1. Eleder Aurtenetxe Pildain BM31_BILBAO Mind mapping - Open Space Technology - Creativity
    1. www.flowandshow.blogspot.com
      1. ENGLISH
    2. www.in-fluyendo.blogspot.com
      1. SPANISH
    3. www.burumapak.blogspot.com
      1. BASQUE
  2. INTRO
    2. NOLA
      1. iruditan
        1. heft
        2. arizona
      2. Owenen laburpena
      3. sustainable
      4. PROZESUA
        1. AGILE
          1. 1. ORDUA
          2. Introducción (15’)
          3. o El facilitador explica las grandes materias (“traks”) que se tratarán en el Open Space, el proceso, los cuatro principios y la única ley.
          4. Propuesta de temas concretos y programación en el horario (45’).
          5. * Cada asistente conversa durante 5 minutos con sus vecinos sobre los temas que les gustaría debatir. Para cada tema, un asistente pide al facilitador una tarjeta donde escribir su nombre y el tema en cuestión, enunciándolo preferiblemente en forma de problema a resolver.
          6. * Los asistentes se van poniendo en fila en el espacio abierto del semicírculo. Cada uno dice su nombre y enuncia el tema que propone debatir mientras enseña la tarjeta al resto de asistentes de manera que la puedan leer. A continuación se va a pegarla en una hora que esté libre del horario del Open Space (que está conscientemente separado del semicírculo para no desviar la atención de escuchar todas las propuestas) y vuelve rápidamente a atender.
          7. * Cuando ya se han enunciado todos los temas, los asistentes se reúnen frente al horario para acabar de organizarlo.
          8. Cuando ya se han enunciado todos los temas, los asistentes se reúnen frente al horario para acabar de organizarlo.
          9. o Si alguien desea que un tema se mueva a otra hora, se lo solicita a su propietario, que decide si lo mueve o no, respetando al máximo el horario original para no incomodar a otros asistentes.
          10. o Un tema se puede añadir a otro si el propietario del tema receptor está de acuerdo.
          11. o El horario queda visible durante todo el Open Space de manera que cualquiera podrá acercarse a ver qué reuniones están teniendo lugar en ese momento y escoger a cual quiere ir.
          12. Se inician las reuniones.
          13. Reuniones (1,25 horas cada una). A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de cómo se podría llevar a cabo una reunión (se podría hacer de muchas otras maneras):
          14. * Una participante hace de facilitador y escriba (debería de ser la persona que propuso el tema).
          15. * Selección de problemas (15’):
          16. o Brainstorming de ítems o problemas concretos a tratar. Se escriben en tarjetas que se pegan en una pizarra o en la pared. Ejemplos de items para el tema "Ingeniería Ágil": Integración continua, TDD, deuda técnica, herramientas, frameworks, etc.
          17. o Cada participante dispone de 5 votos a repartir entre los problemas que le gustaría debatir. Se levanta y los va apuntando en las tarjetas correspondientes.
          18. o Se recuentan los votos de cada tarjeta y se escogen los 3 problemas con más votos.
          19. * Coloquio sobre cada problema (15’ por cada problema).
          20. * Conclusiones de la reunión (5’).
          21. Conclusiones de las reuniones (1h)
          22. Al finalizar el Open Space, todos los asistentes se reúnen en la sala central. Cada uno de los que propuso un tema expone las conclusiones, ideas o posibles actividades que se han propuesto en su reunión para resolver el problema tratado.
        2. LEITH
          1. 1. Briefing Participants gather for the opening plenary. They sit in a circle, to indicate that everyone is equally a leader. The facilitator states the theme of the meeting, describes the principles that underpin Open Space and explains how the Open Space meeting will be created and managed.
          2. 2. Creating the agenda Anyone who feels so inspired can offer one or more sessions (such as a presentation, workshop, discussion group or task force) by creating a simple poster showing the title of the session and his or her name, making a brief announcement to the whole group, and choosing a time and place to meet.
          3. 3. Sign-up The individual session posters are fixed to the wall and participants sign up for the sessions that they wish to attend. Much negotiating usually occurs at this point: for example, convenors offering sessions on similar topics may decide to join forces, and people may ask for sessions to be retimed to make their own participation possible.
          4. 4. Sessions Participants then self-organise and pursue what interests them, attending sessions or being a bumblebee (moving from session to session) or a butterfly (having spontaneous conversations).
