1. Credits
    1. Book
      1. (c) Brian Tracy
      2. 2004
      3. AMACOM
      4. ISBN 0-8144-7247-8
      5. on amazon.com
    2. Icons
      1. Flaticon
      2. packs
        1. humans by freepik
        2. humans-2 by freepik
        3. humans-3 by freepik
        4. education by freepik
        5. academic-2 by freepik
    3. Mindmap
      1. (c) Eric Bouchet
      2. 2014
      3. on biggerplate.com
  2. Goals & Objectives
    1. essential goal-setting principles
      1. Dream
        1. big dreams!
      2. Write goals
        1. in present
      3. Keep goals
        1. in balance
      4. Know
        1. major definite purpose
    2. achieving income & career goals
      1. focus
        1. on customer satisfaction
      2. find out
        1. what your customers want
      3. determine
        1. your primary output responsibiliies
        2. your key result areas
  3. Getting Organized
    1. paperwork
      1. throw away
      2. delegate
        1. to someone else
      3. personal action
      4. file
        1. for future reference
    2. time management tools & techniques
      1. time planner
        1. format
          1. paper
          2. electronic
        2. content
          1. master list
          2. calendar
          3. daily list
      2. list
        1. always
        2. by priority
      3. any time management system
        1. you like
      4. 45-file system
        1. 31 days
        2. 12 months
        3. 2 years
  4. Establishing Priorities
    1. 5 key questions for setting priorities
      1. why
        1. am I on the payroll?
      2. what are
        1. my highest value activities?
        2. my key result areas?
      3. what can I do
        1. and only I
          1. if done well will make a real difference?
      4. what is
        1. the most valuable use of my time, right now?
    2. ABCDE Method
      1. "A" = must do
      2. "B" = should do
      3. "C" = nice
      4. "D"elegate
      5. "E"liminate
  5. Get Things Done
    1. 4 steps to high productivity
      1. clear
        1. goals and objectives
          1. in writing
      2. detailed plan
        1. for achieving your goal
          1. work
          2. action
      3. clear priorities
        1. hierarchy
          1. value
          2. importance
      4. concentrate on
        1. most important thing
    2. steps to better concentration
      1. early to bed
        1. early to rise
      2. no interruptions
      3. start earlier, work harder, stay later
        1. 1 hour earlier in office, before workday
        2. work through lunch hour
        3. 1 extra hour after everyone goes home
      4. minimize
        1. idle conversation
      5. develop
        1. compulsion for closure
      6. reward yourself regularly
        1. share the rewards
      7. talk to yourself
        1. positively
      8. practice
        1. single-handling
      9. get onto the learning curve
  6. Multitask Jobs
    1. a learnable skill
      1. start
        1. with the end in mind
        2. at the beginning
      2. assemble
        1. the team
      3. share
        1. the ownership
      4. develop
        1. a shared vision
      5. create
        1. shared plans
      6. set
        1. schedules
        2. deadlines
      7. list everything
        1. that must be done
      8. identify
        1. information you will require
        2. limiting factor
      9. organize
        1. the project
          1. a typical multitask job
      10. think on paper
      11. delegate
        1. responsibilities
        2. deadlines
      12. practice
        1. crisis anticipation
      13. develop plan B
        1. continually develop options
  7. Time-Saving techniques
    1. meetings
      1. determine cost of meeting
      2. make meetings more efficient
        1. is the meeting necessary
        2. write
          1. agenda
        3. start & stop
          1. on time
        4. cover
          1. important items
          2. first
        5. summarize
          1. each conclusion
        6. assign
          1. specific responsibility
        7. keep
          1. notes
        8. circulate
          1. minutes
    2. fire fighting & emergencies
      1. plan for the worst
      2. crisis management strategies
        1. think
          1. before acting
        2. delegate
          1. responsibility
        3. write it down
        4. get the facts
        5. develop a policy
    3. 5 more ways to save time
      1. shop all at once
      2. bunch your errands
      3. don't waste the time of others
      4. be punctual
      5. move quickly
  8. Procrastination
    1. 5 ways to get yourself started
      1. create
        1. detailed plan of action
      2. clean up
        1. your workspace
      3. separate
        1. urgent
        2. important
      4. start w/
        1. your most important tasks
      5. practice
        1. creative procrastination
    2. 16 ways to overcome procrastination
      1. think
        1. on paper
      2. gather
        1. all materials & work tools
          1. before you begin
      3. do
        1. one small thing
          1. to get started
      4. "salami slice"
        1. the task
      5. Swiss cheese technique
      6. start from
        1. the outside
          1. small tasks first
        2. the inside
          1. larger tasks first
      7. do
        1. the task that causes you
          1. the most fear or anxiety
      8. start your day
        1. w/ the most unpleasant task first
      9. think about
        1. negative consequences
          1. not doing the job
          2. not completing the task
        2. how you will benefit from
          1. doing the job
          2. completing the task
      10. set aside
        1. 15' during the day
          1. work on your project
      11. resist
        1. tendency toward perfectionism
      12. pick one area
        1. where procrastination is hurting you
      13. develop
        1. compulsion for closure
      14. maintain
        1. fast tempo
  9. Dealing with Others
    1. 6 steps to effective delegation
      1. match
        1. person
        2. job
      2. agree
        1. what is to be done
      3. explain
        1. how the job should be done
      4. have employee feed back to you
        1. what you have said
      5. set a deadline
      6. manage
        1. by exception
    2. ways to get more done each day
      1. work
        1. harder
        2. faster
      2. batch
        1. your tasks
      3. do
        1. more important things
        2. things you're better at
      4. make
        1. fewer mistakes
      5. simplify
        1. the work
    3. steps for effective problem solving
      1. define
      2. identify
        1. all possible causes
        2. all possible solutions
      3. make a decision
      4. establish
        1. fallback solution
      5. determine
        1. worst possible outcome
      6. assign
        1. specific responsibility
  10. for SalesPeople
    1. use your time well
      1. get to bed
        1. early
      2. start your day
        1. right
      3. start work
        1. early
      4. focus
        1. on prospecting
      5. work all the time you work
        1. use your lunch breaks wisely
      6. listen and learn
      7. use a time planner