1. Phase 1 1968/70
    1. Designing a craft guild business
    2. Designing and making bespoke furniture
    3. Discovering that I did not know what I did not know
  2. Phase 2 1970/76
    1. Trained as workplace layout/method study & time study technician
    2. Shoefactory technician
    3. Trainer of technicians
    4. Management lackey!
    5. Getting to learn what I previously did not know was necessary
  3. Phase 3 1976/77
    1. Seeking more autonomy via higher education (M degree)
    2. Studied Organization Analysis and Development - a form of designing complex socio-technical systems
    3. Pioneered use of action research for co-produced M degree thesis (ground-truthing attempt)
    4. Exposed to Small is Beautiful Economics as if People Mattered and other relevant texts
    5. Realized corporate life not for me
    6. Maybe I do know enough now ...?
  4. Phase 4 1977/89
    1. Designed & operated workshop-scale (8 people) shoe-making enterprise (now 45 yrs old)
    2. Developed appropriate tech shoe construction method & production system
    3. Designed boots and shoes (designs still running)
    4. Ran 3/4 acre small holding with family and friends to keep food on the table
    5. Seeking 'walking the talk' authenticity - Lean period 1
  5. Phase 5 1986/2004
    1. 'Got' by permaculture
    2. Co-developed embryonic PC Association of Britain
    3. Introduced design framework thinking to PC movement (as did Dave Jacky in USA)
    4. Lead designer of action-learning Diploma of Applied Permaculture Design system
    5. Pivotal designs at Springfield Community Gardens, Bore Place, Blackdown Hills for DCC
    6. Going deep and wide, full permissions taken, Lean period 2
  6. Phase 6 2004/2019
    1. Co-designed & still operating Gaia U International
    2. Supporting others to act
    3. Drought resistant almond orchard project for Lush Cosmetics (North America)
    4. Internationalism required, Lean period 3
  7. Phase 7 2019 onwards
    1. Small farm future project Syria UNDP
    2. Contracted by ERC for Knowledge Exchange Development
    3. Learning conflict resolution/decolonization
    4. Going syntropic
    5. Earning a living at last!
    6. Earning a living at last! Older and bolder ...