1. Benefits
    1. Live, mulitparty viewing and editing
    2. Ingrains the mind map philosophy in the company
    3. Very effective communication method. Much less stuffing around wording things and reading rushed, distracted posts on wave or email
    4. Could lead to more effective uptake of perhaps doing knowledge databasing with mind maps if we can find the s/w
    5. Very effective method of tracking things similar to wave
  2. Issues
    1. Getting people engaged
      1. Start with cynical Matt!
    2. Potential technical problems
    3. Commercial in confidence issues
    4. Another fricken tool to stuff around with
    5. Wasting time learning more tool stuff and not billing
  3. Tools
    1. Xmind, free - this one
      1. Benefits
        1. Installed easy, very easy to use, online tool
        2. Pretty awesome format change to a range of other formats
          1. Mind Map - three formats
          2. Fishbone diagrams
          3. Tree
          4. Org
          5. Logic chart
      2. Potential issues
        1. Might find we want to upgrade to the pro version if we like it.
    2. Don't know any others yet