1. Siddhartha
    1. founder of Buddhism
    2. 2500 years ago
    3. belonged to Sakya gana
    4. enlightment at Bodh Gaya
    5. Taught at Sarnath
    6. died at Kusinara
  2. Upanishads
    1. atman
      1. Individual soul
    2. Brahman
      1. Universal soul
    3. Meaning of Upanishad
      1. approaching and sitting near
    4. Famous Upanishad
      1. Chandhogya Upanishad
    5. Satyakama Jabali
      1. A famous poor thinker
      2. mother
        1. Jabali
      3. teacher
        1. Gautama
    6. A famous grammarian
      1. Panini
  3. Jainism
    1. Jaina
      1. Belonged to Lichchavis
    2. was supported by traders
    3. Teachings of Mahavira
      1. written down
        1. 1500 years ago
        2. In valabhi
  4. Sangha
    1. Assciation of those who left homes
    2. Monastries
      1. Viharas
  5. Four ashramas of life
    1. brahmacharya
    2. Grihastha
    3. Vanaprastha
    4. Samnyasins