          5. 5. Session reports Someone at each session volunteers to make notes and prepare a handwritten or computer-generated report, which is displayed under a sign saying Session Reports. The large group reconvenes at certain points and at the end of the meeting to make announcements and share what has transpired.
          6. 6. Action planning The Open Space meeting often includes an action planning session during which the participants prioritise action points and form self-managing project teams to implement the high priority projects. Projects emerging from the meeting are monitored and co-ordinated by the co-ordination team (composed of the co-ordinator of each project team, together with a member of the formal leadership team) which keeps all interested parties updated on the progress of the projects.
          7. 7. Reflection The meeting ends with a plenary session in which people reflect on the meeting. Each participant leaves with a complete set of session reports.
        1. ADIBIDEAK
          1. CORNER STONE
          2. HERMANN, Michael
        2. NOLAKOA
        1. GIDOIA
          1. Sponsor's introduction
          2. * Three minutes... to tell the story of "how we got here" ...whatever that means to them.
          3. Welcome and Introduction
          4. * Look around circle/bounding the space
          5. * What do we know about who's here? ...nobody knows, everybody cares, nobody in charge, everybody skilled
          6. State the theme
          7. * Summarize comments by host/sponsor/client organizer, see 'opening remarks' notes
          8. A Little History
          9. * 25 years, 5 continents, no marketing budget or advertising department
          10. * African villages, corporate boardrooms, all kinds of churches, the Peace Corps and the Pentagon, Banks and Techs, government and community organizations, school leaders and youth groups... with anywhere from 5 to 1000 people at a time
          11. * Outstanding results -- it will work here, too
          12. Descibe the Process - How this is going to work today
          13. * Invite those who want to, and nobody has to
          14. * Identify some issue/opportunity related to our theme
          15. * Something you have real passion for and will take personal responsibility for starting the conversation about it
          16. * Don't have to be an expert with answers, need to care enough to ask the question and start the conversation
          17. * If nothing occurs to you, fine -- if more than one, post them on separate pages
          18. * In a minute, ask to come forward, grab the paper and markers
          19. * Write your topic and you name
          20. * Read it out -- "my name is ... and my issue is...."
          21. * Post it on the wall so everyone who shares your interest can find your conversation
          22. The Four Principles
          23. * Whoever comes are the right people don't need 100 people and the ceo to do good work...need the people who care if nobody comes, might be a bad idea, or just bad timing you might be the only one who knows enough to deal with it or see its importance take it as just another piece of information, spend time on it yourself or move on
          24. * Whatever happens is the only thing that could have be prepared to be surprised, be very dull if everything always went as expected forget coulda, woulda and shoulda and go with the flow of what is here and now
          25. * Whenever it starts is the right time -- spirit and creativity don't run on the clock
          26. * When it's over it's over if you finish in ten minutes, don't rehash for another 50...move on when it's not over, it's not over...so you might have to move, but don't have to end
          27. The Law of Two Feet
          28. * You have the right and the responsibility to use your two feet to go wherever you need to in order to maximize your own learning and contributing today.
          29. * When mind wanders, take your body with it... stay whole!
          30. * If you're not learning or contributing...go someplace else -- don't waste time.
          31. * Means if you aren't enjoying where you are, it's totally your choice to stay or move on
          32. * Law is death to egotists and speechmakers
          33. * Creates bumblebees who cross-pollinate and butterflies who create space to just be
        2. BERBALDIA
          1. ELEAK
      7. IXTEKO
        1. * distribute proceedings -- gallery of notes, copies of handwritten notes, books of typed notes
        2. * talking stick -- passed around, left in center, or delivered to those who raise a hand
        3. * cycle of invitation story - invitation, topics posted, proceedings, new invitations
        4. * medicine wheel story - leadership, vision, community, management
        5. * prioritization - clustering, sticky dot voting, computer voting, reopening
        6. * news, now, next, nuts -- repeating the cycle of review, check-in/closing, opening, breakouts (see non-convergence notes)
      8. Key Questions and Instructions
        1. * evening news - one word to describe how feeling, where you are
        2. * morning news - new topics to post? other news?
        3. * talking stick closing - how do you feel? what has this meant? what have you learned? what will you do now? what is required to sustain this movement?
