1. If your project needs more...
    1. ...clarity, raise the level of your focus
    2. ...more to be happening, lower the level of your focus.
  2. Purpose/Guiding Principles
    1. Why am I doing this?
    2. What would "on purpose" really mean?
    3. What are the key standards to hold in making decisions and acting on this project?
  3. Mission/Vision/Goal/Successful Outcome
    1. What would it be like if it were totally successful?
    2. How would I know it's successful?
    3. What would success look or feel like for each of the parties with an interest?
  4. Brainstorming
    1. What are the things that occur to me about this?
    2. What is the current reality?
    3. What do I know?
    4. What do I not know?
    5. What ought I consider?
    6. What haven't I considered?
    7. complete, open, nonjudgemental and resist all critical analysis
    8. view from all sides
  5. Organizing
    1. What are the components, sequences, and/or priorities?
    2. What needs to happen to make this whole thing happen?
    3. create outlines, bulleted lists, or organizing charts, as needed for review and control
  6. Next Actions
    1. What are the next actions on current independent components
      1. What should be done next?
      2. Who will do it?
    2. If more planning is required, determine the next action to get that to happen.