1. Improvements
    1. Redesign the licensing/activation flow
    2. Redesign the update information dialog
    3. Show loading indicator at splash screen
    4. Record XMind product version information into XMind files
    5. Save file blackups automatically in the "Black Box" view
  2. Fixed-Bugs
    1. Dynamic menus don't show correctly on Ubuntu 13.10
    2. Fail to import Mindjet files
    3. Subtopics should follow their parents' colors rather than "Multi Branch Colors"
    4. Fail to change the width of the topic
    5. Fail to export to PDF/Word file successfully when two topics have the same content or there is one blank floating topic
    6. Fail to keep topics notes' background color when exporting to Word/PDF/RTF
    7. "Invalid thread access" error when export to Word/PPT
    8. Fail to enter full screen in brainstorming mode
    9. Error occurred when creating hyperlink in brainstorming mode
    10. Fail to clear the duration settings at task info view
    11. Fail to display the numbering correctly on exported Word files
    12. Fail to find and replace the last target words within one sheet