1. Contact the author
    1. tigerman@thejungleroom.co.uk
    2. Twitter: @GarryGomersall
  2. Intelligent Systems
    1. Cognitive Analysis
    2. Computer Systems that Learn
    3. ....that Hypothesize
    4. ....that Suggest
  3. Big Data
    1. Data finds Data
    2. Data finds the people
    3. Context to provide relevance
    4. Situation + Time + Place
    5. Non-obvious Relationship Awareness (NORA)
    6. When Bad Big Data can be Good Big Data
      1. Untrusted Data - just as valuable potentially depending upon....
        1. Context
        2. Situation
        3. Location
        4. Time
      2. Destructive vs. Non-destructive interference
      3. Trusted Data
        1. Single View of Customer (SVOC)
    7. Complex Algorithms to differentiate
      1. but also used to hide and defraud
  4. BPM
    1. 5% are STP that require no human intervention
    2. 25% of processes are predictable and repeatable
      1. = domain focus of traditional BPM =
    3. 70% of all processes are unstructured, non-predictable, and often non-repeatable
    4. Simplicity, Visibility, Governance and Control is the STRATEGY
      1. "automation" a mere tactic
    5. 80% of Users operate the 70% of processes that are non-repeatable
      1. e-mail
      2. ad-hoc
      3. unstructured
      4. non-predictable
      5. spreadsheets
      6. documents
      7. social interactions
    6. Who will own the "app store" for business process(es) ?
  5. Social Business
    1. Wisdom of crowds
    2. Peer recommendations trump all others
    3. Social BPM
    4. Power of one-voice
    5. Klout scores to measure "influence"
    6. Era of the CMO is now
      1. Non-trusted brand market communications
      2. Extreme Collaboration
      3. Customer market of 1
  6. Cloud Computing
    1. IaaS
      1. MyOwn-Premise
    2. PaaS
      1. Commoditized already on the public cloud
    3. SaaS
      1. Traditional vendors obliged to re-factor their I/P or go out of business
    4. BPaaS
      1. Process "app stores" to emerge on the Cloud
      2. Business Process Mashups without recourse to IT
  7. Software Vendors
    1. Freemium license model
    2. pay-per-usage
    3. opensource new-entrants = "good enough" in many domains already
    4. COTS
      1. No longer "1 app" but dozens of variations
    5. bespoke
      1. "app" development in the hands of the masses
      2. Skills barrier diminishing across BRIC
    6. Products have rapidly diminishing half-lives
  8. Digital Natives
    1. iGeneration expects:
      1. Always On
      2. Anywhere
      3. Everywhere
      4. Freemium licenses
      5. iPad + iTunes ease of use
  9. Business Outperformers
    1. Maniacal focus on operational discipline
    2. Paranoid about productivity
    3. Empirically creative
    4. Businesses must be run on facts not intuition
  10. Predictive Analytics
    1. Instrumented Business Processes
      1. People
      2. Process
      3. Information
    2. Decision Management
      1. Insight into Action
    3. Data is the new "oil" of business
      1. Need to refine for better decision making