1. Yr 8 Options Interview
    1. Buddy system with Year 10s
    2. Less mistakes More informed choices Narrowing the gap
    1. Exciting
    2. Ensuring Staff training / understanding
    3. Quality communication at with home
    4. Remodelling of the current detention system
    5. Positive and negative rewards are recorded by teachers thus empowering them. Vulnerable groups are track more accurately Should erase the current errors in the detention system
  3. House Captains
    1. Should they have more of an impact?
    2. Prefects / Head boys / including the 6th form
    3. Role models Mentoring
    1. University fees!
    2. Poor employment opportunities
    3. School leaving age increased
    4. We need to do more in this climate and inform our students where possible. Local companies and agencies coming into assemblies. The school could create 5 outstanding work experience opportunities
  5. Drugs within school and Portishead
    1. Has increased within school and Portishead
    2. Problem lower down in the school
    3. Tutor involvement
    4. Learning Hub
  6. Social Networking sites
    1. We are constantly facing issues in these areas
    2. Twitter is more important now
    3. Facebook and BBM is constantly used in school
    4. Staff training - Learning Hubs Students must be informed of the consequences
  7. FSM
    1. 'Narrowing the gap'
    2. Clarity on what staff should be doing both within the House syeytem and Faculties
    3. We have identified which students are on FSM, now we need to clearly caterer for these students consistently
  8. Staff CPD
    1. More emphasis on the tutor. (see Drugs and Social Networking site
    2. ICARIS
    3. Closing the loop in the behaviour system
    4. Staff must attend 1 Pastoral Learning Hub a year
  9. Literacy and numeracy
    1. Raising the importance of Literacy and Numeracy in tutor time
    2. Liasing with HOF to promote Literacy and Numeracy across the whole school.
  10. Ofsted
    1. Safe
    2. excellent behaviour
    3. Responsibility to act as leaders
    4. Attendance is above the National average
    5. We are Outstanding! We need to carry on the good things we do. 'disquiet about behaviour' - low level disruption