1. The Organs of Speech
  2. Two Speech process
    1. Psychological
      1. formulating the concept at a linguistic level = in the brain
    2. Physiological (or) Articulatory
      1. making certain movements and produce particular patterns of sounds
  3. Physical or acoustic
    1. The movement of organs of speech creates disturbances in the air
  4. Other organs
    1. Auditing
      1. perception of vibrations in the air in the listener's ear drum
        1. Ear diagram
    2. Cognition
      1. The decoding of sounds
        1. Information Processing
  5. Speech Mechanism
    1. 1. The respiratory system
      1. Lungs
        1. The most usual source of energy for vocal activity is provided by an air-stream expelled from the lungs
      2. Bronchial tubes
      3. windpipe or trachea
    2. 2. The phonatory system
      1. 1. Larynx or voice-box
      2. 2. Vocal cards (Vocal folds)
        1. Two folds of ligament and elastic tissue
      3. 3. Glottis
        1. The opening between the vocal cords
    3. 3. The articulatory system
      1. 1. Nose
        1. Topic
      2. 2. Lips
        1. Topic
      3. 3. Mouth
        1. 1. Tongue
          1. Topic
        2. 2. Teeth
          1. Topic
        3. The roof of the mouth
          1. 1. Alveolar or Teeth palate
          2. 2.Hard palate
          3. 3. Soft palate (velum)
          4. 4. Uvula
      4. 4. The soft Palate (velum)
    4. Three group of body organs
      1. Trunk
      2. Throat
      3. head
  6. Air-stream mechanisms
    1. 1. Pulmonic air-stream mechanisms
      1. Consists of the lungs and the respiratory muscles
    2. 2. Glottalic air-stream mechanisms
      1. Larynx
        1. a) Open Glottis
          1. Air can pass through them quite freely
          2. Voiceless or Breathed
          3. Topic
        2. Air can pass through them quite freely
        3. b) Glottis in vibration
          1. Voiced
          2. Topic
          3. The opening and closing action
          4. 100-150 times in a man's voice
          5. 200-325 times in a woman's voice
          6. Constitutes the process called "phonation"
        4. c) Closed glottis
          1. Glottal stop Eg: cough, hiccups
        5. d) Narrowed glottis
          1. Whisper: soft hissing noise
    3. 3. Velaric air-stream mechanisms
      1. Velum (soft palate) Eg: click
        1. 1. Nasalized sounds
          1. Air can escape through nose and mouth
        2. 2. Lowered soft palate
        3. 3. Raised soft palate
    4. Initiators
      1. Used to pull air in
        1. b) Ingressive
      2. Used to push air out
        1. a) Egressive