Chapter 1: How the Public Uses Networked Community Information
Enabling aspects of community information, p. 4 and 5
- Comparing (similar to verifying but may come earlier in the cognitive process)
- Connecting (how to find people with related interests, etc)
- Describing (services offered, cost, eligibility, etc)
- Directing (information about where something is located or how to get somewhere)
- Explaining (in-depth, content-oriented information that explains how something works)
- Problem solving (information that will help bridge a gap or solve a problem)
- Promoting (want others to know about them, e.g., that they're available for employment, that they've started a new club, etc)
- Relating (information that is relevant to the individual's needs and construct)
- Trusting (information that the individual feels comes from a trustred source. This is similar to high-quality-something that people said they wanted)
- Verifying (a form of corporate intelligence, people want to keep up with what their competition is doing, be aware of new trends, etc)
Barriers to using networked CI systems, p. 8-10
- information overload
- poorly organized (classified)
- out-of-date and inaccurate information
- authority
- missing
- dead links
- language used
- security
- specificity
- non-anticipatory systems
- technological barriers
- economic barriers
- geographic barriers
- search skill barriers
- cognitive barriers
- psychological barriers
Chapter 2: From Vertical Files to the Web
- http://www.si.umich.edu/helpseek
- http://hpl.lib.tx.us/hpl/interactive/eref_form.html/
- http://hpl.lib.tx.us/hpl/interactive/answers.html/
- http://www.glencoe.lib.il.us/GckLbRef.html
- http://www.spl.org/quickinfo/formexpl.html
- http://www.danburylibrary.org/new/forms/ask.html
- http://www.skokie.lib.il.us
- http://www.si.umich.edu/libhelp
- http://www.cdrli.org
- http://sfpl.lib.ca.us:8000/SOCSER
- http://www.cmstory.org
- http://images.kclibrary.org
- http://www.chipublib.org/digital/digital.html
- http://www.tpl.lib.wa.us/v2/NWRoom/nwroom.htm
- http://www.win.org/library/services/gis/gishp.htm
- http://www.pratt.lib.md.us/info/neighborhoods
- http://www.multnomah.lib.or.us/lib/ref/maps.html
Chapter 3: Public Library Participation in Community Networking
- http://www.danbury.org
- http://milford.lib.mi.us/MCIN/comm.htm
- http://darien.lib.ct.us
- http://www.tfn.net
- http://www.si.umich.edu/Community
- http://www.si.umich.edu/libhelp
Common approaches used by Case Study Community Networks
- Mission or Aim: to increase access to community resources
- The CN reflects librarians' knowledge, skills and values
- CN librarians are aware of local conditions
- Model development depends on community and library conditions
- Librarians provide assistance to non-profit organizations and local governments
- CN leaders bring CI providers together
- CN librarians show non-profits how to link to other organizations
- CN fosters communication
- CN staff foster partnerships
- CN staff model community building
- The public library leads collaborative community efforts
- The CN fosters volunteerism
- Librarians know that the CN brings direct benefits to their communities
CASE Studies
- Three Rivers Free-Net: Free to the People http://trfn.clpgh.org
- NorthStarNet and the Creation of Suburban Community http://www.northstarnet.org
- CascadeLink: A Vehicle for Fostering Community Connections http://www.cascadelink.org
Other examples of information communities
- The Making of Ann Arbor (MOAA) http://www.aadl.org/moaa(index2.htm
- LA as subject http://www.getty.edu/gri/public/lasubject.htm
- HealthWeb http://healthweb.org/members.cfm
- Chapter 4: Benefits of Access to Community Information and Community Networks
Chapter 5: Best Practice
- http://www.si.umich.edu/helpseek/bestpractices
Access issues/digital divide
- http://www.queenslibrary.org
- http://www.kclibrary.org/cultural
- http://www.scfn.net
CI services
- http://www.fortworthlibrary.org/core.htm
- http://www.northstarnet.org
- http://www.1st.org
Interactive CI or CN features
- http://www.hpl.lib.tx.us/hpl/interactive/eref_form.html
- http://www.cascadelink.org/index.html
- http://www.bpl.org
Specialized content
- http://www.ci.pasadna.ca.us/library/profiles.asp
- http://www.skokie.lib.il.us
- http://trfn.clpgh.org
Agency/local government content
- http://www.bcplonline.org
- http://www.hartfordpl.lib.ct.us
- http://www.spl.org
- http://www.tfn.net
- http://www.mln.lib.ma.us/index2.htm
- http:///www.hccn.org
- http://michiana.org/MFNetMainMenu.html
- http://www.ela.alibrary.com
- http://www.multnomah.lib.or.us/lib/events/classes
- http://www.fairnet.org
- http://www.nypl.org/branch/health
- Chapter 6: The Evaluation Challenge
- Chapter 7: Learning from Best Practice