        4. * reading proceedings - pay special attention to those issues not attended and not familiar with
        5. * voting instructions - is NOT political win/lose, IS sifting and sorting to find where the greatest energy and greatest needs are, vote for the importance of the issue not the quality of the report
      9. Veteran Strategies
        1. * Be a bumble bee, butterfly
        2. * Ask a provocative question
        3. * Convene a consulting group
        4. * Save time to ask for conclusions/recommendations
        5. * Pass a sign-up sheet to gather participant names
        6. * Convene a sequel
        7. * Limit attendance and do it twice
        8. * Issue "special" invitations
        9. * Find a co-conspirator (co-convener)
        10. * Type the notes from butterfly conversations
        11. * Capture notes on flipchart paper
        12. * Convene lunch/dinner sessions
        13. * Hold your session in whatever language works
        14. * DO talk to strangers
        15. * Listen for something really new
        16. * Speak your mind
        17. * Plan some actions
        18. * Work, play, learn, dream, move
        19. * (to be continued...)
      10. Jumping In
        1. * Can't learn to swim from the side of the pool -- time to jump in
        2. * Identify an issue or opportunity for which you have some real passion
        3. * Think of a short title and write it with your name
        4. * Read it out -- my name is... my issue is..... -- no speeches required or allowed
        5. * Post it and come back to circle
      11. Sign-ups
        1. * Clear a path to get to the wall
        2. * Sign up for everything that interests you, even if more than one during the same session
        3. * Conflicts...can combine, move or bumblebee, but conveners have final word on it
        4. * On your own, take responsibility for your own meetings/times, bells don't ring until closing
        5. * Go to your first session as soon as you're done signing up
      12. Guiding
        1. Intentions
          1. * be with, be open, be space
          2. * expanding our now, nobody knows
          3. * presence invites presence
          4. * what if it all really works?
          5. * open invitation, unconditional offering
          6. * room/right to make own choices
          7. * less is more
          8. * have fun, play
        2. METAPHORS
          1. * hero's journey
          2. * treasure hunt, nobody knows
          3. * blowing bubbles
          4. * bubbling cauldron
          5. * creeping ivy
          6. * room to work
      13. MATERIALA
        1. MURALAK
        2. masking tape
        3. flip charts
        4. post-its
        5. A-4
        6. markers
          1. washable
          2. 1/2 parte hartzaileko
          3. dark
      14. FIRST
        1. LESLIE
    4. WHAT
      1. IS
        1. more than a better meetings method
        2. OWENenak
          1. On 25 November 2008, Harrison Owen, originator of Open Space Technology, sent the following message to Open Space practitioners around the world:
      2. ISN'T
        1. * A brainstorming session (people discuss their heartfelt concerns)
        2. * A glorified suggestions session (the emphasis is on taking personal responsibility for making things happen)
          1. Topic
        3. * A complaints session (ditto)
        4. * A jolly (an Open Space event is a serious business meeting where real work gets done)
        5. * Total anarchy (there is appropriate structure and appropriate control)
    5. GUIDE-Hermann
    6. TESTUAK
      1. CHOOSING ost
        1. Birgitt Bolton
        1. 2 orriko LABURPENA
          1. Anne Stadler
          2. www.spiritedwork.org
          3. annestad@nwlink.com
          1. Pegy Holman
        1. TAO
          1. Deidre COMBS
          2. blog
          3. web
      2. MassTLC Innovation 2009 unConference
        1. KALIYA
      1. w-OST
        1. ENDER,Gabriela
          1. historia
          2. ASHOKA
    1. GELAREN kapazitatea
      1. CORRIGAN
        1. Logistics planning checklist
          1. To keep on hand if you are the meeting coordinator, this list covers all the major tasks involved in planning an Open Space Technology meeting.
          2. Topic
          3. Planning checklist (MS Word)
        2. Sample agendas
          1. For some people, the notion that a meeting has no pre-set agenda is a little hard to swallow. For those within your group who require a piece of paper with times and activities listed on it, feel free to provide them with the following:
          2. Topic
          3. Sample 1 day agenda (MS Word)
          4. Topic
          5. Sample 1 day agenda with graphics (MS Word)
          6. Topic
          7. Sample 1.5 day agenda (MS Word)
          8. Topic
          9. Sample 2.5 day agenda (MS Word)
        3. Invitation Resources
          1. Preparing an invitation can be a lot of work. Getting the theme just right, eliciting the passion from your group and ensuring that you have described Open Space Technology well is all important. Here are some resources to help you get started.
