1. A
      1. A1
        1. Abide
          1. Abide with worthy ones
          2. Matthew 10:11-13
          3. Mark 06:10
          4. Luke 09:04
          5. Luke 10: 05- 08
          6. Abide in Christ
          7. John 15:04
          8. 1John 02:2 08
          9. Abide in your calling
          10. 1Corinthians 07:20
          11. 1Corinthians 07:24
          12. Abide in worthy ones
        2. Abide not in
          1. darkness
          2. John 12:46
        3. Abstain from
          1. Abstain from All appearance of evil
          2. 1Thessalonians 05:22
          3. Abstain from blood
          4. Acts 05:20
          5. Abstain from pollutions of idols
          6. Acts 05:20
          7. Abstain from things strangled
          8. Acts 05:20
          9. Abstain from Fornication
          10. Acts 05:20
          11. 1Thessalonians 04:03
          12. Abstain from Fleshly lusts
          13. 1Peter 02:11
          14. Abstain from meats offered to idols
          15. Acts 05:29
        4. Accuse None
          1. Accuse None falsely
          2. Luke 03:14
        5. Add to
          1. Christian graces
          2. 2Peter 1:05-07
          3. add to virtue knowledge
          4. add to your faith virtue
          5. 2Peter 1:05-07
          6. add to knowledge temperance
          7. 2Peter 1:05-07
          8. add to temperance patience
          9. 2Peter 1:05-07
          10. add to patience godliness
          11. 2Peter 1:05-07
          12. add to godliness brotherly kindness
          13. 2Peter 1:05-07
          14. add to add to godliness brotherly kindness
          15. 2Peter 1:05-07
        6. Ask
          1. Ask and ye shall receive
          2. Matthew 07:07
          3. Ask life for backsliders
          4. 1John 05:16
          5. Ask no return of goods
          6. Luke 06:30
        7. Admit to
          1. Admit to your own unprofitableness
          2. Luke 17:10
        8. Admonish
          1. Admonish one another
          2. Colossians 03:16
          3. Admonish the unruly
          4. 2Thessalonians 03:15
        9. Agree with
          1. Agree with your adversary
          2. Matthew 05:2 05
        10. Allow No
          1. Allow no blessing and cursing from the same mouth
          2. James 03:10
          3. Allow no liberty to ensnare you to commit sin
          4. 1Corinthians 10:25-30
          5. Allow no lust of evil in the your body
          6. 1Thessalonians 04:05
        11. Anoint
          1. Anoint your head and wash face when fasting
          2. Matthew 06:17
        12. Arise
          1. arise from the dead
          2. Ephesians 05:14
        13. Arm Yourself
          1. Arm your self with a mind to suffer for Christ
          2. 1Peter 04:01
        14. Avenge Not
          1. Avenge not yourself
          2. Romans 12:19
      2. A2
        1. avoid
          1. Foolish questions
          2. Titus 03:09
          3. Genealogies
          4. Titus 03:09
          5. contentions
          6. Titus 03:09
          7. strivings about the law
          8. Titus 03:09
          9. Profane babblings
          10. 1Timothy 06:20
          11. vain babblings
          12. 1Timothy 06:20
          13. appositions of False science
          14. 1Timothy 06:20
          15. those who cause divisions contrary
          16. Romans 16:17
          17. those who cause offences
          18. Romans 16:17
          19. unlearned questions
          20. 2Timothy 02:23
        2. awake
          1. Awake from sleepiness
          2. Ephesians 05:14
          3. Awake to life
          4. Ephesians 05:14
          5. Awake to righteousness
          6. 1Corinthians 15:34
        3. X
    2. B
      1. B3
        1. BE
          1. Be afraid- if lawless
          2. Romans 13:04
          3. Be diligent to be found in peace
          4. 2Peter 03:14
        2. Be of
          1. Be of the same mind one toward another
          2. Romans 12:16
        3. BE for Men & Women
          1. BE (AGED men)
          2. be sober
          3. Titus 02:02
          4. be grave
          5. Titus 02:02
          6. be temperate
          7. Titus 02:02
          8. be sound in faith
          9. Titus 02:02
          10. be sound in charity
          11. Titus 02:02
          12. be sound in patience
          13. Titus 02:02
          14. BE (for AGED women)
          15. be in behaviour as becometh holiness
          16. Titus 02:04
          17. be not false accusers
          18. Titus 02:04
          19. be not given to much wine
