1. Backward Design
    1. BD Topics
      1. Online
        1. BD Design Resources
        2. Assignment: Create a BD Broad Objectives matirx
      2. Session 1
        1. BD Presentation
        2. BD Activity
    2. Storyboarding
      1. Session 1
        1. Followup BD Activity
      2. Online
        1. Storyboarding resources
  2. Course Organization (Mechanics)
    1. The Learning Module
      1. Session 1
        1. Be a "little" linear
          1. Create Learning Moudle from the BD Activity
          2. Discussions
          3. Synchronous Activities: Chat/Wimba
          4. Communication: email, etc
          5. Learning Modules
      2. Online
        1. Be a "little" linear: online Assignment- create Welcome Module
          1. Welcome letter and Start Here
          2. Syllabus
          3. Time Line
          4. Consistency
  3. Planning for Interaction
    1. Human vs Technology
    2. Timing and setting the tone
    3. Asynchronous
    4. Synchronous
  4. Session 2
  5. Session 3