1. Who Am I?
    1. Personal Life
      1. Joy
      2. Satisfaction
      3. Service
      4. Respect
      5. Passion
    2. Professional Life
      1. Joy
      2. Satisfaction
      3. Service
      4. Respect
      5. Passion
      6. Pharmacy Licenses
        1. Pharmacist
        2. Owning a Pharmacy
          1. Meeting Health Needs
          2. Communicatuons w Professionals
          3. Long Hours
          4. Paperwork
          5. Insurance Claims
          6. Accounts Receivable
          7. Kind of Pharmacy
          8. Supporting Services
          9. DME
          10. Appliance Fitting
          11. Hospice
          12. Nursing Homes
          13. Nutrition
          14. Nursing Services
          15. Wound Care
          16. Retail
          17. Supporting Services
          18. DME
          19. Appliance Fitting
          20. Hospice
          21. Nursing Homes
          22. Nutrition
          23. Nursing Services
          24. Wound Care
          25. Clinic
          26. Closed
          27. Nuclear
          28. Home Infusion
          29. Compounding Only
          30. Sterile Lab
    3. Public Life
      1. Joy
      2. Satisfaction
      3. Service
      4. Respect
      5. Passion
  2. Owning a Business
    1. Opportunities
      1. Set Own Work Schedule
      2. "Be Your Own Boss"
    2. Constraints
      1. Personal
      2. Financial
        1. Cash
        2. Borrowing
        3. Investors
      3. Legal
        1. Local
          1. Licenses
          2. Taxes
        2. State
          1. Taxes
          2. Board of Pharmacy
          3. State Medical Society
          4. FDA
    1. It is what it is
    2. Are Decisions Neutral?
      1. Can be changed
      2. Can be replaced
      3. Good Decsions
      4. Bad Decisions