1. The history of the Olmpic games
    1. Modern Olympic games
    2. The flag
    3. The flame
    4. Ancient Olympic games
  2. Sidney 2000
    1. The opening ceremony
    2. Preparation
    3. Sydney
    4. Facts
  3. Vancouver 2010
    1. Into about the host city
    2. Merchandice
    3. Disciplines
      1. Alpine skiing
      2. Biathlon
    4. Top 10 over Medals list
    5. Denmark's athletes and earlier achievements
  4. London 2012
    1. The IOC
    2. The Openings ceremony
    3. facts
  5. Political events that have cancelled disrupted or otherwise marked the Olympic games
    1. The Black September
    2. The oldest medal winner
    3. 1940 and 1944
    4. World war 1.