      1. Serum is tested for the presence of an antibody
  8. Add't Terms
    1. Muscle Types
      1. Striated (skeletal) muscle "voluntary"
      2. Smooth (visceral) muscle "involuntary"
      3. Cardiac (myocardiac) muscle "involuntary"
      4. Visceral muscle "internal organs muscle"
    2. Point of attachment
      1. Origin "muscle to stationary bone"
      2. Insertion "muscle to bone that moves"
    3. Muscle Actions
      1. flexion "to bend"
      2. extension "to straighten"
      3. abduction "away from midline"
      4. adduction "toward midline"
      5. dorsiflexion "backward (upward) bend of foot"
      6. plantar flexion "sole of foot bend downward to ground"
      7. supination " palms upwards"
      8. pronation "palms downwards"
      9. rotation "circular movement"
  9. Add't Terms
    1. Fontanelle
      1. cranial bones of newborn child have soft spots, not completely joined gaps in the skull
    2. Sutures
      1. cranial bones join each other at immovable joints
    3. Articular Cartilage
      1. bones at joint covered by glistening white tissue
    4. Meniscus
      1. crescent-shaped fibrocartilaginous structure within joint cavity as protection and cushion
  10. Add't Terms
    1. Processes "projections of a bones"
      1. Bone Head
      2. Condyle
      3. Epicondyle
      4. Trochanters
      5. Tuberosity
    2. Depressions "openings or hollows of bones"
      1. Fissure
      2. Foramen "opening"
      3. Fossa "shallow depression"
      4. Sinus "hollow cavity"
    3. Type of Bones
      1. Compact (cortical) Bone "long bone"
        1. haversian canals channel sys. for blood vessels to transport oxygen and waste, medullary cavity contains yellow bone marrow (fat cells)
      2. Spongy (cancellous or tabecular) Bone "porous bone"
        1. hematopoiesis in spaces of cancellous bone contain red bone marrow
    4. Fracture/Dislocation Treatment
      1. reduction
        1. restoration of bone to normal position
    5. Cranial Bones
      1. Ethmoid bone "supports nasal cavity"
      2. Frontal bone "forms the forehead"
      3. Occipital bone "base of skull"
        1. foramen magnum "opening for spinal cord"
      4. Parietal bone "roof of skull"
      5. Sphenoid bone "bat-shaped bone behind eyes"
        1. sella turcica "depression where the pituitary gland is located"
      6. Temporal bones " two sides of skull close to ear"
        1. Mastoid process "behind the ear"
        2. Styloid process "projects downward from temporal bone"
        3. temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
    6. Facial Bones
      1. Lacrimal bones "corner of eye"
      2. Mandible "lower jaw bone"
      3. Maxillae "upper jaw bone"
      4. Vomer "nasal septum"
      5. Zygomatic bones "cheek bones"
    7. Breastbone
      1. Manubrium "upper most portion"
      2. Sternum "joins with clavicle and ribs"
      3. Xiphoid process "lowest portion"