1. Role of Education
    1. Liberation
    2. Participation in historical process
    3. Supporting people to
      1. Perceive
      2. Interpret
      3. Criticise
      4. Transform world around them
    4. Sense of
      1. Purpose
      2. Identity
    5. Dialogue leading to action
  2. Liberation Struggle: Humanisation
    1. Dehumanisation
      1. Oppressor class too dehumanised
        1. Thrived on dehumanisation of the oppressed
        2. Lovelessness, false generosity
        3. Rulers
        4. Believe in myths of the ignorance of the people
      2. Unjust & exploitative social order
    2. Carried out by the oppressed
      1. Committed involvement
      2. Solidarity
    3. Acquired by positive, creative action
      1. Constantly & responsibly
      2. Act of love
    4. Revolutionary transformation of reality
    5. Inherent dangers
      1. Oppressed want to be like oppressors
        1. Have more
      2. Internalisation of image of oppressor
    6. Process of becoming
      1. Overcoming limit situations by limit acts
      2. Critically reflecting & acting upon their existence - more they will achieve their humanity
      3. Feeling of needs > causes of needs
  3. Pedagogy of the Oppressed
    1. Is dynamic/a process
    2. Humanist (subjective) not objective
    3. With and not for the people
    4. Through educational projects
      1. Oppressors control systemic education
    5. Co-investigators
    6. Revolutionary leadership
      1. Critical & liberating permanent dialogue
      2. No room for manipulation, sloganisation, laying down rules etc
      3. Co-intentional education
        1. Jointly inventing reality
      4. Ever & always trust the people
      5. Critical knowledge to strengthen & nourish that knowledge of reality that the people have required through daily experience
    7. Problem-posing
    8. Meaningful themes
      1. Domination & liberation
      2. Epochs
  4. Consciousness
    1. Ideational capacity
      1. Capacity for forming ideas about what it seeks to understand
    2. Conscientization
    3. Intentionality
  5. Praxis
    1. Reflection <> Action
    2. Seek to transform through praxis
  6. Dialogue
    1. Engage in critical thinking
    2. Creative action
    3. Courage
    4. Hope
      1. Uncompleteness of human beings
    5. Generating acts of freedom
    6. Based on profound love
    7. Not means of domination
    8. Dialogical
      1. Conquest
      2. Divide & rule
      3. Manipulation
      4. Cultural invasion
    9. Anti-dialogical
      1. Co-operation
      2. Unity for liberation
      3. Authentic organisation
      4. Cultural synthesis