          2. Topic
          3. 30 snappy definitions of OST (MS Word)
          4. Topic
          5. Four longer descriptions of OST (MS Word)
          6. Topic
          7. An invitation template
          8. Topic
          9. Michael Herman's excellent collection of invitation resources
        4. Report forms
          1. In Open Space, making sure notes are kept is critical to producing a meaningful set of proceedings. Every convener is responsible for ensuring that their session is documented. These are the forms I provide to conveners as they post their topics..
          2. Topic
          3. Report form for OST sessions (MS Word)
          4. Topic
          5. Report form for action planning sessions (MS Word)
        5. Chris Corrigan
          1. chris@chriscorrigan.com
          2. Phone (604) 947-9236
          3. RR #1 E-3, Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada V0N 1G0
        6. Topic
        7. Topic
        8. Topic
    1. COSO (conscious)
      1. http://www.dalarinternational.com/
        1. http://www.dalarinternational.com/coso_develop.html
          1. http://www.genuinecontact.net/
          2. http://www.genuinecontact.info/
        1. http://www.saskworld.com/bodymindspirit/authors/birgitt-williams.html
      4. ADIBIDEAK
    1. BIDEOAK
      1. VAILL&OWEN
        1. http://www.vimeo.com/6818166
        2. http://www.vimeo.com/6863338
        3. http://www.vimeo.com/6857409
        4. http://www.vimeo.com/6852209
    3. EGILEAK
      1. LEITH
      2. CORRIGAN
      3. OWEN
        1. OWEN_TESTUAK
        2. PEACE
          1. MEZUA_09
          2. SUMMARY
        4. LEARNED last 20 years
      4. Michael Herman Associates
        1. http://www.michaelherman.com
        2. http://www.ronanparktrail.com
        3. http://www.chicagoconservationcorps.org
        4. http://www.openspaceworld.org
      5. HEFT, Lisa
        1. glosategia
        2. Raffi
    4. OST-WORLD
      1. OSonOS
        1. TAIPEI 2009
          1. Suzanne Daigle
      2. (g)UNEA
        1. INSTITUTES
      3. OSLIST
        1. ARCHIVES
          1. BILATZEKO
          2. GAIAK
          3. * Organization Type... Technology, Church, Youth, School, Government, Health Care...
          4. * Where you are... Berlin, Chicago, Denmark, Hong Kong, Nepal, London, Paris...
          5. * What you'd like to do in Open Space... Strategic Planning, Corporate Retreat, Annual Conference...
          6. * Deeper themes... conflict resolution, self-organization, hierarchy, control, letting go...
          7. * How to... convergence, non-convergence, computer voting, sticky dots, talking stick, documentation, video...
          8. * more suggestions???
        2. JOIN US !
    5. HISP
      1. AGILES
        1. AZALPENA
    6. FR
      1. STAMMISCH
      2. Christine Koehler
        1. 06 13 28 71 38 / 06 09 66 14 18 (temporaire)
  6. MINE
      1. 1.MEZUAK
      2. BEFORE 1ST
        1. ERANTZUN
          1. OWEN
          2. PORTU
      3. AFTER 1ST
        1. ERANTZUN
          1. Lise Damkjær
          2. LEARNING4LIFE
          3. BLOG
          4. *Suzanne Daigle*
          5. s.daigle@nufocusgroup.com
          6. Topic
          7. JL Walker
          8. HO
        2. elek esker-onez ERANTZUN
        1. 1.egunean
          2. GERARD MULLER-2
          3. HARRISON
          4. DOUGLAS GERMANN
          5. LISA FLOYD
        2. 2.ean
          2. NEUK
          3. DOUGeK
      1. What's open space?
        1. Zer da EI_Whats OS ITZULPENA.odt
      2. Glosategia
      3. Oinarriak
      1. EH
        1. Ana Agirre
        2. Ramon Zarate
          1. GEUZ
          2. Gorbeña
      2. EU
        1. DEUTSCH
          1. MICHAEL HERMAN
          2. OST orrialdekoa euskaratzeaz
        2. RUS
          1. Raffi Aftaldelian
          2. LIVING PEACE liburua
          3. about
        3. ENG
      3. HISP
        1. CHILE
          1. WALKER, Juan Luis
          2. Topic
        2. Alacant
          1. FLORIAN FISCHER
          2. Rodalquillar
      4. US
        1. Owen
      5. PORT
    4. OST_LIST
      1. 1.
      2. 2.
      3. 3.
    5. DVn
        1. Amaia Ugaldek
    6. Subtopic 6