1. Applicant Not Hired
    1. 110 Box
  2. Applicant Hired
    1. Department Head
      1. Get applicants training availability
      2. Create Training Schedule
        1. Post one on board
        2. Give one with application to Tiff/Lauren
      3. Arrange Orientation Time
        1. Remind applicant to bring unexpired ID's
        2. Email Tiff/Lauren with orientation time
    1. New Hire Paperwork
    2. Supply Uniform
      1. TRAINING
        1. 1st Day meet with Dept. Head
        2. Daily check-in with manager and trainee
        3. Final day test and review with Dept. Head
        4. Patrick to check payroll for training wage
        5. Lauren to distribute Lavo Lira
    3. Give Training Schedule