1. Networks in real life
    1. Social network
      1. Social ties
      2. Friends
      3. Increased complexity
        1. Technology
        2. Global
      4. Large group of people tightly interconnected
    2. Information networks
      1. Increased complexity
      2. Different sources
      3. Variety
        1. Perspectives
        2. Sources
        3. Reliabilities
        4. Motivating intentions
      4. Understanding information
        1. How is it connected with others
        2. Links
    3. Technological and economical networks
      1. Complex
      2. Behavior difficult to understand
        1. Big amount of data
        2. Digitally mediated
      3. Disruptions
        1. Spread rapidly
        2. Cascading failures
        3. Underlying network structures
      4. Macroscopic effects
      5. Intricate patterns
      6. Localized interactions
  2. What is it?
    1. Elements
      1. Objects
      2. Collection of objects
    2. Connected with links
    3. With a certain structure
      1. Pattern
        1. Interconnections
      2. Densely conected
      3. Central cores
      4. Natural splits
      5. Multiple tightly connected regions
      6. Participants
        1. Central
        2. Peripheral
      7. Connectedness
        1. Who is connected with whom
      8. Ties
        1. Strong ties
          1. Close and frequent social contacts
          2. Tightly-linked regions of the network
        2. Weak ties
          1. Casual and distinct social contacts
          2. Cross between regions
          3. Short-cuts
      9. Structural holes
      10. Graph theory
    4. Large populations
  3. Behavior and dynamics
    1. Connectedness
      1. Individual actions
      2. Outcomes
        1. Consequences on the whole network
        2. For the each individual
    2. Framework for reasoning
      1. Behavior in networks
      2. Interaction in networks
    3. Models of networked behavior
      1. Strategic behavior
      2. Strategic reasoning
    4. Evaluating actions
      1. Not in isolation
      2. Potential reactions from the world
      3. Subtle cause-effect relationships
    5. Understanding highly connected systems
      1. Network structure
      2. Strategic behavior
      3. Feedback effects
    6. Aggregate behavior
    7. Game theory
      1. Equilibrium
      2. Braess's Paradox
      3. Strategy
      4. Payoff
    8. Markets and strategic interacion on networks
      1. Models of trade
      2. Interactions
        1. Buyers
        2. Sellers
      3. Positions in the network
      4. Powerful position
        1. Number of connections
        2. Power of the other individuals
    9. Population effects
      1. Social practices
        1. Ideas
        2. Beliefs
        3. Opinions
        4. Innovations
        5. Techologies
        6. Products
        7. Social conventions
      2. People influence each other's behavior
        1. New practices spread through a population
        2. Amount of people doing something
          1. Added value
          2. Number of users
          3. Rich get richer
        3. Information cascades
        4. Abandon private information
        5. Follow a crowd
      3. Imitation is not a given
        1. Ask why people are influenced by behavior of others
        2. Behaviour of others=information
        3. Evaluation of idfferent choices
        4. Direct benefit from aligning your behavior with that of others
          1. Decision-making
        5. Search
          1. Exlpore social chains
          2. Information
          3. Referrals
      4. Examples
        1. Diffusion of technology
        2. Social contagion
      5. Contantly emerging and evolving
    10. Structural effects
      1. Immediate neighbors vs population as a whole
  4. Institutions and aggregate behavior
    1. An institution
      1. Rules
      2. Conventions
      3. Mechanisms
    2. Synthesize individual actions
    3. Pattern of aggregate behavior
    4. Markets as aggregators of beliefs
      1. Probabilities of future events
    5. Voting
      1. Prioritization
      2. Cumulative social preference