account migration status
Started (Phase 1)
- Complete Native application
- Working same as Native app Phase 1
- Migration of this phase user is NOT yet started
SupplyEndDate (Phase 2)
- After login exposed to timeline page for few seconds then redirected to web view of the accpilcation
Features of native app available
- Arrows at the bottom left to move side wise
- logout icon at the bottom right
- my profile
- preference(edit)
- smart meter
- The user cannnot close the web page
- MIgration of this phase user is in progress
FinalBill (Phase 3)
- After login exposed to timeline page for few seconds then redirected to web view of the accpilcation
Features of native app available
- Arrows at the bottom left to move side wise
- logout icon at the bottom right
- my profile
- preference(edit)
- smart meter
- The user cannnot close the web page
- MIgration iof this phase user is in progress
Complete (Phase 4)
- After login user is redirected to page where user can navigate to playstore or itnue for downloading
eon app within the device specific app store (iOS: itunes Android: Play store)
And this link should open externally from the app framework
- when user clicks an E.ON link or an external link
Then this link should open in my normal mobile web browser.
- Migration of this phase user is completed
- App should work on all devices
- Arrows should be provided in the app for user to navigate with in the web view of application
- User should NOT be able to CLOSE the Web view thus restricting user to access native app features
- via web view with the app , user should be able to download documents
- user should return to same page he was working on when the customer leaves the app or the customer locks their device
Twin fuel app customer
Two types of Twin fuel app
Type 1
Same customer
- Account 1
- Account 2
- Can have either same or different fuel consumption from both accounts
Type 2
Same customer
- Same Account
- Fuel 1
- Fuel 2
- Can be either same or different fuel consumption
If both accounts are in different migration phase then , both accounts should behave in the higher phase mode
- Phase 4 > Phase 3 > Phase 2 > Phase 1
Rating of application
- User should NOT see the Foresee CSAT pop up
- User should not see the app store rating widget.