1. Location/depth in skin
    1. Epidermal
    2. Epidermal-dermal
    3. dermal
    4. dermal-subdermal
    5. subcutaneous
      1. adipose tissue
      2. fascia
      3. muscle
      4. periosteal
      5. synovial
      6. bone
  2. Location in relation to joint
    1. On joint margin
    2. away from joint margin
      1. bony prominences
      2. bursal
      3. tendon
  3. Consistency
    1. hard
    2. firm
    3. soft
    4. fluctuant
    5. fleshy
  4. Temperature
    1. Elevated
      1. Hot
      2. warm
    2. Normal
  5. Color
    1. Flesh colored
    2. Red
    3. Red-brown
    4. Red-purple/violaceous
    5. Yellow
    6. White
  6. Surface
    1. Smooth
    2. Keratotic
    3. Ulcerated
    4. Fungating
  7. Mobility
    1. Movable
      1. Side to side mobility
      2. Freely movable
    2. Fixed
  8. Tenderness
    1. Tender
    2. Non-tender
  9. Size
    1. Measurement