          20. Titus 02:04
          21. be teachers of good things
          22. Titus 02:04
          23. BE (for YOUNG men)
          24. be sober minded
          25. be
          26. be
          27. be
          28. be
          29. BE (for YOUNG women)
          30. be sober
          31. Titus 02:04-05
          32. be discreet
          33. Titus 02:04-05
          34. be chaste
          35. Titus 02:04-05
          36. be keepers at home
          37. Titus 02:04-05
          38. be good
          39. Titus 02:04-05
          40. be obedient to their own husbands
          41. Titus 02:04-05
      2. B1
        1. Be Not-1
          1. Neither be of doubtful mind
          2. Luke 12:29
          3. Be not carried about with strange doctrines
          4. Hebrews 13:09
          5. Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers
          6. 2Corinthians 06:14-15
          7. Be not afraid of man
          8. Luke 12:04
          9. Be not afraid of terror
          10. 1Peter 03:14
          11. Be not as hypocrites in fasting
          12. Matthew 06:16
          13. Be not ashamed of God
          14. 2Timothy 01:08
          15. Be not children in understanding
          16. 1Corinthians 14:20
          17. Be not wise in your own conceits
          18. Romans 12:16
          19. Be not conformed to world
          20. Romans 12:02
          21. Be not drunk with wine
          22. Ephesians 05:18
          23. Be not entangled again with keeping the law
          24. Galatians 05:01
          25. Be not forgetful of strangers
          26. Hebrews 13:02
        2. Be Not-2
          1. Be not ignorant of God's time clock
          2. 2Peter 03:08
          3. Be not many teachers
          4. James 03:01
          5. Be not mere servants of men
          6. 1Corinthians 07:23
          7. Be not of doubtful mind
          8. Luke 12:29
          9. Be not overcome of evil
          10. Romans 12:21
          11. Be not partakers with sinners
          12. Ephesians 05:07
          13. Be not troubled
          14. 1Peter 03:14
          15. Be not unwise about God's will
          16. Ephesians 05:17
          17. Be not weary in well doing
          18. 2Thessalonians 03:13
          19. Be not anxious
          20. Be anxious for nothing
          21. Philippians 04:06
        3. Be not deceived
          1. Be not deceived
          2. 1Corinthians 06:09-10
          3. Be not deceived concerning entry into kingdom of God
          4. 1Corinthians 06:09-10
          5. Be not deceived: man will reap what he sows
          6. Galatians 06:07-08
        4. Be not like
          1. Be not like the heathen in prayer
          2. Matthew 06:08
          3. Be not like the hypocrites in prayer
          4. Matthew 06:05
        5. Be not slothful
          1. Be not slothful
          2. Hebrews 06:12
          3. Be not slothful in business
          4. Romans 12:11
      3. B2
      4. B4
        1. X
        2. X
        3. X
    3. c
      1. C1
        1. Call no man
          1. Call no man "Rabbi"
          2. Matthew 23:08
          3. Call no man "Master"
          4. Matthew 23:09
        2. X
        3. X
      2. X
      3. X
      4. X
      5. X
      6. condescend
        1. condescend to men of low estate
          1. Romans 12:16
      7. X
      8. X
      9. X
      10. X
      11. Mind not
        1. Mind not high things
          1. Romans 12:16
    4. T
      1. TEACH
        1. teach the young women to be sober
          1. Titus 02:04-05
        2. teach the young women to love their husbands
          1. Titus 02:04-05
        3. teach the young women to love their children
          1. Titus 02:04-05
        4. teach the young women to be discreet
          1. Titus 02:04-05
        5. teach the young women to be chaste
          1. Titus 02:04-05
        6. teach the young women to be keepers at home
          1. Titus 02:04-05
        7. teach the young women to be good
          1. Titus 02:04-05
        8. teach the young women to be obedient to their own husbands
          1. Titus 02:04-05
        9. teach the young women to be obedient to their own husbands
          1. Titus 02:04-05
      2. X
      3. X
      4. X
      5. X
      6. X
      7. X
      8. X
  2. GOSPEL Commands
    1. XXX
      1. XXX
        1. XX
    2. XXX
      1. XXX
        1. XX
    3. XXX
      1. XXX
        1. XX
    4. XXX
      1. XXX
        1. XX
    5. XXX
      1. XXX
        1. XX
    6. XXX
      1. XXX
        1. XX