1. Strategies and Programmes for offerings that are "new to the target customer"
  2. Define New ?
    1. New to the world Products (innovations)
    2. New Product Lines (New to Company and not Customer)
    3. Additions to existing product lines (Both Customer and/or Company)
    4. Improvements and/or Revisions of existing Products
    5. Repositioning
    6. Cost Reductions
  3. Objectivess
    1. Secure future volume and Profit Growth
    2. External Driven
      1. Defend Market Share and Position
      2. Establish foothold in new market
      3. Pre-empt market segment
    3. Internal Driven
      1. Maintain "Product Innovator" Position
      2. Exploit Technology Advances
      3. Capitalise on Distribution Advantages
      4. Provide a cash generator
      5. Use excess off-season capacity
  4. Market Entry Strategies
    1. Pioneer
      1. Advantages
        1. First Choice of Market Segments and Positions
          1. Largest Market Segment / Product attribute alignment
          2. Brand becomes standard of reference (Hoover/Coke/Cutex)
          3. Followers difficult to differentiate related to market attractiveness
        2. Pioneer Defines the Rules of the Game
          1. Set Standards for Followers (eg.)
          2. Price
          3. Quality
          4. PRomotional Appeal
          5. Distribution
          6. Warranties
        3. Distribution Advantages
          1. Options in the design of the distribution Channel
          2. Distributors reluctant to carry multiple brands
          3. Consumer goods are harder to defend
          4. Quickly Expanding Product Line
          5. Retailers reduce SKUs in category in Favour of turnover and cost
        4. Economies of Scale
          1. Initial Volume Gain & Experience facilitate rate of price reduction
          2. Pricing strategy can reduce follower attractiveness
          3. High margins used in Marketing strategy to reduce follower attractiveness
        5. Influence on Consumer Choice criteria and Attitudes
        6. Possibility of pre-empting scarce resources
        7. Possibility of positive network effects
    2. Follower