1. Numbers 23:24
      1. Of Balaam—Concerning the Moabites and Israelites
        1. Mount Pisgab
    2. Judges 09:07-15
      1. Jotham—Trees making a king
        1. Mount Gerizim
    3. Judges 14:14
      1. Samson—Strong bringing forth sweetness
        1. Timnath
    4. 2Samuel 12:01-04
      1. Nathan—Poor man's ewe lamb
        1. Jerusalem
    5. 2Samuel 14:01
      1. Woman of Tekoah—Two brothers striving
        1. Jerusalem
    6. 1Kings 20:35-40
      1. The Smitten Prophet—The escaped prisoner
        1. Near Samaria
    7. 2Kings 14:09
      1. Jehoash, King of Israel—The thistle and cedar
        1. Jerusalem
    8. Isaiah 05:01-06
      1. Isaiah—Vineyard yielding wild grapes
        1. Jerusalem
    9. Ezekiel 14:02-09
      1. Ezekiel—Lion's whelps
        1. Babylon
    10. Ezekiel 17:03-10
      1. The boiling pot
        1. Babylon
    11. Ezekiel 24:03-05
      1. The great eagles and the wine
        1. Babylon
  2. by PARABLE
    1. Of Balaam—Concerning the Moabites and Israelites
      1. Numbers 23:24
        1. Mount Pisgab
    2. Jotham—Trees making a king
      1. Judges 09:07-15
        1. Mount Gerizim
    3. Samson—Strong bringing forth sweetness
      1. Judges 14:14
        1. Timnath
    4. Nathan—Poor man's ewe lamb
      1. 2Samuel 12:01-04
        1. Jerusalem
    5. Woman of Tekoah—Two brothers striving
      1. 2Samuel 14:01
        1. Jerusalem
    6. The Smitten Prophet—The escaped prisoner
      1. 1Kings 20:35-40
        1. Near Samaria
    7. Jehoash, King of Israel—The thistle and cedar
      1. 2Kings 14:09
        1. Jerusalem
    8. Isaiah—Vineyard yielding wild grapes
      1. Isaiah 05:01-06
        1. Jerusalem
    9. Ezekiel-Lion's whelps
      1. Ezekiel 14:02-09
        1. Babylon
    10. The boiling pot
      1. Ezekiel 17:03-10
        1. Babylon
    11. The great eagles and the wine
      1. Ezekiel 24:03-05
        1. Babylon
    1. Mount Pisgab
      1. Of Balaam—Concerning the Moabites and Israelites
        1. Numbers 23:24
    2. Mount Gerizim
      1. Jotham—Trees making a king
        1. Judges 09:07-15
    3. Timnath
      1. Samson—Strong bringing forth sweetness
        1. Judges 14:14
    4. Near Samaria
      1. The Smitten Prophet—The escaped prisoner
        1. 1Kings 20:35-40
    5. Jerusalem
      1. Isaiah—Vineyard yielding wild grapes
        1. Isaiah 05:01-06
      2. Jehoash, King of Israel—The thistle and cedar
        1. 2Kings 14:09
      3. Nathan—Poor man's ewe lamb
        1. 2Samuel 12:01-04
      4. Woman of Tekoah—Two brothers striving
        1. 2Samuel 14:01
    6. Babylon
      1. Ezekiel-Lion's whelps
        1. Ezekiel 14:02-09
      2. The boiling pot
        1. Ezekiel 17:03-10
      3. The great eagles and the wine
        1. Ezekiel 24:03-05