1. Aphthous Ulcer Stomatitis
    1. Etiology
      1. Allergy
      2. AI
      3. hormone changes
        1. before men
      4. Crohn's dz
      5. Zn deficiency
    2. Gross Morphology
    3. Clinical
      1. lips and gums
      2. shallow
      3. hyperemic
      4. rimmed
        1. erythema
    4. Histopathology
    5. aka
      1. canker sores
  2. Herpetic stomatitis
    1. Etiology
      1. Herpes simplex
        1. 1 & 2
    2. Gross Morphology
      1. lesions initially appear as vesicles
      2. virus dormant in local ganglia
    3. Clinical
      1. Primary Infection
        1. malaise
          1. fever
        2. painful
        3. 2-4 weeks
        4. may only have one episode
      2. Recurrent infection
        1. less painful
        2. @ site of primary inoculation
        3. 1-2 weeks
    4. Histopathology
      1. nuclei full of viruses!
    5. Virus Reactivation
      1. Stress
        1. injury
          1. trauma
      2. Fever
      3. excessive UV light
      4. Allergies
      5. hormonal changes
        1. menses
          1. preg.
      6. Diet
        1. Argenine
          1. activates virus
          2. foods
          3. nuts
          4. chocolate
          5. spinach?
          6. gelatin
          7. reese's PB cups and Jello
        2. Lysine
          1. dormant stage
      7. URI
      8. Immunosuppression
  3. Herpangina
    1. Etiology
      1. Coxsackie A virus
    2. Gross Morphology
      1. vesicular eruption
    3. Clinical
      1. located
        1. plalate, tongue, anterior tonsillar pillars
      2. 7 days
    4. Histopathology
    5. aka
      1. hand-foot-mouth
        1. may see on palms and soles
    6. NOT a herpes infection
  4. Hairy Leukoplakia
    1. raised white areas
      1. CANNOT be scraped off
    2. THINK
      1. HIV
        1. one of first signs
        2. 70% of hairy leuko. found in HIV+ pts
    3. Etio
      1. EBV
    4. BENIGN
  5. Pyogenic Granuloma
    1. Clinical
      1. red to purple in color
      2. gingiva
      3. pregnant women
        1. children
          1. teens
    2. Gross Morphology
      1. highly vascular peduncular lesion
      2. may become ulcerated
      3. may exhibit rapid growth
      4. may regress spontaneously
      5. may ossify
        1. surgery
    3. benign
  6. Congenital Conditions
    1. Cleft palate/Cleft Lip
      1. Etio
        1. Genes
        2. Drugs
          1. IBD drugs
        3. Virus
        4. Toxins
        5. Folic acid deficiency
      2. Uvula
        1. often split
      3. Surgery
        1. 6 wks - 9 mo
    2. Palantine torus
      1. outgrowth of bone in the hard palate
      2. does not have to be treated
        1. unless
          1. dentures
      3. DD
        1. sq. cell carcinoma
  7. Candida (Thrush)
    1. Etiology
      1. normal flora
        1. Overgrowth
          1. Strain of C. albicans present
          2. Anti-biotics
          3. Chemotherapy
          4. Corticosteroid use
          5. Diet
          6. Sugar
          7. Hyperglycermia
          8. DM
    2. Gross Morphology
    3. Clinical
      1. KOH stain
        1. causes hypea to blossom
    4. Histopathology
  8. Cheilitis
    1. Etiology
      1. Diet
        1. B2
          1. riboflavin
        2. Zinc
        3. Iron
    2. Clinical
      1. deep cracks
        1. corner(s) of mouth
        2. may bleed
        3. may ulcer & crust
        4. may become infected
    3. Histopathology
    4. aka
      1. cheilosis
        1. angular stomatitis
  9. Oral Lichen Planus
    1. Etiology
      1. Idiopathic
      2. Common
        1. chronic dz
    2. Gross Morphology
      1. Oral mucosa
        1. lacy, white pathches
          1. Wickham's striae
      2. 5 Ps
        1. Pruritic, Planar, Purple, Polygonal, Papules
          1. Subtopic 1
    3. Clinical
      1. Lips
        1. violaceous or skin colored