If your project needs more...
- ...clarity, raise the level of your focus
- ...more to be happening, lower the level of your focus.
Purpose/Guiding Principles
- Why am I doing this?
- What would "on purpose" really mean?
- What are the key standards to hold in making decisions and acting on this project?
Mission/Vision/Goal/Successful Outcome
- What would it be like if it were totally successful?
- How would I know it's successful?
- What would success look or feel like for each of the parties with an interest?
- What are the things that occur to me about this?
- What is the current reality?
- What do I know?
- What do I not know?
- What ought I consider?
- What haven't I considered?
- complete, open, nonjudgemental and resist all critical analysis
- view from all sides
- What are the components, sequences, and/or priorities?
- What needs to happen to make this whole thing happen?
- create outlines, bulleted lists, or organizing charts, as needed for review and control
Next Actions
What are the next actions on current independent components
- What should be done next?
- Who will do it?
- If more planning is required, determine the next action to get that to happen.